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[0.15.1+] isa_RAM_Mapper - OstermanA Edition


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With Innsewerants permission, I am posting a variation on the map module. It is functional in 0.15.1+, though my GUI is, frankly, broken. Fortunately you don\'t need it. If the module fails to start, just pause/unpause the game.

Among the changes is the plugin does a sizable data dump once every ten real seconds, and reads information once every game second. It will shut down automatically if you exceed 10x warp. This allows for very complete maps rather quickly. I\'ll keep tinkering with the GUI. If any of you smart people see why it\'s misbehaving let me know.

For the code itself, if I know what it does it\'s documented. There\'s a few things about the drawing the part itself I can\'t quite wrap my mind around, but then I\'ve never had any training, formal or otherwise, in graphical programming.

It\'s not all that thoroughly tested, but I don\'t foresee any catastrophic bugs. Let me know, of course.



Edit: I seem to be having some performance issues at 10x warp. Perhaps the KSP.IO adds some inefficiencies, or perhaps my updating code itself is less efficient than previous versions. I seem to be having some framerate issues. Let me know if ya\'ll are having them as well, I may need to optimize the code, or reduce the maximum warp to 5x.

To use: Extract into KSP directory. Should put everything in the right spot. Part shows up in the VAB. Or SPH, if you\'re feeling bold. The map generator is documented here.

This mod is originally by Innsewerants, I\'ve just made a few tweaks. The code is based on his, the part and animations are all his work. See his mod for full credits.

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I can do a readme when I get home.

Yes, there is another but frankly I don\'t like how it was implemented. I\'ve been rewriting this for a couple months now, and talking to Innsewerants it sounds like it will be a bit before 'Real Life' will allow him to update the 'official' release. I asked if I could publish mine & received approval. So here it is.

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I left the module running over night & there is definitely something wrong with it. I\'ll figure out what & repost.

Problem patched. Also uploading a full install of the module, rather than just the plugin.

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Okey, i\'ve downloaded, installed (put unto folders ), place a part on my rocket, get on the orbit (both Kerbin/Mun), run the mapper but nothing happened, mean neither a file or screenshot was created. Where did i made a mistake?:/

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Okey, i\'ve downloaded, installed (put unto folders ), place a part on my rocket, get on the orbit (both Kerbin/Mun), run the mapper but nothing happened, mean neither a file or screenshot was created. Where did i made a mistake?:/

Make sure that the part you added is activated. Basically, move it in the staging sequence to be with your main engines. My guess is that it\'s currently in the same stage as your command module.

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Make sure that the part you added is activated. Basically, move it in the staging sequence to be with your main engines. My guess is that it\'s currently in the same stage as your command module.

Okey , i\'ve add that to main engines section, so it is active, i have also 'checked' map module power, but when i run throught a command line a command 'isa_RAM_MapGen.exe' (so thats the default i suppose), it simply do nothing (or at least it looks like)

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Is it supposed to not work without a (manned) command pod?

I put it on a Powersat with mechjeb (a non pod version) and a bunch of comm antennas, renamed the ksp install dir to 'KSP_win', paused/unpaused, turned on map module power, and it doesn\'t produce a csv file.

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Strange. Is it a real vessel or debris you changed to with the vessel keys? Or maybe a ship made with MechJeb?

To quote myself:

'I put it (the mapper antenna part) on a Powersat with mechjeb (a non pod version) and a bunch of comm antennas'

By default PowerSat shows up as a pod on the map, can be toggled between pod and debris. Neither mode produces a csv file.

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