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[1.4] SpaceY Expanded, v1.5 (2018-04-02)


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NOTE: SpaceY Expanded 1.4 requires KSP 1.4!

NOTE: Requires ModuleManager and SpaceY Heavy Lifters as dependencies!


SpaceY Expanded

Optional Parts Add-On for SpaceY-Lifters


SpaceY Expanded is an optional expansion to the SpaceY Heavy Lifters, adding 7.5m parts and other accessories that go beyond the original intent of the original main pack.

NOTE: Requires ModuleManager and SpaceY Heavy Lifters as dependencies!

Cooperates with other mods:

Part of the NecroBones suite of mods, that work nicely together:



Image Gallery:

(Note that the stats, appearances, and descriptions of the parts shown below are subject to change, or may be out of date)




Future updates:

All sorts of things are possible, so who knows? Some ideas for additional parts:

  • 3.75m, 5m, and 7.5m cargo/service bays
  • More RCS, OMS options, both for monoprop and LFO
  • Additional launch clamp designs
  • Who knows? :wink:


Installation Instructions:

1. If upgrading from a previous copy, it's recommended to delete the old "SpaceY-Expanded" folder first.

2. Backup your "saves" folder! While not required for installing mods, it's a good idea anyway. If any parts you have already used (including stock parts) fail to load, you'll have ships getting deleted!

3. Download and open the ZIP file.

4. Copy the "SpaceY-Expanded" folder into your "GameData" folder.

5. Make sure you have up-to-date copies of Module Manager, and SpaceY-Lifters installed.

6. If upgrading, check your designs in the VAB/SPH. If attachment nodes have changed, you may need to reposition parts.







Problem: Fuel tanks or SRBs flash different colors, with glitchy "z-fighting":

Usually it boils down to one of a few different things. Now that I've seen probably most of them, I can give you a good list:

1. Everything is installed correctly, but ModuleManager's cache hasn't noticed the changes yet.

   Fix: This is a great one to try first. Delete the file called "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" in GameData. ModuleManager recreates it on the next KSP start.

2. ModuleManager isn't installed.

   Fix: Install it. :)

3. This mod is installed incorrectly, or you've deleted the color-change ModuleManager configs.

   Fix: Reinstall the mod correctly, and in its entirety. The MM config files include rules for what to do when color-changing isn't available, so please don't delete those.

4. Firespitter and/or InterstellarFuelSwitch are installed, but not functioning.

   Fix: The most likely cause is that the version of FS or IFS doesn't work with your version of KSP (for instance, you upgraded to KSP 1.1, and the mod is meant for 1.0.5 or earlier), or your copy is only partially installed. Delete it, and install the latest version of it. 

5. ModuleManager thinks color-changing is available via Firespitter or InterstellarFuelSwitch, but neither is installed.

   Fix: This is a little trickier to pinpoint. Either another mod has bad rules in it (for instance using "FOR[Firespitter]" instead of "NEEDS[Firespitter]") and is therefore tricking ModuleManager, or one of these two mods is only partially installed. That could happen if you removed them via CKAN but the directories still exist, which ModuleManager will see as having them installed. To fix, either make sure both of those mods are completely uninstalled, or install one (or both) of them. Only the DLL from one of them is needed, you don't need the entire mod. But it needs to be running if ModuleManager thinks its there.

6. It's possible that another mod may be confused that changes how VAB/SPH tweakables or engine shrouds work.

   This is an odd case, but not impossible. When you don't have Firespitter or InterstellarFuelSwitch installed, the alternate paint jobs are disabled by turning them into "engine shrouds" that correspond to an attachment node that is a kilometer outside the VAB. If another mod interferes with this, such as defaulting all shrouds to "on" even when detached, then you might also see z-fighting. Sadly, the solution might be to simply not use the mods together.


Problem: Textures are missing and you're seeing a lot magenta (purple/pink):

1. Files may be missing, or not where the mod is expecting to find them.

   Fix: Make sure you've installed the mod correctly, in its entirety, and in the right location. Don't rename folders. You can try completely deleting the mod and reinstalling (which is the best way to update the mod anyway). Also make sure the mod's dependencies are installed (SpaceY Expanded requires SpaceY Lifters, for instance).

2. ActiveTextureManagement is goofing it up.

   Fix: Either remove ATM, or try deleting ATM's cache. ATM frequently has cache issues that cause problems for texture reassignment across folder boundaries. ATM doesn't help as much as it used to, now that stock KSP and most mods use DDS texture format. We've included configs to try to stop ATM from processing this mod's folder, but that may not be working either.


