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(1.0.4 Compatible) SSP: Space Shuttle Program (On Hold for Internal Reorganization)


Should we split the Shuttle into parts like the CSS?  

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  1. 1. Should we split the Shuttle into parts like the CSS?

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my own to do list now:

1.shuttle lighting
2.Crawler functionality
3. RO test/config
4. FAR feedback for editing
5.Dream chaser...?

That's good an all but being more specific also helps. Its like writing a paper, if you do an outline it makes things easier when writing. The more work put into the outline, the easier the writing will be and usually the better the final product will be.

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That comes from the course of actions developed after the goal setting session.

so... goals...

depends. long term or short?

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I don't have time/focus for all this management. never been good at it. hoping others can help out by doing this for me

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I'm technically a nobody right now with this but may I make a suggestion? Great!

The problem that occurred last time was a lack of direction/goal of the project. In project management, something I am quite familiar with, the project team must first come up with short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals before any work occurs. Without this goal setting portion, the ship is basically without a rudder and is taken hither and thither by the four winds. I suggest that you stop development, sit down with the entire team or at least the top three of the project management and set some goals. When the goals are set, creative courses of actions can be, well, created (who, what, when, where, why) for each goal and a timeline for each as well. This may take a bit of time but imagine just being able to sit down and have everything already laid out on when it needs to be done and what needs to be done! All this being said, I'm not in the management team and I am not certain as to what has actually already been discussed off the cuff and what is going on behind the scenes but it seems like there is a lack of direction among the project team. Hope this helps.


Spot on!

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well long term is obvious. shuttle program, and of course the addition of releted vehicles and proposed/cancelled prototypes.

mid term, complete the core shuttle and related components

short term, bug fixing, from feedback or additional editors. create a functional install. also some priority suggestions

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also link to my 'extras' that are separated from the mod. (for those who want JUST the shuttle)

add this to page one

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includes the aircraft and payload thingys

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so... goals...

depends. long term or short?

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I don't have time/focus for all this management. never been good at it. hoping others can help out by doing this for me

I would be willing to assist in the direction of the project, not manage it though.

Here's the big deal, goals have to be set. These are the kind of questions we have to answer:

What do we want as a final product?

- Shuttle, ground facilities, launch vehicle, Extras, payloads, all of it.

What do we want six months from now?

- Shuttle and ground facilities

What do we want six weeks from now?

- Shuttle and launch vehicle

That's just a quick example.

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I don't have time/focus for all this management. never been good at it. hoping others can help out by doing this for me

Thats honest. I suck at keeping atention. I can hyperfocus for a short time and do massive amounts of work in that short time, but when it takes too long my other interests/hobbies take over. That sucks. Especcially career wise haha.

You are doing a great job, never seen anyone pickup and excell in 3D modeling this fast before, and as I am a university lecturer in 3D modeling I have seen a lot! :P

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I notice when I enjoy doing it, it all goes well, and I fly through things. sometimes run out of energy and come to a stop

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It all comes down to what the final product should look like. For where there is no vision, the people perish.

im just gonna be dumb and say I like making things people ask for and try to solve problems when it doesn't work. there are things I want to do but feel I need to do catch up on whats there already, but waiting for help/feedback takes time

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I notice when I enjoy doing it, it all goes well, and I fly through things. sometimes run out of energy and come to a stop

That's generally what happens when you don't have assistance or an objective to accomplish. Having short, mid, and long term goals gives people purpose and drive. Through the courses of action it allows members of the team to see their progress and continue to work with diligence.

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what do you suggest? without guidance I got this far, but i can see i go off topic and do stuff i want.

rather looking for a collective goal from users and what they want to see maybe?

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i have a mechanics way of thinking, not a business mans planning mind

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That is part of what we like to call, "Research Stage" in project management. It is where you find out what the users want. It is honestly my least favorite part put that's just me. So, a great idea would be to simply ask that question, "What do you want to see as a part of the Space Shuttle Program?" Make it a google drive form. Post a link like the poll and see what you get after three days. Compile the list of what the users want, figure out what is possible, select those possible outcomes as the final product, create a mission statement for the project team, create long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals, then develop courses of actions to achieve those goals. BINGO! Organization at its finest! After the publication of the final product, refine it as necessary and fix bugs as necessary. This is why major products have updates, like operating systems.

After all of that is said and done, if the users start asking for more, start thinking of making an expansion pack later on.

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To be homest, my biggest vision for this is getting this to full release. It's between now and then that is tricky for me. I am,honestly trying, but with school, it isn't easy. I should have a light break after finals today.

What is the full release, what does it all include? Will it be final with no expansions or will there be expansions? When will it be done?

If you can answer these questions, then they just need to be told to the project team. Then, make the middle stuff. Again, I am willing to help but I don't want to be in charge.

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What is the full release, what does it all include? Will it be final with no expansions or will there be expansions? When will it be done?

If you can answer these questions, then they just need to be told to the project team. Then, make the middle stuff. Again, I am willing to help but I don't want to be in charge.

For me, i want to have the biggest focus on the shuttle. Get the thing to least bugged state possible. After that, compatibility with various mods like deadly reentry, rss, ro, far, and tac life support. After that, i feel that it will be ready for full release. Will there be further expansions, absolutely! But i feel the shuttle is,priority.

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Hey mike, how's that shuttle gantry coming? Want to give it to kart to texture?

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Then create a document that outlines what the final product should be, the stepping stones to getting there, and how to reach each stepping stone. Basically, the three levels of goals.

Ok, will do...after school...

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I know that it isn't strictly related to your mod, but instead of producing every satellite, project or prototype, I would like to see again a proper Mir, Soyuz and ISS. What's the point in having a shuttle (maybe with a working Canadarm) without orbital station? And not the heavy and ram-eating old Bobcat's pack, but new models with shared textures. Just my 2 cents

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I know that it isn't strictly related to your mod, but instead of producing every satellite, project or prototype, I would like to see again a proper Mir, Soyuz and ISS. What's the point in having a shuttle (maybe with a working Canadarm) without orbital station? And not the heavy and ram-eating old Bobcat's pack, but new models with shared textures. Just my 2 cents

That is on the agenda for future development

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