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Prefab 'Building' parts

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What I'd like to do is build building-style bases in certain locations, e.g. Duna, Laythe, Kerbin poles, etc. While I could do this with stock parts, the part count would be painful and the structures tend to lose rigidity as they get bigger.

So, I'm envisioning massive sheet-like parts that are designed to fit together into 'prefab buildings', like hangers, workshops and control centres, ideally that a team of Kerbals could build together using KIS/KAS stuff. Again, I'm aware of various modular base and station parts, but what I'm envisioning is, well, bigger. Somewhere to park my Mk3 Shuttle in the shade, or to strip it down for an overhaul out of the solar radiation. See what I mean?

Does anybody know of a mod for this? If not, this should probably be moved to the suggestions subforum.

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I'm not so worried about transporting them, worst case I can strap them into 'flat-pack' bundles with struts or docking ports and clamp them to the side of a transport. I'm really asking if anyone's made parts like this already. Truthfully, the aesthetics of stock parts aren't ideal either.

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I believe the Hangar mod can provide some of what you're looking for.

Hangars (which came in many shapes and sizes) are 1-part deals that allow the storage of spearate vessels within. While stored in the Hangar, the craft is not rendered (I think it even ceases to exist completely, storing just the data) allowing for better fps.

The last time I tried to use the mod, though, every attachment node was very badly misaligned, and the actual interface for storing/retrieving vessels was conspicuously absent.

So, assuming it works, it's a great mod. Not sure of other options yet, though.

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Interesting, but from the screenshots in the 1st post these are more on the scale of cargo bays.

I'm thinking of something that builds up to more like the size of the hangers on the island airbase, something for storing a large cargo plane rather than a small probe or rover. Granted there may be program-related hard limits of which I'm not aware.

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Civilian Population mod has - along with some large 1-part buildings if you can figure out a delivery system - some really big structural panels you might find useful.

Wow, I really like some of those buildings... most of my bases look boring as all get-out, so maybe one or two of these will spice things up :D

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You laugh, I was quite the modeller about 15 years ago - good ol' 3dsMax.

Bit of dust on my modals these days tho... :(

Yeah I used it also back in the early 2000's when I was designing my own 3D engine and game, but just didn't have the time or manpower to make it happen with all the map making and modelling... But I did have collisions, shadows, gravity and kinetic impacts coded... And multi-threaded! LOL And after rewriting most of my code to go from DX7 to DX8, and then DX8 to DX9, it became a nightmare...

Currently creating my own rocket engines for KSP, but still needs lots of work and I have little time to devote to it.

Edited by xtoro
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