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Was the a name for this bug?


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I was watching a video about ancient versions of KSP, and I started doing some reading on the wiki, this lead me to a page about different verions of the Kraken. I read over it, surprised to find there where different versions of the Kraken. I checked each type, trying to find the name for a particular bug I remember from the early days. But it was not listed.

Does anyone recall a bug that would occur when landing on a planet, where the surface would disappear, and you would see a blackness with a giant "eye" in the center? I remember you would fall towards it until your ship exploded.

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Yeah, the planet asset would just be deleted, no rhyme or reason behind that one, thankfully it became much rarer with Unity updates.

It didn't really have an official name though.

There was really only ever one Kraken, when the player was so far from the scene origin point, and so fast, that Unity just couldn't tell exactly where you were, and parts of your vessel would fight you, trying to fly away.

Since then everything remotely buglike has been labelled a Kraken of some description, Kraken is the Kerbal word for bad unexplained things now ;)

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I remember on my 1st Jool mission, on the return I was doing a course correction, and I got hit by a fuel tank I had jettisoned. That engaged the "Kraken Drive" resulting in an absolutely GIANT orbit, I think it was 30/40 years around. Wish I still had that save......

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  Tweeker said:
I was watching a video about ancient versions of KSP, and I started doing some reading on the wiki, this lead me to a page about different verions of the Kraken. I read over it, surprised to find there where different versions of the Kraken. I checked each type, trying to find the name for a particular bug I remember from the early days. But it was not listed.

Does anyone recall a bug that would occur when landing on a planet, where the surface would disappear, and you would see a blackness with a giant "eye" in the center? I remember you would fall towards it until your ship exploded.

  sal_vager said:
Yeah, the planet asset would just be deleted, no rhyme or reason behind that one, thankfully it became much rarer with Unity updates.

It didn't really have an official name though.

There was really only ever one Kraken, when the player was so far from the scene origin point, and so fast, that Unity just couldn't tell exactly where you were, and parts of your vessel would fight you, trying to fly away.

Since then everything remotely buglike has been labelled a Kraken of some description, Kraken is the Kerbal word for bad unexplained things now ;)

At least thats what "they" want you to believe.

Really the truth behind the Kraken is a secret that is so dark, so horrible, that were you to truly comprehend the full, unedited truth your sanity would surely be in jeopardy. Its a truth known only to Squad.. or "The Annointed" as they are known amongst themselves, The truth is also known to some of the mod developers, or the "Acolytes", as they are known.

Finally, but worst or all... beware the Moderators.... the only group, bold enough to take on no false moniker, to be know widely by their real title.... Moderators.... pray.... pray... you never anger them.

The "eye" you describe Tweeker, was an Eye indeed.... the true Eye of the Kraken. You see, most people don't see the Kraken.... they are affected by its invisible touch as it reaches to our world from the place it dwells. However, in the old days, the firmament which separated this world from that place where "it" dwells used to be thinner and more brittle... mortals could from time to time.... and to their great peril I might add... perceive beyond its fragile veil and see truly, with mortal eyes, the true, horrible visage of that which waits in the void.... the Kraken or Dah Krzakenz.. as it is know in the old tongue. :0.0:

..... or it could just be a programming thing.... I don't know much about computers. :confused:

Edited by Tourist
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  sal_vager said:
I'll just shamelessly link this here....

You never saw deep space when the Kraken was real...

People on Kerbin will try to tell you, the Kraken is not real, its a floating point error, a problem with the collision mesh, its a memory leak... any number of "rational" explanations.

However there is a place where you can find out the truth. It is a place where the light of Kerbol feels as weak as a fifty cent light bulb in the kind of hotel where you pay-by-the-hour, but where Jool stands at the center of all things, as a majestic conductor, guiding its charges in their stately cosmic dance.

There you will find a bar.... the kind of place where grizzled old Kerbals with thousand yard stares, sit on stools at the bar, drink and talk in hushed tones about things they have seen.... things they have seen that are best forgotten.

If you go there, buy them a round, shut your mouth and open your ears.... you may hear a thing or two. They may tell you about what the things they have seen. The Mo-hole, the alien monument, the magic bolder. But they will not talk about the Kraken, but you will know the truth. The truth will be written in the way their eyes widen whenever they look out into darkness past Eeloo. And the truth will be evident in the way they act as though something out there is staring back.

Edited by Tourist
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