Problem: Engine exhaust plumes are missing:

Cause: ModuleManager thinks that HotRockets is installed, but it actually isn't.

    Fix 1: Install HotRockets so that it's a non-issue.

    Fix 2: Go into the SpaceY folder(s) and delete "SpaceY_HotRockets.cfg". This will keep it from trying to use the HotRockets plumes.

    Fix 3: Figure out which other mod is causing the confusion, and remove it. We still don't know which mods are causing this, but it's probably due to someone using a "FOR" statement in their MM config instead of "NEEDS".



Download From:






(NOTE: Don't forget to install both ModuleManager and SpaceY-Lifters when using SpaceY-Expanded)



Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



Revision History:

1.4 (2018-04-02) - KSP 1.4 update.
 - Reworked color-changing to use KSP 1.4's mesh switcher.
 - Flag decals disabled for now, since the stock mesh switcher doesn't play nicely with them.
 - Disabled auto-caps on tanks, due to KSP bugs over several versions.
 - Added some missing definitions for Modular Fuel Tanks.
 - Changed ModularFuelTanks config to use consolidated wildcard patch.

1.3 (2016-10-18) - Update.
 - Moved service bays to Payload tab.
 - Added a pair of 10m-3.75m engine adapters.
 - Added 10m stack separator.
 - Added two new lengths of 10m fuel tanks.
 - Added "SaturnV" paint scheme to 10m tanks to match new engine adapters.
 - Removed some unnecessary duplicate geometry from 10m fuel tanks.

1.2 (2016-10-12) - Update & KSP 1.2 compatibility.
 - Added KSP 1.2 and KerbNet modules to probe cores.
 - Corrected a mesh alignment issue on the E1 Emu engine. 
 - Added 10m parts, including some large thrust plates for SpaceX BFT/MCT/ITS styled lifters.
 - Categories adjusted for several parts, corresponding to 1.2 changes.

1.1.11 (2016-08-01) - Tweaks.
 - Icon-only shroud added to fairing base, for easy identification in menu.
 - Removed RemoteTech modules from probe core (now handled by patch in SpaceY-Lifters).
 - Added a compatibility exclusion for HPTechTree.

1.1.10 (2016-07-12) - Tweaks.
 - Restricted liquid fuel engines, fairings, and decouplers to non-surface part testing contracts, to match SRBs.
 - Adjusted some nickname tags on engines.

1.1.9 (2016-05-01) - Tweaks.
 - Updated Probe core to use IndicatorLights if available.
 - Probe cores now also have a toggle option for light-up labels that correspond to the indicator lights.
 - Converted many texture placeholders to DDS format (not that this gains much of anything).

1.1.8 (2016-04-25) - Tweaks.
 - More search keywords on engines.
 - Added collider setting for procedural fairing base.
 - Updated heat shield's staging settings to match stock changes in 1.1.
 - Fixed the "always transparent" problem in the VAB for the service/cargo bays.

1.1.7 (2016-04-17) - Career fixes.
 - Drastically reduced career prices for fuel tanks, to bring them into line with stock again.
 - Adjusted career prices of E1,E2,E4,R9 engines, to bring them into line with stock again.
 - Increased prices on Penguin (P-series) engines.

1.1.6 (2016-3-31) - KSP 1.1 Update.
 - Moved ModuleManager patches to "Patches" folder.
 - Added tags for part searches.
 - Updated ModuleManager inclusion.

1.1.5 (2016-01-29) - Tweaks.
 - Updated the CryoEngines config to be consistent with its new propellant ratio.

1.1.4 (2016-01-14) - Tweaks.
 - Removed the tech tree nodes, since they've been moved to SpaceY Lifters (requires SpaceY Lifters 1.8.2+).

1.1.3 (2016-01-11) - Fixes.
 - CryoEngines fix: The Penguin engines should no longer display their default plume effects even when not running.

1.1.2 (2016-01-02) - Fixes.
 - CryoEngines fix: The Penguin engines should no longer run more than one engine mode at once.

1.1.1 (2016-01-02) - Fixes.
 - Included ModuleManager version updated with its 2.6.16 bugfix update.
 - Added a "needs" condition for TweakScale patches.

1.1 (2015-12-31) - Texture Compatibility.
 - Removed 7.5m fuel tank texture, since it was moved to SpaceY Lifters.
    - Repointed all necessary texture assignments to the new location.
    - Adjusted UV-mapping of 5m texture as needed to corrospond to changes in Lifters.
 - Changed "ModularFuelTanks" config to also apply if RealFuels is installed.

