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Can't rotate control module

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Hi all,

I've been having a problem now that I can't rotate my RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit any more, I can activate the S.A.S. but it doesn't have any effect, nor does trying the pitch, yaw, roll with the keyboard. I installed several mods, so, not sure if that might have anything to do with it, RSS, RO, Interstellar Extended. Or maybe I am missing something very obvious... Any advice would be appreciated. (I'm using KSP1.04).

Edited by SegmentationViolation
Realism Overhaul reaction wheels can't rotate itself in free space with nothing attached
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No remote tech, got plenty of electricity, the RC-L01 it self has 30 electric charges, plus batteries I think I have about 4 megajoules, solar panels are working fine. Clicking "Control from here" does nothing. Next to the Navball I have all those buttons for pro-grade, retro-grade, etc., but they do nothing. I thought maybe it was Mechjeb, so I uninstalled that, but still can't point the guy no matter what I do... maybe Realism Overhaul only lets you spin the reaction wheels so long? But I tested it just on the launch pad and still couldn't get a wiggle out of it...

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I've seen a bug in stock where you can't rotate the ship. But I have a feeling it involved docking ports, because the ship (being large enough), would wobble under command, giving me the impression the docking ports were "stuck" on their orientation, and the rest of the ship was fighting in vain to try to change it.

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I don't see any way to toggle torque in the action menu, not sure what you mean. (I'm gonna have to get an account at imguru or picterest or something so I can post images here...)

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, to simplify things, I made the simplest spacecraft ever, a Guidance Unit (early), 1m, then added a single XT3 Solar Panel Array Mk1 and HyperEdited it into orbit around Earth and same issue, does nothing, 100 electric charges, but this time I don't even have the buttons for pro-grade, retrograde...

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Must be Realism Overhaul. I uninstalled that and now my reaction wheels work again. Unfortunate, even with nothing attached floating in space, RO reaction wheels don't move at all, but non-RO reaction wheel on the launch pad has enough torque to flip itself over and blow itself up. I liked RO, wanted to keep using it. Is there another way to achieve good pointing? Electrically, without fuels?

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