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Dres got harder

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Is it me or does it take way more dV to capture around Dres now(post-1.0)? I swear I was able to with 1500dV but today it took me over 2500!! I can only imagine what Moho is like now! Unfortunately it's still just as boring, and the added roids don't make it a place I want to keep going back to....

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It was a pretty simple probe. 450km PE, single nuke engine, some science onboard. Putting a maneuver node on the PE and pulling back to circularization showed me I needed 2700dV I think. I had 2300 left in my tank so I now have an egg of an orbit and can only scan the lower half of Dres when I get into range lol

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  Bill Phil said:
It could be that you just burned inefficiently...

yep, this happened to me also, i was testing rocket dV coming of of krebin and got an intercept with dres, thing is that my kerbin escape had alot of radial velocity sonthat when it reached kerbin my diifferential was high, it took alot to slow down.

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For Dres you have a +0/1000 m/s depending on when you start. Transfer windows aren't all the same. You can get there for very cheap and next, expending a lot more dV, even with a nice encounter.

LKO to Dres LO is 2850 up to 3860.

Edited by Warzouz
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  xtoro said:
It was a pretty simple probe. 450km PE, single nuke engine, some science onboard. Putting a maneuver node on the PE and pulling back to circularization showed me I needed 2700dV I think. I had 2300 left in my tank so I now have an egg of an orbit and can only scan the lower half of Dres when I get into range lol

Er, just how much science are we talkin' about here? The OLD nuke was a pretty poor choice of an engine unless you had dozens of Science Jrs..


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What matters is how your transfer orbit compares to Dres's orbit. If your transfer apoapsis just touches Dres's orbit and the planes match up you'll have a relatively low delta-V capture burn. If your transfer has an apoapsis way further out or/and there's a big inclination difference you'll have a much higher delta-V capture burn.

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Yeah my descent to Moho was quite steep. I'll be trying a different transfer next time...

  Renegrade said:
Er, just how much science are we talkin' about here? The OLD nuke was a pretty poor choice of an engine unless you had dozens of Science Jrs..


Science Jr, thermometer, barometer and 2 ScanSat modules. That's all I have unlocked so far in my 40% science career....

And the nuke gave me the most dV with LFO tanks. Not concerned about TWR, I just burn early. And this wasn't a landing mission, just orbit.

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All ill say is that dres (setting up multiple bases there in the past) is very iffy with the dV, it varies ALOT based on the inclination. That said, its quite alot of dV if you happen to do the transfer during one of the less efficient times, so it kinda requires you to wait until dres is closer to the An or Dn which seems to make it easier to get capture for me. Also, even with maximum efficiency, you are looking at ~3000 dV to pull it off, since it is ~1500 to eject to dres, then ~1000 to get in orbit, and then anywhere from under 300 to over 500 for the plane correction burn (i never do plane changes right on An/Dn, i always do it after as its less dV wasted and if i insist on a circular clean orbit with no inclination, ist cheaper to alter it once in dres orbit then before.

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