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Engine modelling in Blender...

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Hello, another post from me, get used to it-I'm going to be asking alot of questions- so I've messed around in blender, I made the most simple fuel tank model ever created, but it has a nose cone, I also made a weird SRB-like thing that had no nozzle, basically a cylinder with two horus's as I have no clue how to make anything other than the mesh's, and know nothing about curves.

So, I've seen some cool engine models, and I think to myself, (what a wonderful woorld~) how do they do it? I can't make nozzles, I can't even comprehend how they make the lil' pipe details and all that...

So can anyone explain to me how to make more complex models in Blender? Mainly nozzles, maybe small pipes, but don't worry too much about those pipes.

Thanks for any help, I'm getting very interested in this modding.

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It's pretty easy. You just select the bottom face, of, for example, your cylinder and hit "E". Then, you move your mouse up and down to choose the lenght of the nozzle. If you are happy, then hit enter. To make it have a conic shape, select s and rescale it to how big you want its exit diamter to be, and hit enter again to confirm. You also wanna have the inside of the nozzle, so press "E" and right afterwards, hit enter. Then, you scale your extruded face a bit down, press e again, move it up, scale it down. It's as easy as that. I'd recommend you to watch a few Blender tutorials, that's what I got started with. The learning curve is steep, but really, once you figured basic things out and try to make new things on your own, it starts to get really awesome! :)

I hope this helps you a bit.

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