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Going to be watching the Microsoft conference soon. I\'ll edit and leave my thoughts after...


... Ok, other than Halo 4 and Forza Horizon, which everyone knew would be there. The only thing I can come away with is...

'OMG Internet Explorer for Xbox 360!'

Honestly though there was some cool tech shown, but nothing that made me go WoW.

On a side note, the only thing I\'m looking forward to seeing now is Planetside 2.

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Microsoft thoughts;

Halo 4 looks like a huge step up from Halo Reach, both graphically and gameplay-wise. 303 are taking what Bungie made and are expanding on it dramatically. It looks like an immersive experience, with some interesting single-player ideas. I feel it may be fairly promising.

Watching the second game now; Microsoft are seemingly relying heavily on FPS games. Tom Clancy\'s Splinter Cell Blacklist seems to be a stealth-based shooter - much unlike Halo 4. The game seems to be hinged around killing people being a large task; and not about shooty shooty. Kinect is something I\'ve never liked, so I\'m not excited to the idea of speech used as a lure. I assume there\'s an alternative for those who don\'t want or have Kinect. This game seems to have a large single-player focus.

EA Sports now. Fifa 13 first. I wouldn\'t have thought that they\'d take ANYTHING to a whole new experience with this game coming out every year, but I guess they can. Once again, Kinect is used; only for speech though. It seems to be mainly for speeding up gameplay, this I do like.

Madden NFL next. Great, they\'re using a celebrity to make them seem bigger. Once again, Kinect is used to speed up the gameplay through speech. The game looks a bit sim-ish, but doesn\'t seem to bad. I still am worried about those without Kinect, they could demo it without Kinect.

Microsoft studios now. Fable: The Journey seemingly living on Kinect. Wait, best games on Microsoft? Huh. Never would have thought.

Gears of War Justice trailer is on now. I\'ve never been a fan of Gears of War, and won\'t be. It looks like the same FPS that Tom Clancy and Halo are; a mix between the two.

Forza Horizon looks kind of like Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 3, it seems a bit more cartoon-y though. Forza seems to be becoming a annual series, though. This worries me a bit. I guess the XBox needs SOME games other than sport and FPS.

Bing Voice Search is expanding upon the non-gaming part of the Xbox. Yet more Kinect, although it\'s nice to see them support more people around the world. Xbox live Gold seems to be becoming something of a TV License. Yep, it\'s becoming a TV License. Welcome to the future of Xbox and Microsoft.

Nope. It\'s not a TV License. It\'s also a digital CD. Xbox music..? I\'m not sure, it seems just further on Microsoft\'s plans to own all your media.

A Nike sports game? Will it be for Kinect as well? Oh... What a surprise. It does seem to be more of a personal trainer than anything. Notifying you by phone to tell when you are due to train? This may become highly obnoxious, although the game looks quite promising. The screen duplications do seem to lag behind a bit, though. I, luckily, don\'t feel this will affect the game.

Wow, way to over-glorify Smart phones and Tablets. Wait... The SmartGlass. So it\'s true. Microsoft are starting to do Tablets? Guess it makes sense, knowing their plans. Wait... It also backs up as a second screen? Didn\'t Nintendo do this last year? Uhh... Huh, seems legit. Good luck, you just entered direct competition with Nintendo.

Oh, look. Some more games. Wait... This is another shooter. Ugh. Okay, I\'ve never been a big fan of Tomb Raider, and this game doesn\'t excite me. Just looks like a movie of a girl being lucky. No gameplay whatsoever. And DLC. Yay, DLC...

Ascend; New Gods seems to be a bit more interesting. I need gameplay to decide, not a colossi running around with a Sabre. I guess that they will show some later on.

LocoCycle. Not too much on that yet; is is a Crazy Motorcycle? If so, it\'s an interesting concept. I would have to mention the Tron-like style of it though.

Okay, I\'m bored. Please show me gameplay. These trailers are killing me. And it\'s ALL for Kinect. Seriously.

Ah, Gameplay. Oh. Yet ANOTHER shooter. Still stealth, but it\'s also got a bunch of mutants thrown in. Well, not stealth, but it\'s got an uncanny amount of Melee combat. And quicktime. We all hate quicktime. Resident Evil 6.

Oh... Great. Another Kinect game. And it\'s nearly as cheesy as Kinectimals. Heh. It doesn\'t look too bad, though. Shoot cannonballs at a wall; quite Kerbal. Wreckateer. Not too bad.

Huh. Some South Park? Not a surprise, they announced it ages ago. I didn\'t see any gameplay. Yet. It sounds nice, though. No... Gameplay?

Dance Central 3 now. I guess this classifies as \'Sports\', which we got plenty of earli- oh... They\'ve got a celeb dancing for their presentation? Ah. What a waste of time. FEEL THE TIME-FILLER! I admit, this is very bland. As if it wasn\'t bland enough. Uhh, it goes on forever. Finally, after 5 minutes of dancing he goes off the stage.

