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Part tools IVA script question

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OK Ive been starting to mess around with Unity to update some of my personal favorite mods and I tried to add some parts to an IVA but I seem to be having a problem. Im pretty sure I have Unity and the part tools installed correctly as I can export models and use them in game just fine, but Im hitting a roadblock when it comes to IVAs. I do not see the IVA script under the add component menu, but I do see it under the part tools/lib/partools.dll. I can add it by dragging and dropping from here but when I do unity chugs to a halt each time I click on anything and throws up "Error: Empty part config file error, NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" repeatedly. Am I missing something? Im surprised as I thought the whole point was to MAKE the IVA config file..


Well I sort of answered my own question on what was causing the errors. Apparently by trying to drag and drop it from the dll I corrupted the project in unity itself. How that happens is beyond me but oh well. Creating a new project removes the error. But that brings me around the what started this. How do I export the IVA cfg once I have the props placed if I don't see it under the componets? Ive tried part tools 20 and 23 and dont see the option....

Edited by DigitalProeliator
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IVA making has a few steps to it. First, you open the part tools menu - If PartTools was correctly installed, it part tools menu can be found under the tools tab in the Unity toolbar at the top of the screen.


The menu will let you spawn an IVA from the list of IVAs found in the target Gamedata directory, switching it to the props tab wil give you a similar list of IVA props to populate an IVA with. Spawned IVAs come with the Proptools script already loaded, as seen in the Inspector tab on the left. When props have been added to your liking, clicking the 'Save to Config' button will automatically write the selected IVA config with the prop configuration.

If you are trying to create a config for an IVA that doesn't currently exist, you can either create a dummy IVA config file by creating an empty .cfg somewhere in GameData; open it up and add the following text:

name = [I]YourCockpitNameHere[/I]


Save, then refresh the IVAs available in Unity by refreshing the directory in the setup tab of the part tools menu. Alternitively, you can create an empty GameObjrect, and drag and drop the InternalSpace script in the partTools .dll in the partTools file in the Project's Assets


Then click the 'Open Tools' button in the Inspector Tab to get the part tools menu. Once the IVA is populated with props, Create a name for the cockpit in the 'Space Name' field, the name of the IVA.cfg in the 'Config Name' field, and set where the .cfg will be saved in the Dir URL. Then click 'Save to Config'

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