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That Thread In Which We Discuss The Merits of Different Systems of Measurement.


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* Kilometres are a great measurement for long distances. My pace is around a metre, so a good approximation is to count a thousand paces, and I\'m usually at a kilometre (give or take 10% or so).

Fun history fact: The mile is actually called a mile because of the Romans, who used 'milia passus' ('a thousand steps'), but in Ancient Rome, a 'passus' was what we\'d call a double-step.

* Metres per second are used almost exclusively by physicists. That\'s okay, though - kids rarely have trouble understanding how to calculate them. Interconverting between m/s and km/h can be a problem; however, you seldom actually need to do it.

That\'s because the second is an SI unit, but the 'hour' is not (it\'s an 'accepted' unit), so using km/h is not so much different from using miles/h. There\'s a factor of 3.6 (60 minutes of 60 seconds to the hour divided by one thousand); for a very rough estimate simply multiply m/s by 4.

I don\'t see why the 'metrification' should stop there, but all attempts at a decimal time base have failed so far, the last serious attempt during the French Revolution.

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. . .Though telling my school kids that we\'re going to be adopting decimal time is a GREAT April fool\'s prank! :)

As for converting between the two: Yes, I\'m aware of that (I do have to teach very basic physics, after all! :)), but I\'m talking mainly as a teacher here. School kids often find that concept hard.

Actually I\'ve never thought of approximating it to a whole number before . . . I do that with gravity (approximated to 10 ms-2), so why not?

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For me, 40 is weather that I don\'t have the tolerance to go outside in. My immune system acts up around 20-25 and I get blocked sinuses and the like. 30 and I get pretty badly sunburned. 40 and I literally can\'t stand the heat and will stay inside with the windows all open, a fan beside me and a litre or more of iced lemon juice.

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I use an unholy mixture of the systems...

Centimetres -> Inches -> Feet -> Metres -> Miles

Then I use centigrade, pounds, stones, kilograms.

Whatever is easier for me to visualise I suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think, that I could compare Metric and Imperial systems problem to decimal VS roman numerical system - roman system couldn\'t resist too long in common use, because it was inferior/obsolete comparing to decimal system ::) .

Right bellow, nice picture showing clear differences between both systems :).



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...except when writing ##/##, in which case it\'s usually mo/day. I\'m convinced that the coders have it right with yr/mo/day, though.

Gregorian big-endian is definitely the best when incorporating years, however I use Gregorian little-endian when it comes to just day and month.

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Gregorian big-endian is definitely the best when incorporating years, however I use Gregorian little-endian when it comes to just day and month.

I read that and -- before dates -- thought of Lilliputian big- and little-endians...

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