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The Ion Orbit challenge.


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I'm going to get straight to it

MISSION: Get into a circulaur with a height above 60 and below 100 on the mün.


You have to build a

stage rocket with a twist.

It's a small stage rocket

that can be unmanned or manned,

and you have to use ion engines on each stage.

and Xenon gas. Is your fuel.

No cheats, No bigger mun ect.

How to do the challenge:

1. Build your Ion Stage rocket.

2. Hyperedit anywere to the mun.

3. Launch.

4. make an orbit above 60 and below 100

5. Win.


You will need a imgur log for this.

You need a picture of:


Takeoff from mun

*Picture for every stage that seperates*

Full orbit in map view, and make sure that your periapsis and your apoapsis heights show.

Anything else you deem picture-worthy!



Edited by Dcseal
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This looks interesting. I'll try this out over the weekend. If I come up with something good enough, I'll make a video in which I complete the challenge and then land on the largest planet I can manage using entirely ion power.

EDIT: I've had a go at this. The challenge itself is pretty easy if you keep the ship small, as Foxster has demonstrated above. I just don't have enough time or patience for the really long burn times required for what I had planned to do.

Edited by TheMoonRover
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I built a little manned Ion shuttlet called the "Steinsieker" that can transfer from LKO to the Mun, land and then return to LKO where it redocks for transport down... So I guess that counts?

I don't have pics that show the orbital info, and I'm not doing "space" right now, but I'll leave the album here. So for the time being it's unvalidated. But craft info and dl link are in my sig if you want to try it yourself for giggles. It can land on the Mun without the SRBs, they're just there in case you make a mistake with the low TWR.

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Afterthought!! I did do a run with more info as a K-Prize entry.

  FlipNascar said:
Er if the Kerbal survives that counts as returned from Orbit right, and it was definitely overinsured... ;)

So we have the Steinsieker Ion shuttleletthingamabboy, that gets lifted up by er I can't remember what it's called open cockpit drag monstrosity. This is a total Gatecrasher, because ordinarily she's supposed to dump the turbojets - doing that, means you can get enough ∆V to get a nice high Ap that you can then dump out the shuttlet, fly to the Mun. Land on the Mun. Return to the piece of crap transport, dock and go back to the KSC with a sample. Only she's yet to survive the trip down... For this trip we kept the turbojets, still managed to get to the Mun with ease (didn't land) docked and survived.

I need to tweak the reentry handling... Keep it at around 5 degrees nose up and it's okay. But as the atmosphere gets thicker she starts to wobble. Probably time to admit defeat and fit a rudder and some more vanes...

The quest continues...

Edit: August 30- She's now completely capable of surviving reentry!


I probably could have just flown it by now... Ah well.

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I'm a bit confused about the rules for this challenge. Is the idea to Hyperedit an ion powered craft to somewhere in Mun orbit, then de-orbit, land on the Mun, then return to an orbit between 60 and 100km from the surface?

Back in 0.25 I made a manned (with a Mk 1 Lander can) vehicle that went from LKO to a landing on Mun then returned to a landing on kerbin.

Just want to make sure of the rules before I take a crack at this.

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I also did a trip to Dres in a similar vehicle.

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