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KSP editor performance...

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Why KSP in editor mode is using 130+% of my i5 CPU? Even now when I am looking at my browser not and changing things in KSP it is 120-130%.

EDIT: It is in pure stock and with mods mechjeb2, alarmclock, asteroid day

Edited by Darnok
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Without mods its even worse... 140% CPU usage :huh:

Tasks: 205 total, 3 running, 201 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie

%Cpu(s): 32,0 us, 13,1 sy, 0,0 ni, 53,8 id, 0,3 wa, 0,0 hi, 0,8 si, 0,0 st

KiB Mem: 5970036 total, 5815344 used, 154692 free, 33748 buffers

KiB Swap: 7323644 total, 8356 used, 7315288 free. 1960424 cached Mem


7010 darnok 20 0 2880624 1,688g 45620 R 143,7 29,7 11:33.88 KSP.x86_64

I am running KSP on linux, ^ measuring CPU usage with top command.

I got this LC_ALL=C LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 ./KSP.x86_64 from thread about linux performance

EDIT: It is even worse, when I restarted game and first entered into editor CPU usage is 170-180%, zero parts, no buttons being pushed, nothing.

After I loaded any craft it decreased to 130-140%, IMO editor is initialized more than twice after you enter building and after you load craft it has two instances.

Btw I removed every ship from orbit (rescue or delete).

Edited by Darnok
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In the game settings there's a framerate limit. If that isn't set then KSP will chuck out frames as fast as it can, using a load of CPU even with nothing much happening. With a sensible limit set it won't do that, though it can still use quite a bit of CPU because it's not very well optimised.

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In the game settings there's a framerate limit. If that isn't set then KSP will chuck out frames as fast as it can, using a load of CPU even with nothing much happening. With a sensible limit set it won't do that, though it can still use quite a bit of CPU because it's not very well optimised.

max physics delta-time per fram 0.03

frame limit: default and tested with 60 CPU usage still 180% after first load of editor

Thats very odd.

I guess this should be moved to the Support-Section.

Have you tried to backup your current install and run KSP on a fresh install?

Not yet.

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How are you getting CPU usages above 100%?

No one else mentioned it so I assume Im missing something?

More serious question - are you actually experiencing any ill-effects other than CPU usage being surprisingly high? What happens when you try to build and fly a craft?

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Thats what first occurred to me, though I thought KSP was single-threaded? Anyhoo, you're obviously correct.

And about other ill-effects? Is the CPU usage preventing you from playing or causing other bugs?

Nope, I can play it is just slow.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, fresh steam install (no old saves, no old crafts, no mods, pure stock!)...

main menu - 170% CPU usage :huh:

KSC screen - 105%

editor - 150-170%

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