1.0 (2015-12-17) - Stable.
 - Let's call this the 1.0 release. Things have been pretty stable lately.
 - Added "SpaceY_ATM.cfg" with settings to attempt to disable or dissuade ActiveTextureManagement for this mod.
    - Can optionally be deleted to return to ATM defaults.
    - ATM known to occasionally have caching issues with remapped/shared textures in my mods.
    - SpaceY is already very memory efficient and uses DDS, so ATM doesn't help much for this case.
    - May need to delete ATM's cache if using ATM and some textures still aren't appearing.
 - Updated 7.5m stack decoupler:
    - Ejection charge reduced by half (to 500, down from 1000).
    - Added built-in "sepratron" solid propellant separator motors.
    - Research cost increased slightly.
 - Replaced "placeholder" textures. Smaller, and more obvious when texture reassignment has failed.
 - Corrected a texture assignment problem on the 7.5m E2 engine.

0.9 (2015-11-11) - KSP 1.0.5 update.
 - Corrected the display-name of the "Gigantic Structure" tech node, instead of displaying it as a second "Massive Structure" node.
 - Diameters added to 7.5m fuel tank names, for easy identification in VAB menu.
 - Updated heat shield to current stock ablator settings and contract constraints. Slightly increased ablator quantity.
 - Updated all engines to use FXModuleAnimateThrottle for heat animation.
 - Engines, fairings, decouplers/separators updated to use new stock-alike thermal settings and contract constraints.
 - Lightened the color and "grain" of the white texture on fuel tanks (will also affect 5m tanks).

0.8 (2015-10-16) - Beta, engine updates.
 - Adjusted R9 engine HotRockets config to correspond to SpaceY Lifters' fixes (as of Lifters v1.3).
 - R9 engine now uses custom default engine effects from SpaceY Lifters (requires Lifters v1.3+).
 - R9 engine now uses new engine bell art assets from SpaceY Lifters 1.3+.
 - New default custom particle effects for LFO engines (E,P series).

0.7 (2015-10-09) - Beta.
 - Corrected the cross-section profile on several parts (mainly Emu engines and decoupler/separators).
 - Fuel tanks now have multiple paint schemes, selectable if InterstellarFuelSwitch or Firespitter are installed.
    - Known issue: Will have nasty z-fighting with all paint schemes at once, if something tricks ModuleManager about Interstelar/Firespitter installed state. Might have to delete ModuleManager config cache.

0.6.1 (2015-10-02) - Tweaks.
 - Moved some engine mod-support to their own MM config files:
    - CryoEngines
    - EngineIgnitor
 - Adjusted the Penguin engines' CryoEngines-triggered ISPs upward for both fuel modes.
 - Added 7.5m stack separator.

0.6 (2015-10-01) - Beta.
 - Adjusted P-series (Penguin) engines back to 400 ISP by default.
 - Added MM config for Penguin engines to detect CryoEngines and make the following tweaks:
    - Reduces Liquid-Fuel ISP to 360.
    - Adds mode switching, with alternate Liquid-Hydrogen mode, with slightly better ISP but slightly worse thrust.
 - Added a minuscule gimbal range to Penguin engines (previously they were non-vectoring). 
 - Significantly increased connection breaking strength on most parts (including all 7.5m parts).

0.5.1 (2015-09-23) - Beta.
 - Adjusted P-series (Penguins) vacuum ISP to 390. Work in progress. 
 - Fixed a problem with the 7.5m tanks (and 5m tanks) working properly with Modular Fuel Tanks.

0.5 (2015-09-23) - Beta.
 - Fixed an issue with some parts not being able to show up in CTT's tech tree. Requires SpaceY-Lifters v1.0.4 to be effective.
 - Corrected the names of the README and this CHANGELOG to reflect that it's the Expanded version of the mod.
 - Reduced P-series (Penguins) vacuum ISP to 380 (down from 400).

0.4 (2015-09-11) - Alpha/Beta.
 - Added 7.5m service bay.
 - Corrected the 3.75m and 5m service bays to have "No Attach" flag for door colliders.
 - Reduced the size of the flag decal on the 5m service bay.

0.3 (2015-09-10) - Alpha/Beta.
 - Added service bays: 3.75m, 5m
 - Fixed a typo in the TweakScale config.

