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Futuristic KSP

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I have suggestions for KSP I recently started playing career mode and I got some suggestions from it too.

1. Ways to earn money just from launching a ship and how good it does so you don't always need to test science experimental parts.

2. Upgraded Space Center Buildings like one super expensive allowing unlimited parts and weight but also a lot larger and stronger so when you launch a rocket it takes a lot more to destroy it, it would basically be made for giant ships maybe a new 5 meter part the launch pad would also look really good and have some reflective golden supports it also would have a really detailed collider so you could walk into it, it also have a working water tower that activates each time after you launch choosing the amount of water based on how much your rocket ways, the runway would be steel with diamond or gold sides with a small ramp at the end it would also extend out over the ocean the upgrades for space planes/rockets would cost 9,500,000 money. The Tracking Center upgrade would cost 5,000,000 it would be gigantic and could track a rockets orbit no madder how far away it is and stops parts from vanishing when over 2.5km or around that distance away and you can see rockets infinatly out so if you launch one that escapes the solar system you can see it no madder how far away it is, it also allows you to have better render distance from a ship so like when its super large but far you can see all of it not only part of it within render distance(I saw this in a modded game with a super giant ship surrounding the planet half of it was invisible/to far to render). The Research facility when upgraded allows you to not need at much research and you get lots more science parts for like analyzing a whole planet from any angle in orbit even seeing its layers of material not just normal ore, it would cost 4,250,000 to upgrade to with lots for decoration and radiation painted pillers(radiation from the science a kerbal gets when the goo starts to glow and they say it would be fun to paint a rocket with this). The astronaut complex when upgraded allows you to time warp walking kerbals with a specific destonation so it doesn't take forever to walk a long distance they also can run faster, hold on to ladders better, hold parachutes when falling, take their helmet off when in a fine atmosphere, they can run/swim faster and don't trip as easily, it would cost 4,500,000. The Mission Control would cost 4,750,000 and would allow sas to control super good, have it watch how much fuel you have and be able to hold you ship in a specific location relative to its orbit or altitude on the ground(it would help for getting a kerbal into a hover craft while its flying). All others would just be stronger, larger, look better.

3. Animals like Kerben birds, cats, and more.

4. Ways to remove parts from staging like fairings for decoration.

5. More ways to decorate ships.

6. Ways to make artificial gravity in space crafts that spin(mainly physics improvements).

7. Propellers for helicopter designs or lifting rockets up some use fuel and are very strong, others use electric charge but are not as strong, they both need intake air.

8. More modding tutorials(I can never find a working one).

9. More terrain objects like 3d collideable trees and forests, also better land texture changes like from grasslands to beach.

10. Being able to have air in space stations like if you cut off all holes from space and if the parts can handle the pressure it would be hard but can be done

11. A type of Sas being able to turn on/off or change engine power

12. Roads from the space center connecting to nearby watch places connected to it, mainly other research spots or rocket/plane launching spots mainly for environment ships or getting orbits at certain places not just along the equator or north access.

13. Parts having 3 models but only 1 of all together used unless an object comes within 15 meters heading super fast straight for it so when it hits the part can split.

14. Magnetic Engines(ones that can help get the ship off the metal launch mad or launch part farther).

15. Magnetic Pods(I want to be an inventor so this is one of my designs a sphere in the pod that has one spring but otherwise uses magnets to stay in place so if pushed forward would move forward if rotated steers if moved sideways goes sideways, it is made of lots of small magnets all pointing in one direction to keep it north or sound on all sides). I think that was a little much "()".

16. Rare temparary worm holes allowing you to be sent to a random location the worm holds are randomly spawned and last 1 to 80 kerbal space program days astroids can come through them they arn't that big but some can swallow the largest astroids on the other side normally is giant astroid debree ones so large that they attract gravity they are randomly generated as they come within 500,000 km of your ship, some would be white with medal like trees sticking out of them like spikes, ships can link to them and set up space centers, some of them glow as if they were from some other galaxy they go really fast and all have gravity the biggest can be about half the size of minimus with such unique surface and gathering huge amounts of science, you could travel to them its like a distant 5,000,000,000km to 5,050,000,000km astroid sphere filled with like endless exploring, the worm holes are quite common around minimus for unknowns reasons and when formed rarely can split an atom of when a ship crashed into them making nuclear explosions there is always aleast 1 around minimus they can be found with a highly upgraded tracking center due to high energy amounts. When a worm hole is formed a huge blast of electricity is blasted temperarly malfunctioning nearby ships. In Sandbox mode they can be spawned in with alt f12. When 2 astroids collide it makes a huge explosion that can blow other ships away.

