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Who left the mines on the Runway?


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Well, this is a well known bug, mysterious collisions with KSC parts that one isn't actually anywhere near....

One reason I would never consider playing without the ability to quick load...

Only this time, I kept quickloading, and getting the same bug.

No... that left delta wing did not collide into the launchpad... but the game says it did.

First time, I thought I just set my plane down a big wonky, and wheel stresses caused an unplanned disassembly.... though it was odd that my delta wing connecting the left side of the plane exploded, rather than just detaching -> quick load.

2nd time, I put it down, its decelerating nicely... and poof, there goes my delta wing -> f3


Hmmm... strange...

3rd time...

Ok, now I really set it down nicely, was decelerating and nearly at a stop... looking good...



Same bug? yup...


I'd call that a hull-loss accident... darn mined landing strip


Ok, screw landing on the runway... I'll land on the grass, then taxi on the runway...


Ok... this keeps happening at a similar distance from the launchpad... If I set it down really early, and just roll onto the very end of the runway... everything should be fine...



That was an anooying bug.

4 out of 4 attempts to land on the runway resulted in the same part of my craft crashing into the launchpad...

I wish I had kept the quickload file, but I overwrote it as soon as I got down successfully (I did not want to have to deal with that again)

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