0.2 (2015-09-04) - Alpha/Beta
 - Increased the 1-atmosphere ISP of the Penguin (vacuum) engines to 250, up from 100.
 - Changed the E1 engine's thrust vector location to aid in clipping engines.
 - Added fueled 7.5m nose cone.
 - 7.5m to 5m adapter tank more than doubled in capacity, cost, etc (was underpowered for its size)
    - Also added it to the Modular Fuel Tanks config.
 - Added an additional shorter 7.5m to 5m adapter tank with checkered paint scheme.
 - Added non-fueled 7.5m to 5m adapter.
 - Added an upper-stage capable 7.5m "Dual-Emu" engine.

0.1 (2015-09-02) - Initial Alpha test version. 
 - Requires ModuleManager and SpaceY-Lifters as dependencies.


Edited by NecroBones
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Downloading now. I'm playing on a 6.4-sized version of outerplanets and need some bigger parts. Tweakscaling engines is cheating imho.

I just did a couple test launches and this is very useful. They aren't any more powerful than clusters of smaller engines, but they sure increase my fps on big launches. And they do not seem oversized in comparison to the launch pad. That flame pit is much bigger than any reasonable rocket using stock or similar dimensions.

I would suggest that the monumental difference between vacuum and atmospheric ISP is too much. If a vacuum engine is really going to be that bad in atmosphere then it should have a truly massive bell ... massive is in 10x the size of an equivalent atmospheric engine. Think Apollo, tiny engine giant bell.

Edited by Sandworm
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  Sandworm said:

I would suggest that the monumental difference between vacuum and atmospheric ISP is too much. If a vacuum engine is really going to be that bad in atmosphere then it should have a truly massive bell ... massive is in 10x the size of an equivalent atmospheric engine. Think Apollo, tiny engine giant bell.

Yeah, I may bump that up a bit.

FYI, I based it on the Poodle, which has only 90 at one atmosphere.

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  NecroBones said:
Yeah, I may bump that up a bit.

FYI, I based it on the Poodle, which has only 90 at one atmosphere.

Poodle = Squad = nerfed. Really, there isn't much science behind the stock thrust/weight/ISP/efficiency/size ... they pull their constants out of hats. Ideally we could use the same engines with different bell options but that's an entirely different mod.

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Yay, bigger rockets, everyone likes bigger rockets :D

Just a quick question NB, are these parts compatible with Real Fuels yet ? I don't really know which modder should make the compatibility and the configs for Real Fuels, but I'm asking anyway and hoping for an answer :)

EDIT: and BTW, again, it's great for RSS, where you always need bigger rockets

Edited by Gaarst
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Test flight, sort of like the Delta IV with aparagus staging, put a total of 950 tonnes into LKO orbit at 100 km, with a possible 9000 m/s delta-v left. A lot of that mass can be payload rather than fuel

The quad Penguin feels seriously underpowered, and there are stacking problems for the second stage if you want to stick with the Emu. Essentially, there's a performance gap in the altitude/speed region that the Saturn V 2nd stage operated in. The first stage can lift more weight than the quad Penguin is comfortable with.

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  Sandworm said:
Poodle = Squad = nerfed. Really, there isn't much science behind the stock thrust/weight/ISP/efficiency/size ... they pull their constants out of hats. Ideally we could use the same engines with different bell options but that's an entirely different mod.

LOL, yes, I know what you mean. I aim for stock balance first, realism second (especially since I figure the realism mods can alter things to their heart's content anyway). I have it bumped to 200 at 1 atmosphere on my side, but I may set it higher still.

  Gaarst said:
Yay, bigger rockets, everyone likes bigger rockets :D

Just a quick question NB, are these parts compatible with Real Fuels yet ? I don't really know which modder should make the compatibility and the configs for Real Fuels, but I'm asking anyway and hoping for an answer :)

EDIT: and BTW, again, it's great for RSS, where you always need bigger rockets

I think they add it on their side? Not sure. I basically did the same thing with these tanks as with the mainline SpaceY, so they have Modular Fuel Tanks support included.

  Wolf Baginski said:
Test flight, sort of like the Delta IV with aparagus staging, put a total of 950 tonnes into LKO orbit at 100 km, with a possible 9000 m/s delta-v left. A lot of that mass can be payload rather than fuel

The quad Penguin feels seriously underpowered, and there are stacking problems for the second stage if you want to stick with the Emu. Essentially, there's a performance gap in the altitude/speed region that the Saturn V 2nd stage operated in. The first stage can lift more weight than the quad Penguin is comfortable with.

