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Bases (Contract Completion)

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So I finally crawled out of the sandbox and went back to playing career after being disillusioned with 1.0 career mode (the ridiculous cost of Kerbals).

There was a way to create larger bases and complete contracts prior to 0.90 by changing the old one to a probe and docking the new module to make a bigger base. For example if the contract called for an 11 Kerbal base, one could dock a new hitchhiker with 2 existing ones and still satisfy the contract. This does not seem to be the case anymore. Mods need not apply.

1) Is there anyway to do this after 1.0?

2) Will this be implemented in another patch?

If no & no, do we want this? I would think that adding a second type of base contract would be good. Say if you don't have any bases on a body, you're offered a contract to make a new one by, let's say, KWF. Then Rockomax comes along and wants a base for whatever backwards purpose they might have. A little while later, Rockomax might decide they need a bigger base and offer a contract to expand it.

Edited by Pax Kerbana
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It's true that Kerbals cost money to recruit, but,

1. you can rescue plenty of 'em, for free (and in fact get paid for doing so)

2. to complete a base contract, it doesn't have to be crewed. If they say "make a base that can support 11 kerbals", all you need is space for that many. You can launch it completely unmanned and it will work just fine.

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Compare the cost of a Kerbal to, oh I don't know, let's say the Mammoth. Then let me know if you think that makes any sense at all. I'm not saying it significantly impacts me playing career, it's just extremely annoying to have to rescue random kerbals who have random specialties and stats when all want to do is hire an engineer. It not balanced at all, nor does it make sense.

I know that the bases don't have to be Kerbaled, it's the contract requirement of 100% new that I'm talking about. If there isn't a way to add more to an existing base and complete a larger contract, then new contract types should be offered. For when they balance career and stuff.

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Well the cost comparison makes sense. I have no source but I imagine the cost of training/salary and crew facility maintenance would easily come up to the cost of a single engine.

The mammoth is comparable to a cluster of 4 F-1 engines.

The F-1 adjusted for inflation costs $15-20 million per engine today.

Astronauts make $100,000 per year average, not including pay for spaceflight.

The Mammoth has (4) F-1 equivalent engines (and costs 32,400 roots).

This means the Mammoth would cost $60-80 million per unit (engines only!) and each root is thus equivalent to $1,800-2,500 US.

A new Kerbal hire with a price of 115,000 roots would equate to $207-288 million. Does that make any sense?

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Health insurance on a job with 90% mortality is probably pretty high... :D

Never heard the Kerbal money called "roots" before. Not sure I like it...

Well now that's a good point isn't it. Maybe I should think of them more like sports players.

And the ones you rescue are indebted to you for life, like saving a Wookie..!

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