These are all my suggestions for now I forget the rest also done delete this thread for saying this but you should allow other solar system and planet suggestions it would be really good this that part is optional well they all are but you know what I mean. I hope you like these suggestions. :) Also can you add a kerbal scientist face to the forum. I went a little over board on some of the suggestions just because I liked them so much.

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Hello LSB. Those are wonderful suggestions, but I fear the community is missing out on them. By writing very long sentences and not using proper whitespace, your suggestions look like a giant wall of text. That turns off a lot of readers.

One might argue that it's content that matters and not how it's presented, but the sad reality is that without an attractive form, your content will never reach its audience. Consider the reader when you are writing a piece. Use shorter sentences, and put some empty lines between sections that are otherwise not related.

Good luck!

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Golden KSC! Ok just no.

Rath only parts of it are gold not all like just a line or 2 on the sides of the runway.

Second Comment(ment to be a new one but I accidently added it to the same reply:D) :

Hello LSB. Those are wonderful suggestions, but I fear the community is missing out on them. By writing very long sentences and not using proper whitespace, your suggestions look like a giant wall of text. That turns off a lot of readers.

One might argue that it's content that matters and not how it's presented, but the sad reality is that without an attractive form, your content will never reach its audience. Consider the reader when you are writing a piece. Use shorter sentences, and put some empty lines between sections that are otherwise not related.

Good luck!

Sorry I just didn't have to much time and am not that good at grammer also funny profile picture.

Edited by LightStrikeBoom
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1- At the start of a new game, you do get this, automatic contracts that rewards you based on altitude gained, distance traveled, etc.

2- I think you went way too specific, when suggesting ideas, usually try to keep it to the general idea. For instance, how it should look is not really relevant, because if the devs like the change you proposed, in this case being more functionalities, their graphic designers will think of how awesome to make it look, while keeping it realistic. (let's face it, 9.5 million for a building partially made out of diamond wouldn't be realistic)

3- That I do agree. The current world feels too empty at the moment.

4- Not sure what you mean here.

5- I agree and disagree at the same time. Yes it would be nice to be able to decorate the ships, but when building a ship, every pound has to be accounted for, as it can do a drastic change on fuel required.

6- I agree, but from my experience there wouldn't be much use (I think), as you don't control kerbals within the vessels.

7- I agree too. I want to be able to make VTOLs and helicopters without having to use mods.

8- Can't help there, never tried modding.

9- I would include this with animals. These two could also allow for a new research option: biology/xenobiology.

10- Problem with this is for casual players. Some people can put a station in orbit only by pure chance (such as me), so reaching the same point again to resupply oxygen, forget it!

11- This would actually make the game too easy, as you could pretty much automate just about any flight. Also, MechJeb, one of the more popular mods, allows this.

12- Well, technically, nothing stops you from building a mobile launch pad.

13- Not sure if this is what you meant, but if you mean to visually show damage on parts, I do agree.

14- This type of propulsion only exist in theory in the real world. It is known to be possible, but the amount of energy required is astronomical, and we're not talking about a space craft now, only a small projectile. As for detachment of parts, you can attach small solid fuel boosters pointed up on the piece to be detached, and make them to activate at the same time as the release of said part.

15- Well, since your post name is about futuristic options for KSP, that could be nice, but since KSP is modern, it may be more something for mods.

16- Wormholes would also be something for mods. Also, in theory, if a wormhole could be used for travel, it would most likely be over light-years of distance, so much larger than what KSP has. About the part of asteroids collision, real collision of asteroids would not create an explosion, since there is no oxygen in space. It would only create a debris field.

If I may make a suggestion, this post should have been split in multiple threads, because only 3-4 of the points are actually about futuristic stuff, the rest being either graphical changes to current system, addition to current game, etc.

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Upgraded Space Center Buildings like one super expensive allowing unlimited parts and weight but also a lot larger and stronger so when you launch a rocket it takes a lot more to destroy it, it would basically be made for giant ships maybe a new 5 meter part the launch pad would also look really good and have some reflective golden supports it also would have a really detailed collider so you could walk into it, it also have a working water tower that activates each time after you launch choosing the amount of water based on how much your rocket ways, the runway would be steel with diamond or gold sides with a small ramp at the end it would also extend out over the ocean the upgrades for space planes/rockets would cost 9,500,000 money.

I know Necrobones' SpaceY has 5M parts if you want to get into building bigger rockets.

Also these suggestions for an uber-ksc using gold and diamond are making me think Minecraft for some reason...

4. Ways to remove parts from staging like fairings for decoration.

Yes, please.

5. More ways to decorate ships.

Look up plugins for Glowstrips and Kerbpaint.

7. Propellers for helicopter designs or lifting rockets up some use fuel and are very strong, others use electric charge but are not as strong, they both need intake air.