He\'s finishing the conference now... I think. He\'s overhyping everything he just said in the last hour (and half). Oh. He\'s now going to Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

BOII; no gameplay yet. It\'s also an FPS. That makes 6. Still a cutscene. This is stuff we saw in the trailer... Wait... GAMEPLAY!!! FINALLY! Oh. That was short segment. Please note, they\'re showing the singleplayer - not the selling point of CoD (as has been said by their devs) Multiplayer. So far, no shooting; just walking. Some suicide-jets. He just sniped a few people. I swear that it\'s aiming for him. Wow. Even the gameplay fails to amuse me. It\'s just an auto-aim sniper section with some sound effects. It seems like they\'re showing some more interesting and active gameplay. Still singleplayer, though. This is the same gameplay as all other CoD. No interesting twists. This is just yet another iteration of CoD.

Overall, this presentation seemed a bit time-stretched. They didn\'t have enough gameplay of individual games, and had a presentation cluttered with 6 FPS games and 4 Sports games. No \'wow\' factor there, and way too much Kinect and filler for my liking.

- Nooblet68

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  LukeTim said:

Yeah, that conference was terrible.

As usual with Microsoft, too much crap about multimedia and xbox live shit. Not enough games. And most of the games that were included were bad.

Halo looks promising, but everything else? KINECT KINECT FILLER KINECT CELEB!!!!

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  Nooblet68 said:

Halo looks promising, but everything else? KINECT KINECT FILLER KINECT CELEB!!!!

Exactly. Halo, South Park, and maybe Resi 6 are the only things there that interested me.

OH. OH. Splinter Cell. That too.

That\'s all.

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  TNTGODZZ said:

i was expecting a next gen console glimpse or something, but, as my twitter states, they must be clinically insane.

Only Next Gen console at this E3 is the Wii U... and even then apparently it\'s got hardware that is about 3-4 years old in the world of PCs.

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  TheGripenSaidWhat? said:

ALL Console hardware is old with respect to PCs, though. Kind of glad I had to work to miss this presentation.

When PS3 and 360 were released, their hardware was far from old. The 360 had a X1950/2900XT hybrid ATI GPU, and the PS3 had a pretty high end G70. At a time when Direct X10 cards were just teasing their way into the market.

Also, the 3-Core PowerPC CPU in the 360 is still very capable, and the PS3\'s Cell with 8 SPEs and 1 PPE is perhaps even more so.

It quickly got beaten by PCs though.

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  LukeTim said:

When PS3 and 360 were released, their hardware was far from old. The 360 had a X1950/2900XT hybrid ATI GPU, and the PS3 had a pretty high end G70. At a time when Direct X10 cards were just teasing their way into the market.

Also, the 3-Core PowerPC CPU in the 360 is still very capable, and the PS3\'s Cell with 8 SPEs and 1 PPE is perhaps even more so.

It quickly got beaten by PCs though.

this is why i think thy need to release new consoles.

new console= new game engines= better games + innovation by hardware makers to make games playable

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Their hardware is old, but the software/OS on those systems are much more streamlined than anything you see on a PC, so they won\'t release something new for a while. The limits have yet to be really 'pushed' to a point where people are annoyed and won\'t buy.

PS3 has something like 512mb of RAM, but still keeps up relatively well with an average gaming PC (not high end gaming PC).

So you can easily see that if it can do what it does with what PC\'s would consider pathetically low RAM, they don\'t really have a reason to boost the specs quite yet.

Perhaps another 5 years or so.

Still annoys me that these systems cause the PC world to lag though. Especially on MS\'s part.


OpenGL has supported everything in DX11 for years, MS just bashed them back in Vista and took the lead role.

Which you could say is fair game in the business world, but when you consider OpenGL is a not-for-profit, open-source organization...

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  TNTGODZZ said:

this is why i think thy need to release new consoles.

new console= new game engines= better games + innovation by hardware makers to make games playable

Generally, to actually exploit the power gained from these new consoles, a developer has to invest a lot more in a game; this means for less money coming back.

If Xenoblade Chronicles were designed for Xbox or PS3, it wouldn\'t have happened. A great deal of the budget would be spent on upping graphics.

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Remember, from a corporate point of view, they only \'need\' to introduce new consoles when people stop buying the old ones. Nintendo have reached that point (posting a loss this year), as their main selling gimmick is now available in the more powerful consoles; Sony and Microsoft haven\'t, and probably won\'t for a while.

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  Kryten said:

Nintendo have reached that point (posting a loss this year), as their main selling gimmick is now available in the more powerful consoles; Sony and Microsoft haven\'t, and probably won\'t for a while.

May I point out that Nintendo\'s loss last year was due to various reasons;

  • [li]The 3DS having a slow launch due to a lack of games and minimal known difference between 3DS and DS[/li]
    [li]Development of the Wii U[/li]
    [li]Drought of games[/li]
    [li]Development costs of various Wii U games (which cost much more than Wii games)[/li]

The lack of Wii sales comes from the whole idea of the Wii U coming soon. Microsoft and Sony won\'t announce the Nextbox and PS4 this year because then people would wait instead of buying the 360 and PS3.

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  deadshot462 said:

As a long time Halo fan, I\'ve only been interesting in MS\'s demo of Halo 4. Looks interesting, kind of reminds me of Halo 2 which was awesome.

It looks exactly like Metroid Prime to me.

Not a bad thing by any means. Apparently there are a number of people from the Metroid Prime devs working on it, so makes perfect sense.

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