Yeah, I think that's fine, technically. The Penguins are really meant to be "space" engines first and foremost, and are included more for completeness in that regard, rather than a direct expectation of people building interplanetary stages with 7.5m parts. Options exist with using the thrust plates to build an upper stage with other engines too, but I can also consider making a more powerful upper-stage 7.5m engine as well. I'll think on some ideas.

  Yukon0009 said:
Oh no don't get Whackjob take notice of this thread. Ever.

He already saw the development posts in the other thread... so uhm... It's probably just a matter of time before he clusters these. :)

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A quick fun fact before someone complains about it: After some testing, the weight of pretty much any 7.5 meter stack will almost invariably cause the E4 Emu engine to become stuck to the surface of the launch pad, wasting almost half of your fuel before the TWR changes sufficiently to release it. Use those launch clamps folks!

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  NecroBones said:
I think they add it on their side? Not sure. I basically did the same thing with these tanks as with the mainline SpaceY, so they have Modular Fuel Tanks support included.

The tanks indeed work fine with Real Fuels, but while the engines are compatible, they have only one fuel mode (Kerolox) and their masses are not tweaked down to the Real Fuels scale, there also seems to be not designated plume from Real Plume. Though I have no idea who should do the compabilities, I'll ask around ^^ They are still very useable, no problem on that side.

Also, I haven't found a adapter between 7.5m parts and smaller ones. Is it not added yet or am I just blind ? :P

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Confess! You are part of a conspiracy to melt our computer memory! :sticktongue: After the sixth mod do you plan to rest for the seventh? :0.0:

I'm really sad, I will have to wait the 1.1 to test this mod (I WANT IT! ;.; ) since my game install is already crashing every 15/20 min :sealed: . Yeah, I iknow I take the motto "mod it 'til it crashes" a bit too serioulsy :sticktongue: But I'm eager to try it! Hurry Squad!

I guess I will squizz some mods and try it anytime soon...

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  technerd89 said:
A quick fun fact before someone complains about it: After some testing, the weight of pretty much any 7.5 meter stack will almost invariably cause the E4 Emu engine to become stuck to the surface of the launch pad, wasting almost half of your fuel before the TWR changes sufficiently to release it. Use those launch clamps folks!

Heh, yeah that's an old bug. Apparently we're now getting massive enough to start triggering it again. :)

  Gaarst said:
The tanks indeed work fine with Real Fuels, but while the engines are compatible, they have only one fuel mode (Kerolox) and their masses are not tweaked down to the Real Fuels scale, there also seems to be not designated plume from Real Plume. Though I have no idea who should do the compabilities, I'll ask around ^^ They are still very useable, no problem on that side.

Also, I haven't found a adapter between 7.5m parts and smaller ones. Is it not added yet or am I just blind ? :P

Yeah, since the pack just came out, they probably need some time to add the needed engine configs on their side.

There is an adapter, but it's in the fuel tanks section, since it's fueled. I probably should add a purely structural one as well.

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I love this! Big rockets are even more fun now! Just a few small things:

The Emu engines doesn't seem to like being clipped together at all. Try mounting 8 in a 7.5m tank radius and they will lose all thrust. No other engine does this. I really like the surface attachment though :)

A fueled nosecone would be nice, the adapter+5m nosetank is pretty ugly.

Longer landing legs are necessary for landing SSTOs.

And as I said in the original spacey thread, cargo bays for all stack sizes.

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Yep, a nose-cone would be good. I'll definitely do one of those. Longer legs are something I added in Lithobrake, thinking along those lines. That doesn't mean I can't add them here too, but I'm holding off on making any more legs until I know what the Unity 5 solution will be.

Huh, no idea on the clipping thrust thing, as they're designed the same way as other engines. I could see it happening if the engine bells extended into each other's center lines. I can take another look at it. It might be as simple as switching which transform applies the thrust vector. Usually I have the transform that acts as the gimbal pivot also apply the thrust, but it doesn't need to be that way. I'll take a look at it.

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  Michaelo90 said:
Emu engines doesn't seem to like being clipped together at all. Try mounting 8 in a 7.5m tank radius and they will lose all thrust. No other engine does this. I really like the surface attachment though :)

OK, I have this fixed on my side. I'll get an update out probably today or tomorrow with the first round of fixes, so this will be included.

Basically what happened is that this engine has separate colliders in the bells that rotate with the gimbal, unlike most other engines which just have one big collider. This interfered with the clipping, with the thrust transform being placed above it. Applying the thrust inside or below the collider fixes it.

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