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About parts and technological eras...

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It would be nice to have some structural parts procedural or in many sizes, if procedural have anti-lego meaning for you:

- TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler - we should pick how many nodes it has and make it also for 3.75m size

- Structural Fuselage - in all sizes and add ability to pick length of that part

- Modular Girder Segment and M-Beam 200 I-Beam - should come in 2.5m size and we should pick what length it has

- M-1x1 Structural Panel - ability to pick size for example 1x3, 5x5, 10x10, 10x20 (if you want to build SpaceX landing barge deck as one part)

- FL-A5 Adapter - in all sizes please

- The Not-Rockomax Micronode for 1.25m and 2.5m

- Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector for 2.5m and 3.75m

- more Big-S wings in shapes like Wing Connector Type A and Wing Connector Type B, we have now nice Big-S wings, but those as for edges now we need something in middle of the wing

- Advanced Grabbing Unit - in 0.625m size for really small crafts

- Inline Clamp-O-Tron - 2.5m and 3.75m version of this part with 2.5m docking port would be nice, it can have RCS fuel tanks build-in

- Octagonal Strut and Cubic Octagonal Strut - for 1.25m, 2.5m and 3.75m, because why not! :)

More parts:

What if we would have 3 eras in Kerbal, early, middle and future.

Each era would give us different part sets, of course in sandbox we should be able to use all parts, for carrier mode it could add some interesting look&feel and new features.

This idea came to me when I was reading about remaking or removing some old parts, Devs doesn't have to do that, if some parts look old that is good they can use them to create new feature in KSP.

I see no problem in having 3 different capsules all for 3 kerbals, they should look differently and have different stats and maybe futuristic capsule should have build-in engines, fuel tanks (like Dragon V2), chutes, antennas, RCS thrusters and/or probe cores to unmanned remote flight tests.

KSP should allow people to use some more imagination, not only on how to put things together, but also how space exploration may look in near future. How to build space station on Pluto's orbit, we would need there better power source than solar panels, for example larger RTG, wind turbine for Laythe (make "scanners" that measure wind speed), small geothermal power plant for some vulcanic planets (add hot spots detection for scanners).

I know we need to have parts balanced, so IMO to create illusion of technological progress in KSP more "advanced/futuristic" parts should have not only futuristic look, but also additional features.

Like I mentioned about capsules, we could also have different mix of features some probe cores could have larger batteries, others build-in antennas or solar panels.

Futuristic fuel tanks could have build-in RCS thrusters or landing legs.

That kind of approach should make illusion of balanced progress in carrier mode, player should be able to build more and larger crafts/stations/bases still being bellow his part count limit and he would be able to do things faster, because time is also resource in this game ;)

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