Look up a plugin called Firespitter.

12. Roads from the space center connecting to nearby watch places connected to it, mainly other research spots or rocket/plane launching spots mainly for environment ships or getting orbits at certain places not just along the equator or north access.

Look up a plugin called Kerbal Constructs.

14. Magnetic Engines(ones that can help get the ship off the metal launch mad or launch part farther).

Near Future Tech has Magnetoplasmadynamic engines... Not what you were thinking. They're more like super high efficency, low thrust nukes that run on hydrogen and need either tons of solar cells or a nuclear reactor.

Edited by Kuansenhama
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1- At the start of a new game, you do get this, automatic contracts that rewards you based on altitude gained, distance traveled, etc.

2- I think you went way too specific, when suggesting ideas, usually try to keep it to the general idea. For instance, how it should look is not really relevant, because if the devs like the change you proposed, in this case being more functionalities, their graphic designers will think of how awesome to make it look, while keeping it realistic. (let's face it, 9.5 million for a building partially made out of diamond wouldn't be realistic)

3- That I do agree. The current world feels too empty at the moment.

4- Not sure what you mean here.

5- I agree and disagree at the same time. Yes it would be nice to be able to decorate the ships, but when building a ship, every pound has to be accounted for, as it can do a drastic change on fuel required.

6- I agree, but from my experience there wouldn't be much use (I think), as you don't control kerbals within the vessels.

7- I agree too. I want to be able to make VTOLs and helicopters without having to use mods.

8- Can't help there, never tried modding.

9- I would include this with animals. These two could also allow for a new research option: biology/xenobiology.

10- Problem with this is for casual players. Some people can put a station in orbit only by pure chance (such as me), so reaching the same point again to resupply oxygen, forget it!

11- This would actually make the game too easy, as you could pretty much automate just about any flight. Also, MechJeb, one of the more popular mods, allows this.

12- Well, technically, nothing stops you from building a mobile launch pad.

13- Not sure if this is what you meant, but if you mean to visually show damage on parts, I do agree.

14- This type of propulsion only exist in theory in the real world. It is known to be possible, but the amount of energy required is astronomical, and we're not talking about a space craft now, only a small projectile. As for detachment of parts, you can attach small solid fuel boosters pointed up on the piece to be detached, and make them to activate at the same time as the release of said part.

15- Well, since your post name is about futuristic options for KSP, that could be nice, but since KSP is modern, it may be more something for mods.

16- Wormholes would also be something for mods. Also, in theory, if a wormhole could be used for travel, it would most likely be over light-years of distance, so much larger than what KSP has. About the part of asteroids collision, real collision of asteroids would not create an explosion, since there is no oxygen in space. It would only create a debris field.

If I may make a suggestion, this post should have been split in multiple threads, because only 3-4 of the points are actually about futuristic stuff, the rest being either graphical changes to current system, addition to current game, etc.

For 16. they would make a short one but it wont last long at all I ment explosion of debrees and a shockwave

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1:This is not really necessary. After doing 10-15 contracts, you should have more than enough money to do whatever you want.

2: I'm not really sure if this is a joke or not. This idea seems a little bit to extreme and would not really fit stock that well in my opinion.

3: Although it would be nice to have animals, I don't think it will add anything to the gameplay.

4: Although this would also be nice to have, You could just set the staging for those parts to be the last state (Stage 0).

5: This would not really useful. It would take up more memory for parts that might not do anything but add weight to the ship.

6: Although this would be nice, since you can't move kerbals around in IVA mode and there are a few mods that do this this feature would be useless.

7: This would be nice to be added to stock. There are mods that already do this though.

8: This is where you would ask modders to help you.

9:More textures = more memory usage. For object collision, the game would have to figure out if you even have terrain

scatter on, and if so apply the collisions. This would also take up more memory.

10:I'm not really sure what you're asking here.

11: Action Groups. Although changing thrust limiters through action groups would be nice.

12: More objects to collide with/More textures = more memory usage. Also, mods already do this.

13: The main idea behind this is so collisions have more debris which take up more memory by adding more parts(with each part having it's own collision meshes and textures), and since most of the time you won't have an object colliding with you ship, it would be more memory for something that is rarely happens.

14: Normally magnets to not exert that much force to be able to list a ship of a launchpad. The only time the thrust from a magnetic engine might actually make a visible change in velocity would be if the engine were in space and even still it would need something to 'push' of against (turning it into a type of Ion engine).

15: So a gyroscopic command pod? This would also be a lot of memory for a small feature that might only be used in 1-2 pods. This would be better if it were a mod.

16: Kerbal only has parts/features that are realistic, and this would be something that feels unrealistic or something straight from science fiction(at this point in time).

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