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Explain that to the insurance agency


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It was a terrorist attack. (Sorry for the 9/11 reference, it was just too perfect)

Your cargo rocket explodes when the engines ignite.

It was indeed meant as a reference :P (I just.. had to...)

The engines weren't in a good mood today!

Your primary Minmus base collapsed on itself.

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Eliza Kerman the Tourists cut the parachutes; I saw her business card inside the parachute casing.

Your prop plane disappears and barrel-rolls into a Mun Arch.

- - - Updated - - -

Wenkel shipped them to us upside-down.

Your B-29 stratofortress escapes the atmosphere and hits a Soyuz

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I had to bring my cow to the fair for the contest, but my truck was being inspected and the only thing I had was my coupe. The damn cow wouldn't quit moving, the added weight wrecked the suspension, and the cow started to bounce up and down so my tires started to squeal and they got wrecked too.

There are several large holes in your walls, you have a splitting headache, you feel nauseous, and your trash bin's full of beer cans.

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