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How Science Works, and what can be changed?


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So I am sitting here awake hours before I want to be and I have come to a thought..."is science in KSP boring?" I know, that is a question...but questions are thoughts also. So there...any way.

Science in KSP is simple. You place a bunch of things onto your ship, you go some where...turn on those things and you get Data...instantly. Then you can transmit it for less science, or you can drop it off back on Kerbin or at a Science lab. But really...science is boring...there is nothing really to it. Hurm...may be this is the lack of sleep, but there is nothing that grabs the attention.

So I am wondering how much of the core "science" mechanism could be changed or overhauled through mods?

What I am thinking is Experiments that take some time. Where a Kerbal has to set up something in the field and then run the experiment for X amount of time. The longer they run it, the more data they get. Or sample collection, you go to the mun and start sample collection and it takes the Kerbal time to collect say 300lbs of rocks instead of just snatching a pebble and getting science for it.

Basically a reason to send more then one Kerbal as having more allows you to do more experiments in parallel. Any thoughts on if this could be done or would it require more than can be achieved through a mod?

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Agathorn was working on a science mod that looked promising (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120748) but the mod appears to be dead now - covers the "Experiments take time" part. For 1.0.2.

Yeah look like, last edit on his Github was 5 months ago. Suppose he could have RL issues...it happens. But I also think that his idea was a bit to the extreme. I personally and more thinking of a RoverDude (spreads chicken blood on the alter and starts the ritual summoning) style. That comfy medium where it it deep and offers value but it is also Kerbal friendly.

So say...an example experiment.

Experiment: Core Sample

Equipment: Core Sample Drill (mounted or placed), Kerbal

Flavor Text: The Core sample experiment is used to gather core samples from a planet. These samples help Kerbal scientists to understand if there are desserts and snacks under the surface of a planets crust. Mmmm....Crust...where is that pie.

Basics: With the drill in hand, the Kerbal can go out and start the experiment. The experiment takes six hours as the drill collects cores from different depths. Each hour is worth one sixth of the final experiments Mbits. The experiment can be stopped for partial results or can be left to run in the background. After 6 hours, the kerbal will have all the neded samples for an area and can store them in a Sample Bin or Capsule(seriously, rocks do not just turn into data...yeash). Returning the sample to Kerbin will offer full scientific results. Kerbals can also transmit field reports about the samples using simple experiments (Science Jr as a processing lab) but this will destroy the samples and reduce the potencial science return.


Just a thought of how it could be tweaked. I mean I understand the experiment mentality of things like the Sci Jr. But to me...it always looked more like a mobile lab then an experiment.

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