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Dark Giant may be lurking beyond pluto's orbit


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The fact that it is just out of reach of our most sensitive telescopes is proof of its nefarious intents!

It's no star, it's a space station built by Nazis after they time traveled to the future and built it before travelling to the past and placing it in an orbit around the sun. It's a hump of metal at the size of a star so that's why we can't detect it.

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this could be possible, we discover new dwarf planets all the time. after a certain distance you couldn't tell them apart from a regular planet

edit nix the nemesis theory, this is about wether there is another planet out there

Edited by insert_name
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As the earth rotates during the day and goes around the sun during the year, the only place one observatory couldn't look is a spot too close to the opposite pole of the earth. (Example: an observatory near the north pole would not be able to see a bit of the sky around the south pole.) However, there are telescopes in the northern regions of the earth and the southern regions, so their fields of view overlap and cover the areas the other hemisphere would miss. Thus, mo telescope can see everywhere at once, but it's just geometry that no part of the sky can not be observed by any telescopes at all.

Yes Earth rotates around the Sun, but from Earth this movement doesn't look like that, also movement of planets doesn't look like they where on orbits around the Sun, it looks like this


behind that planet is also cone of space we can't see. Of course over time that cone is moving same as planet and Earth being on different place of its own orbit, but here comes next question... what part of hemisphere you can observe during one session in observatory?

There is another thing for example Pluto since it was discovered in 1930 didn't even made half of its orbit... Pluto orbital period 247.94 years, years since discovery 85.

And now we are talking about planet or small star that is much farther than Pluto, so since 1900 how far this object could be move on its orbit?

This again? :D

WISE infrared orbital telescope did a whole sky scan in 2012 with capabilities of finding Neptune-sized object all the way to 700AU, and Jupiter sized object to approximately 1 lightyear. And it haven't found any big object out there.

There is a theory called Nemesis which says that Sun is gravitationally bound to a small red dwarf star, which returns on its elliptical orbit into Solar system every 26 million years causing extinctions on Earth. That star would have been visible by a small telescope if it existed, not even talking about WISE IR scans. The same thing goes for a brown dwarf in outer Solar system.

I don't think we will find anything beyond the size of Mercury or Mars out there. Accretion disc around young Sun was very scattered so far away and it couldn't form anything big IMO.

Unless we are looking small star covered with Dyson sphere :)

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There is another thing for example Pluto since it was discovered in 1930 didn't even made half of its orbit... Pluto orbital period 247.94 years, years since discovery 85.

And now we are talking about planet or small star that is much farther than Pluto, so since 1900 how far this object could be move on its orbit?

It would be relatively stationary compared to another planetary reference point like jupiter. But since jupiters orbit is rather slow also we would use then gas giants collectively as refences points and star close to systems plane. This is a moot point anyway because this region of space is cold from our pov, the solar wind has spread out, slowed down, moisture sublimates, and pluto is covered with essentially solids of STP liquids and liquids of STP gases meaning that the background is fairly low in the IR spectrum. Any exothermic body, a large body with a higher NTO to surface ratio will have a surface blazing IR relative to the background and will be moving relative to the gas giants and the starfield. Even a dyson sphere, assumption being they are converting usable hv to power is going to output IR as a byproduct of the coversion. IOW there is no way not to be visible except to be nuclear and gravitationally dead.

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Yes Earth rotates around the Sun, but from Earth this movement doesn't look like that, also movement of planets doesn't look like they where on orbits around the Sun, it looks like this


behind that planet is also cone of space we can't see. Of course over time that cone is moving same as planet and Earth being on different place of its own orbit, but here comes next question... what part of hemisphere you can observe during one session in observatory?

There is another thing for example Pluto since it was discovered in 1930 didn't even made half of its orbit... Pluto orbital period 247.94 years, years since discovery 85.

And now we are talking about planet or small star that is much farther than Pluto, so since 1900 how far this object could be move on its orbit?

Unless we are looking small star covered with Dyson sphere :)

Darnok, planets move. Even if "Nemesis" was hidden behind another planet, in a matter of days, a combination of that planets orbital motion and parallax from the earth would reveal it. Besides, as has already been mentioned, gravitational effects are enough to disprove the hypothesis.

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  • 2 months later...


New article on the matter, new planetoid has been discovered with quirky orbit that cannot be defined for a year or so.

Another link: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34787422

Edited by PB666
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Unless we are looking small star covered with Dyson sphere :)

A Dyson sphere would essentially emit the same power as the star converted to thermal infrared (in steady state; as long as it emits less it warms up until it does). WISE could detect objects with temperatures down to 70-100K and thus would have found that ;)

Not to mention that even the smallest star would still have the mass of tens of Jupiters and thus cause noticeable perturbations on Pluto and other Kuiper Belt Objects.

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A Dyson sphere would essentially emit the same power as the star converted to thermal infrared (in steady state; as long as it emits less it warms up until it does). WISE could detect objects with temperatures down to 70-100K and thus would have found that ;)

Not to mention that even the smallest star would still have the mass of tens of Jupiters and thus cause noticeable perturbations on Pluto and other Kuiper Belt Objects.

But it's also very far.

Although it's probably Neptune sized at the most.

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Mars-sized at the smallest.

I think this thread should be merged with the other threads on the possible additional planet, making a mega thread.

This thread precedes the new thread by more than a month, the reason the posts were addede here is that the articles both mention the possible influence of a much larger object. That thread should be merged into this one.

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This thread precedes the new thread by more than a month, the reason the posts were addede here is that the articles both mention the possible influence of a much larger object. That thread should be merged into this one.

That's what I meant.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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