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When Decoupling Automatically Go To The Part You Decoupled

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What I mean is, when there are two docking ports connected to each other you should automatically be in control of the part your clicked "Undock".

Sometimes the control selection method is absolutely BONKERS. I was just on Duna and my delivery crane system had just landed a new base module. I clicked undock and of course it switched to the base module instead of my crane. So I though "Hey ho... never mind. I'll just hit the "]" key to go to the crane." but instead of going to the crane it went to a decoupler that was still coming down. So I tried to switch back to the crane or the base module AND THE BLOODY GAME TOLD ME I COULDN'T SWITCH WHILE IN THE ATMOSPHERE (which it already clearly did).

So just to get back to the crane I had to go back to the space centre, THEN to the tracking station and then back to the crane... but by that time it had fallen off the base module and I was shown a lovely explosion... All because the game switched to the wrong part and then wouldn't let me switch back.

Squad, you really need to sort out the switching in atmosphere limit. I have lost SOOOOOOO many craft because switching goes to the wrong darn part and refuses to let me switch back. Also let us switch directly to the tracking station from the map screen. Having to load up the Space Centre and then load up the tracking station is an unnecessary step. Especially when you are in a rush to save a ship or something.

An alternative solution would be to have a drop down list of ships in the vicinity to choose which ship you want to switch to. It would definitely be better than the roulette wheel that is the [ and ] buttons.

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Yeah, I agree with this. I also don't understand why "cannot switch vessels while in atmosphere" is a thing, because you often can switch while flying in the atmosphere - if that's just an idiot-proofing safeguard to stop me from crashing my plane, I don't want it.

I might even say this thread belongs in bug reports instead of suggestions, but I'll let a mod decide that.

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Wouldn't that mean you'd end up switching to the empty SRBs you just jettisoned on launch from Kerbin? Or switching to a spent lower stage during ascent? Because then, you still wouldn't be able to switch back while in atmo.. yeah, I think that's the main issue here. Same with 'cannot switch while about to crash'. First time I saw that, I panicked thinking it was like 3 seconds away.

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  The Aziz said:
Person above has the point. Please turn off ability to switch to debris with [ and ].

Seconded. If it is a part that I *want* to control, I would have added a probe core to it in the first place. When you switch to debris, there is nothing you can do with it but watch it float/fly/crash anyway.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Wouldn't that mean you'd end up switching to the empty SRBs you just jettisoned on launch from Kerbin? Or switching to a spent lower stage during ascent? Because then, you still wouldn't be able to switch back while in atmo.. yeah, I think that's the main issue here. Same with 'cannot switch while about to crash'. First time I saw that, I panicked thinking it was like 3 seconds away.

Actually in those cases the radial decoupler stays on the craft if you look at them after separation.

But the guys who suggest that only probe or populated parts should be selected when hitting [ and ] is another good suggestion. Perhaps use { and } to select all parts in the vicinity. But please let us swap in atmosphere ffs no matter what.

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  NeoMorph said:

But the guys who suggest that only probe or populated parts should be selected when hitting [ and ] is another good suggestion. Perhaps use { and } to select all parts in the vicinity. But please let us swap in atmosphere ffs no matter what.

Exactly this is what should happen. Or the manned/vessels with control should be a priority to switch to. Not the debris.

And by the way, you can't save your vessels that are flying in the atmosphere by going back to the space center. If you do that ecerything that is in atmosphere is gone.

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