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Sector 7 Space Laboratories - VTOL Division


Flight Controls

Lift Engines - 1

Rear Engines - 2

Vertical Landing Lights - 3

Ladders - 4

Front Landing Gear - 5

Reverse - 6

Head Lights - 7

Takeoff Operations:

With RCS & SAS active increase Throttle to Full and engage engines hitting Spacebar once.

The craft will lift at 35 m/s, Landing Gear can then be raised.

Nose up a little at 100 m/s and kill Lift Engines.

Landing Operations:

Approach Landing Zone under 100 m/s with only Lift Engines engaged at 1/4 Throttle.

As craft begins to descend increase speed to slow the descent, hovering will be near half throttle.

Use W, S & K for Thrusters to assist landing.

Use Action Groups 4 & 5 to exit the Craft, this will lower only the Front Landing Gear to avoid damages to the Craft when exiting.

Note: Craft is designed to fly with RCS & SAS. Also warranty is voided if bank turns are in excess of 250 m/s.

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Craft File: S7V-XW

Edited by castille7
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