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downloaded Shuttle (Realistic Stock Mk3 Space Shuttle from iKerbals) behaves totally different

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I´m just fiddeling around with shuttles and downloaded one build by iKerbals to crib a little.

Craftfile: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/226610-realistic-easy-to-fly-mk3-stock-space-shuttle

There also is an video:

So i discovered a strage problem - the shuttle in my game behaves totally different to the one in the video.

The boosters are done at 9700m (video 11400m)

It won´t do the gravity turn automatically like described in the video. My SAS simply keeps it straight up, if i don´t make it turn by steering.

I´m also absolutely unable to reach orbit with this craft. It even took me 3 tries to get AP over 70.000m as the shuttle is far too slow.

Many people use this craft and it does fine, but in my game it totally fails.

So what is going wrong here?

[Edit] I don´t use any mods that (should) change physics or data of celestrial bodies.

Edited by Gooru
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