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colonist class (tweaked tourist class)


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Let's say I have built a space station or ground base (which is in and on itself not very uncommon in this game). It looks fantastic, I have put in alot of work, but so what. A base is for kerbals to live in, so lets get us some kerbals...

Yea, that is where the problem comes in... see kerbonauts cost funds, and if you have something like an ISS-deravative, that it doesn't only costs funds, but it also costs a lot of funds. This is because hiring new kerbals gets exponentially higher. So if I play in career, I won't be able to crew the base unless I put all other missions to a stop (so all the availeble kerbals can live inside the base). ANd lets be honest, the fact that the kerbals are there, inside your craft, going on your missions, is a thing that makes a lot of missions (possible the entire game) a lot more interesting to do. Just the simple fact that they exist, taht you can interact with them and so forth, is very valueable.

Tourists would not have the problem of becoming exponentially more expensive, hell, you get money for using them on your missions. But you have to be lucky to get kerbals that wanna go where your base is, and they gotta go home at some point. And besides, if there are tourists, and when you eventually can built self sustaining bases, then there is that next logical step..

colonist kerbals. These kerbals are basicly tourists that want to stay places permanently. You do not have to hire these kerbals, as you get them via contracts, and you don't have to bring them back home. So everything is good as long as you give them their snacks (if you have those kinds of mods). They however could learn more sills as they level up, like extending solar panels, beiing able to go on EVA or eventually use a jetpack. This is so you can have them perform the most basic base-maintaining tasks.

And I all here you screaming: doesn't civillian poulation do this? Yes, yes it does. But as I said earlier, this game would be a lot less interesting if it weren't for the kerbals that go along with your journeys, that explore what you explore, and they do that by visually existing inside your craft. The colonists of civillan population do not do that, they're... well.. they are a list of numbers, basically. They are there, maybe, but they don''t live in your base, but in their own special parts and you never get to see them. In short the system is very abstract and far from the player. (No offence to the maker of civillian population.)

So this is a stock suggestion AND a mod request: make Kerbal colonists a class.

... Please?

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  hab136 said:
So.. one-way tourist contracts?

What would the colonists do once they get there, aside from consume space (and life support, if you have that)?

You might be able to have them reproduce.

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  hab136 said:
So.. one-way tourist contracts?

What would the colonists do once they get there, aside from consume space (and life support, if you have that)?

well, there are these contracts asking to do research at a specific site. Otherwise they would be there for the same reason the base is there, whatever you choose that reason to be.

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Back in the day, orbital contracts for FinePrint had, um, fine print so that you couldn't control the sat once mission was complete (already the case with the tourists themselves), and if you deleted the vessel the mission would fail. So, you had to keep the satellite there, and it was useless.

It was a lot more logical than what's in place currently, but I don't think it was much more fun...

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