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Do you think KSP will ever have online gameplay?

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Multiplayer will have impact on the game by making otherwise unnecessary compromises in design and functionality
Oh man, I thought they'd already done that by not making realism a priority...

Multiplayer won't kill the original single-player gameplay but, if it does, I'm pretty sure they'd spin it off as a DLC or something because the outrage would be literally astronomical.

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I have to say I'm having a really hard time seeing how multiplayer KSP can actually work. I'm sure it's technically possible to come up with a way to let two players simultaneously play the game, but I just can't see how the gameplay in such a scenario is going to work out. The ratio of gameplay time to mission elapsed time is so tiny that in the vast majority of cases, I'll just sit and watch you do your thing, then you sit and watch me do my thing, and repeat. I'm really struggling to come up with a concept of what sort of missions there are that involve multiple players interacting with each other in the same place at the same time. I mean orbital rendez-vous is hard enough when one of the bodies is just moving inertially. If your target is being actively flown by another player, it's going to be almost impossible to get into physics bubble range. It seems to me that multi-player KSP will be overwhelmingly one player watching the other player do something, then the other player watching the one player do something, and so on. That's not really multi-player, that's just half-speed single player gameplay, and I don't really see what you can do with that to make a fun gameplay experience.

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There seems to be an assumption by everyone else that multiplayer in Kerbal Space Program would involve some form of competition, either racing the other players to the stars or trying to throw rockets at one anothers space centers. I'm honestly not sure how you can have played KSP and thought that would ever happen. I want multiplayer support because of the mission types that I can't carry out by myself. I want to launch a craft that splits in two and lands in two different areas simultaneously. I want to fly a spaceplane over the surface of Laythe, dropping a manned science capsule without slowing down. Even if the missions aren't actually efficient, I want the option to blow up with my buddy flying right alongside me.

There's no need for you to worry about them ruining single-player KSP because they altered certain parts to make them "balanced" in multiplayer. This isn't that kind of game. You aren't going to be logging into some match-making service where you get paired up with some random troll from the ass-end of New Eden. The other players are not your competition. They're your wingmen. You probably won't be playing KSP multiplayer with anyone who you don't already consider a friend, having planned the mission well before you even fire up the VAB.

Edited by OmniscientQ
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That has nothing to do with selfishness or so. Multiplayer will have impact on the game by making otherwise unnecessary compromises in design and functionality which might pretty much destroy the original game.

Selfishness expresses itself pretty much tho in people demanding MP for a game that is the perfect example of where not to add MP.

Um no. Multiplayer requires certain things added yet will change nothing for single player play. Except maybe good things such as increased physics bubble. Camera improvements. etc.. The absolutely worst thing that you will have to endure is them taking longer to implement some long term single player stuff.

It is not going to wreck the game and you know it. You are just mad aren't you?

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I have a bunch of friends that could play together and have great fun. If KSP multiplayer is implemented then my dreams will come true. I will be flying all day long. The time warp problem could be fixed how minecraft fixed bedtime on servers. When all can time warp you can timewarp. Again after 1.1 the first thing I want is a crappy glitchy test build for mp.

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The time warp problem could be fixed how minecraft fixed bedtime on servers. When all can time warp you can timewarp. Again after 1.1 the first thing I want is a crappy glitchy test build for mp.

That honestly isn't that bad of an idea. Sure, it may take longer to get places, but you can just work on a space station or something. And if it's just a small server with you and a couple buddies, you could just ask them to not launch for a minute so you can all timewarp.

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That honestly isn't that bad of an idea. Sure, it may take longer to get places, but you can just work on a space station or something. And if it's just a small server with you and a couple buddies, you could just ask them to not launch for a minute so you can all timewarp.

It seems like it's the only way MP could work in a game with time warp like KSP. Otherwise it would involve a whole bunch of time paradoxes and other crazy stuff.

EDIT: Hoping the MP won't suck as much as DMP (don't get me wrong, it's a great mod but helluvalot buggy and unstable). I would love to recreate a Pegasus or MAKS launch with one of my buddies. He's more of a rocketman and I'm more of a plane guy, so doing stuff like this would be great.

Edited by Veeltch
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