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Spaceplane explodes while landed near Kerbin's south pole

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Hi all,

Sent a cargo plane to Kerbin's south pole. Landed it, but when I taxi to within a few hundred meters of the pole itself, every part instantly overheats and explodes. So it's specific to that location. If I tell it to ignore max temperature in the Debug Toolbar, everything goes instantly red, but doesn't explode (as instructed), and other than the heat showing maxxed out, behaves normally.

Anyone else seen this? Bug in stock KSP or could it be one of the 25 or so mods I have?



Edited by barfing_skull
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That does sound really similar to my issue, though I was orbital rather than roving. A totally polar 90deg inclined orbit always detonated over the south pole. My workaround was not going within 0.5deg of it. It may be possible to get closer, but I haven't tried.

Do you have KER? You'd be pretty well placed to find out exactly what southern latitude triggers it.

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Yeah, and that has a link to some bug reports. Sounds similar, though it appears to happen in orbit as well as near the surface. Wonder if they have some weird divide-by issue with the formula used to calculate temps in the atmosphere?

Right, I could heat up all my components so they are ready to explode the instant I hit the anomaly.

Looks like the links go to this one ultimately: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/5181

This might be better off being pursued there.



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Moderators, please lock this thread.

You can move along.

There is nothing interesting at the South pole.

Santa wouldn't use a heavy-duty laser to destroy anything approaching his secret workshop.

Especially not the killazap 2000 model.

These are not the 'droids you're looking for.

Oh, er yes, it's just a bug, that's right.

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