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Magic Boulder save file, Anyone?


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Does anyone have a save file with a ship at the magic boulder? Preferably from version 0.17(.1) but I could lift the UT and orbital parameters from any version of save file. 15km and 80 degree inclination is simply not specific enough.

I've been making a video with all of KSP's easter eggs, but the magic boulder has so far eluded me. I've tried the sit-at-the-pole-and-stare-at-the-horizon approach at 4x physics warp for a full Ike rotation and nothing. I've no longer got the time for sitting around watching for hours on end, so I was wondering if anyone could share a save file with an (ideally stock) ship at the boulder, or with just a ship on its orbital plane, or just paste a complete set of orbital parameters with corresponding Universe Time. I'll rep whoever helps and credit them in the video. Thank you.

UPDATE: Brotoro helped me find it.

[FONT=Verdana] UT = 579904622.94522[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] SMA = 144976.89721031[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] ECC = 0.000623674548558755[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] INC = 79.9965128319241[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] LPE = 58.1083124171952[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] LAN = 359.990849157807[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] MNA = 4.60382584677537[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] EPH = 579904622.94522[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana] REF = 7

Edited by TheMoonRover
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  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Oh, sorry. Nope, I only bought the game in .23.5.

No worries.

  Jr6150x said:
I could probably get you a version where it still exists, but I have no ship near it unfortunately

I have a version in which it exists, I just don't have to time to find it. And sharing such a version would be in breech of copyright anyway.

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  TheMoonRover said:
Yeah, I've just sent him a message. Thanks, I didn't think of that. Hopefully he still has the save file...
  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
Maybe Brotoro got a Savefile...

Yes, he did.


UT = 579904622.94522
SMA = 144976.89721031
ECC = 0.000623674548558755
INC = 79.9965128319241
LPE = 58.1083124171952
LAN = 359.990849157807
MNA = 4.60382584677537
EPH = 579904622.94522
REF = 7

Edited by TheMoonRover
Sorry, wrong number(s)
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  TheMoonRover said:

UT = 579904622.94522
SMA = 629197.532622468
ECC = 0.000880212677088448
INC = 90.0034278516769
LPE = 228.46281614919
LAN = 175.724259510882
MNA = 3.83070683889938
EPH = 579833565.391126
REF = 7

A 90 degree inclination?

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  TheMoonRover said:
Yes, he did.

UT = 579904622.94522
SMA = 629197.532622468
ECC = 0.000880212677088448
INC = 90.0034278516769
LPE = 228.46281614919
LAN = 175.724259510882
MNA = 3.83070683889938
EPH = 579833565.391126
REF = 7

These numbers don't jive with the data in your video; Most notably, the semimajor axis and eccentricity bespeak an orbit above Ike of about 500 km altitude.

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  maltesh said:
These numbers don't jive with the data in your video; Most notably, the semimajor axis and eccentricity bespeak an orbit above Ike of about 500 km altitude.

The semimajor axis is measured from the dead centre of the body since the relevant equations rely on point-masses. Subtract duna's radius and you should be golden

I'm more concerned about that inclination, is that just a typo? I haven't had the chance to watch the video yet

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  Endersmens said:

Also, yes, 90 degree inclination. That's why it's so hard to find, and that's why the strategy for finding it is "Sit on the pole of Ike and wait" :) His location is correct from what I can tell.

I've generally heard 80 degrees for the inclination of the boulder though

Or at least the wiki seems to think so

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  nalfz said:
The semimajor axis is measured from the dead centre of the body since the relevant equations rely on point-masses. Subtract duna's radius and you should be golden

I'm more concerned about that inclination, is that just a typo? I haven't had the chance to watch the video yet

It's not in orbit around Duna. It's in orbit around Ike, and Ike's radius is 130 km. 629 km semimajor axis on a nearly-circular orbit over Ike is a distance-averaged 499 km altitude.

For the approximately 15 km orbital altitude displayed in the video, the semimajor axis should be about 145 km.

Edited by maltesh
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  maltesh said:
These numbers don't jive with the data in your video; Most notably, the semimajor axis and eccentricity bespeak an orbit above Ike of about 500 km altitude.
  nalfz said:
The semimajor axis is measured from the dead centre of the body since the relevant equations rely on point-masses. Subtract duna's radius and you should be golden

I'm more concerned about that inclination, is that just a typo? I haven't had the chance to watch the video yet

Ike's radius, not Duna, but that number is still to big. Now you mention it, I think I may have posted the wrong set of numbers. Bear with me a minute...

  nalfz said:
I've generally heard 80 degrees for the inclination of the boulder though

Or at least the wiki seems to think so

Yes, it is. Let me check that.

  maltesh said:
It's not in orbit around Duna. It's in orbit around Ike, and Ike's radius is 130 km. 629 km semimajor axis on a nearly-circular orbit over Ike is a distance-averaged 499 km altitude.

For the approximately 15 km orbital altitude displayed in the video, the semimajor axis should be about 145 km.

Correct. Clearly I did post the wrong set of coordinates.

  bonyetty said:
Nice work TheMoonRover. You got me thinking, would it be possible to copy and past the magic Boulder in to 1.0.x from previous versions? If it is how would one go about it?

I doubt it. If it was a ship, it should be possible. If it was a planet (or other celestial body) it should be possible. But it's neither. Apparently it's still in the code but the game refuses to render it.

- - - Updated - - -

Fixed. That should be right now. I just selected the wrong ship in the save file.

And to clarify, that's roughly the orbit your ship should be on to find the Magic Boulder at that UT (in a version where the Magic Boulder still existed)

Edited by TheMoonRover
formatting error
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