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Real Solar System (RO/RP-0 Career Mode) Australian Space Program


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o7 Kerbonauts!

Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul & Real Progression Zero (Career Mode) Let's Play =)

Kerbal Space Program: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/

Real Solar System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-1-0-4-Real-Solar-System-v10-2-July-30

Realism Overhaul: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99966-1-0-4-Realism-Overhaul-v10-3-1-2015-240

Real Progression Zero: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103196-1-0-4-Realistic-Progression-Zero-(RP-0)-Lightweight-RealismOverhaul-career-v0-35-July-31

CKAN: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-(CKAN)-Package-Manager-v1-10-3-16-Jul-2015

Mod List: http://puu.sh/kkOrl/8bba23fca5.txt

Suggested Sources for those new to KSP:

Kerbal Space Academy (Das Valdez on Twitch): http://www.twitch.tv/dasvaldez/profile

Scott Manley's KSP Tutorials:

Previous LP (KSP .9 Real Solar System): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106831-Real-Solar-System-%28KSP-9-RO-RP0%29-Let-s-Play

New Lets Play!

Real Solar System Ep 1: Australian Space Program

Real Solar System Ep 2: To Orbit!

Real Solar System Ep 3: Lunar Flyby =)

Real Solar System Ep 4: Venus & Mars Tour

Real Solar System Ep 5: Manned Orbital Docking

Real Solar System Ep 6: To Jupiter & Saturn!!!

Real Solar System Ep 7: Venus & Mars Orbiters

Real Solar System Ep 8: Jupiter! \o/

Real Solar System Ep 9: Crewed Lunar Flyby

Real Solar System Ep 10: A Manley Return

Real Solar System Ep 11: Lunar Direct Landing

Real Solar System Ep 12: Saturn!!

Real Solar System Ep 13: Venus Landers using KOS

Real Solar System Ep 14: Farside

Real Solar System Ep 15: Lunar Footprints

Episode 1

Edited by BevoLJ
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Very nice, bevo!

That is very nice.

Also it is very nice that you provide the ckan file. It always so tedious to do all that installations.


However the followin error occours, when I try to install your .ckan file in a new KSP installation:

"The following inconsistencies were found:

Kopernicus requires a version 1:beta-03-3. However a incompatible version, 1:beta-04, is in the resolver"

I installed all of the mods specified in the .ckan files by hand and exported a new file:

ckan-file with the same mods but newer version

or do I do something wrong by using the new kopernicus version? (kopernicus did cause some problems in the past)


Anyways I think what the rp-0 needs is a kind of part-catalog, in some of your older videos you said, that you only add some parts from a bunch of mods. but arn't the parts, that you have available, some kind of balancing?

I added this file into my GameData folder: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11976086/HideNon____Parts.cfg it removes every part in yor catalog with "non-rp-" or "nocost" in its name. The parts are still there in some, but hidden

best regards,


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Thanks nablabla!

Ya, I wish using the ckan update worked better, but it seems each time anything gets updated my .ckan file no longer works. So it pretty much is only useful to those who know how to read it and do their own installs, or anyone else who uses it right after I update it. heh. And I don't update my pack very often (when things are stable I am always afraid of updating and it all getting broken. Which has happened all to often! lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...

bevo, you seem to be a good rocked designer.

Can you xplain (or give a link to) a guide how to design a good rocket?

using kerbal egineer a lot of things are already clear to me.

I need 9.7kDv, the first stage needs to have atm/twr >=~1.2

and follow-up stages too

But, what is the best distribution of deltaV/mass/thrust

assuming my payload weights 10t, I often opt to build a second stage with a total weight of 70t

and a third with 400t. So I multyply by 5~7. Does that make sense? And how big to choose the boosters?

While using up the first 3000dV I want to have a twr < 3 but I acutally have no clue :D

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That sounds like something that would be useful to do a dedicated video on. I've been thinking about doing a Realism Overhaul Tutorial series.

As far as dV/m/thrust distribution, there is no simple rule I follow. It really depends on the engines I have available. I know that is of absolutely zero help at all, but I just don't have any kind of answer for it. heh.

One thing I always do however is put as much weight at the bottom as I possibly can given the engines I am using. So if I were to have any rules (I don't) that I went by it would be this: (just please note I actually often break all these rules, lol)

1) For my lifter rocket (rocket that gets me to orbit) all stages must start with twr > 1, and first stage must start with 1.3 > twr > 1.12(I typically like my stage one to have a twr of 1.15)

2) I put as much weight on the bottom stage as possible while keeping its twr > 1.1 (this is why I like to launch with SRB and main engine lit. It allows me to get off the pad with a core booster stage that would not typically have an adequate twr)

3) Ideally I like to do three things all at once. Finish gravity turn, drop core stage and stage fairings all at the same time. This is usually ~75 km. This way I don't have to pay as much attention to the launch and only need to interrupt my cat video watching on YouTube for a moment to take care of those quite quickly. :P

(in reality this is a YouTuber thing. It is hard for me to both keep talking on a video and pay attention to the launch. So I design my launch rockets with the idea that I don't want to have to pay as much attention to it as I would an efficient rocket. That way I can pay more attention to speaking to my viewers, and less attention to flying my rocket.)

Edited by BevoLJ
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