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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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Awesome release, Yogui. Vega is pretty useful for putting satellites up, it'll comfortably get an ION powered probe to (finishes his sentence an hour later) geo-stationary orbit.

I challenge ANYONE to put a useful payload into orbit using Diament :)

Edited by MDBenson
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Awesome release, Yogui. Vega is pretty useful for putting satellites up, it'll comfortably get an ION powered probe to (finishes his sentence an hour later) geo-stationary orbit.

I challenge ANYONE to put a useful payload into orbit using Diament :)

Tried that, didn't work. Diamant is like a fire-and-forget rocket :D

Anyway,the update is neat and Vega is a capable satellite launcher,but i'm having trouble getting anything into orbit with Europa.

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I challenge ANYONE to put a useful payload into orbit using Diament :)

Still not home and able to play around with the new stuff.... but remember that Diamant is basically a scaled-up sounding rocket. In real life, the flight profile would be (and I think was) sort of upside-down-L-shaped -- the Diamant booster would basically fire the payload more or less straight up, and at apogee, a kicker motor on the payload would fire horizontally to provide the velocity necessary to orbit.

I think the smallest solid rockets (other than Sepratrons) in KSP are still a little too large and/or too underpowered to orbit a probe core in this way, though. I might give it a try later...

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Well..... I got the Diamant to orbit Asterix. But it was tough, and took a number of tries. Basically, you can't use an autopilot. First stage should be near vertical, then sep it and coast a little. I lit Stage 2 at about 10-12km, and burned at about 20 degrees from vertical at first, then flattened it out a little more towards the end. Second stage burn gave me an apogee of about 100km. I coasted until about 85km, then fired the third stage at about 10 degrees below horizontal. After it was done, I had Asterix in a 434x92km equatorial orbit. Vive la France!

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What parts act as payload bases? I can't seem to find any

What do you mean? There's isn't payload in the built-in rockets, they're just launchers. Diamant A is the ony rocket with its own payload, because of the very small size of the fairing, Asterix may be the only payload you can add in it.

Well..... I got the Diamant to orbit Asterix. But it was tough, and took a number of tries. Basically, you can't use an autopilot. First stage should be near vertical, then sep it and coast a little. I lit Stage 2 at about 10-12km, and burned at about 20 degrees from vertical at first, then flattened it out a little more towards the end. Second stage burn gave me an apogee of about 100km. I coasted until about 85km, then fired the third stage at about 10 degrees below horizontal. After it was done, I had Asterix in a 434x92km equatorial orbit. Vive la France!

You made almost a perfect shot, sending Asterix into orbit is a little challenging. As it's an experiemental rocket, don't expect sending big payloads daily into orbit with this rocket.

Amazing models and textures as usual' date=' however I have found a few mistakes with the .cfg files.

The Diamant third stage is named as 'Stage 2', also the Asterix probe is not named correctly. In the .cfg says 'subcategory = A-1 "Asterix" satellite' instead of 'name = A-1 "Asterix" satellite'[/quote']

Fix it ASAP.

Awesome release, Yogui. Vega is pretty useful for putting satellites up, it'll comfortably get an ION powered probe to (finishes his sentence an hour later) geo-stationary orbit.

I challenge ANYONE to put a useful payload into orbit using Diament :)

I'll fix that ASAP too. I made may test with a (too?)small payload, so I could send it into orbit, but today I test it with a standard payload and I couldn't reach orbit.

And just for testing the new forum feature Sketchfab:

Edited by Yogui87
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Something I noticed, the 0.3 packs folder name is different from the original. It doesn't have the underscores like I think it needs, could be causing the parts to not show up for people.

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Something I noticed, the 0.3 packs folder name is different from the original. It doesn't have the underscores like I think it needs, could be causing the parts to not show up for people.

You're right, maybe it's the solution. I'll fix this to.

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Something I noticed, the 0.3 packs folder name is different from the original. It doesn't have the underscores like I think it needs, could be causing the parts to not show up for people.
It's stuff like this though, that makes me wonder if people can't realize this themselves and fix it, then how do they manage to play KSP...a game that generally requires some attention to detail and intellect. Like, I understood the .20 filechange in about 10 seconds after reading a headsup post about it, had zero problems with the system, and have even switched them around myself to suite my taste between names and where some parts go. Boggles me. Edited by Good_Apollo
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It's stuff like this though, that makes me wonder if people can't realize this themselves and fix it, then how do they manage to play KSP...a game that generally requires some attention to detail and intellect. Like, I understood the 2.0 filechange in about 10 seconds after reading a headsup post about it, had zero problems with the system, and have even switched them around myself to suite my taste between names and where some parts go. Boggles me.

2.0 ? What does the future looks like ? How has KSP evolved ? I'm interested now :P

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What do you mean? There's isn't payload in the built-in rockets, they're just launchers. Diamant A is the ony rocket with its own payload, because of the very small size of the fairing, Asterix may be the only payload you can add in it.

I meant the part you mount the fairings too

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Here the small update to fix spoted issues: ESApack v0.3.1

- Fix folder name

- Fix Diamant descriptions

- Increase Europa 1 delta-V (now you can send 2 tons payload in low orbit)

I meant the part you mount the fairings too

The fairing are suposed to be stacked to the top nodes of the last stage of the rocket. If you look at the pre-made rockets, you could see the half of the fairing is already placed, you just need to stack you payload to the "payload decoupler" and then stack the second hald of the fairing to the top node of the rocket (yes, there're 2 nodes on the top with the same coordonates).

Yogui, you told me i should remember you about this:)

I didn't forget making it but I'm working on the Ariane 4 right now. Hermes is the next in my schedule, but it might take time because it looks quite difficult to make the 3D model and even more difficult to balance the whole spacecraft.

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The 'Ships' folder is named 'Ship' in the zip.

Also, this is the first time I've installed mods on 0.2X, do the craft files/Ships folder go in the mod's sub directory or the 'Ships' folder in KSP_Win root ?

I just fix folder's name. Craft files go to KSP_Win root.

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Diamant's an example of a launcher that's easier to use in real life than in KSP. In real life, you can just run all the numbers and come up with the exact angles of attack for each phase of the launch to get you to your desired orbit (if possible). In KSP, you just have to play it by ear and actually fly the rocket by the seat of your pants. Which is fun....

Just for giggles, I took the Mercury retro pack from Frizzank's Gemini pack and put it on the bottom of Asterix. (It's roughly the same diameter as the satellite part.) It's visually horrible, because the retro pack part is built to include an auto-fairing that simulates the adaptor between the Mercury capsule and the Atlas or Redstone, so you wind up with a strange, detached halo surrounding the third stage when you stick it on the Diamant. But.... it put Asterix into a Kerbin escape orbit.

So really, the only thing keeping Diamant from being useful for very, very small probes is the lack of very, very small solid motors to attach to those very, very small probes....

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Does anyone else feel that the Ariane 5 is still a little too overpowered? I still managed to land on the moon with the ATV.

Yeah, it's a little overpowered. The SRBs and main stage can basically put the ATV into a 100km orbit by themselves, without needing the EPS.

With the ATV itself... it's got a ton of fuel, which is why it can reach the Mun and Minmus with ease. I kind of view that as the ATV being a fuel tanker, but KSP doesn't let you segregate "cargo" fuel from "orbital" fuel, so the only way to have that is to have an ATV with way too much fuel.

Besides -- I bet if you gassed up a real ATV and made all that fuel available to the engines, it would make it to lunar orbit!

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