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Hello, I am thakyZ


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I have been playing KSP for quite some time. But I have only recently started to go onto the forums. I have already accomplished a fly by of Minimus and landed on the Mun twice.

I hope to see you all around the forums !

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Welcome to the forums! :) Sounds like you're about ready to step up to the plate and start up your first interplanetary mission. Which planet do you plan on visiting first?

Feel free to share your accomplishments or ask questions as you feel the need. We try to be a generally friendly and helpful bunch around here.

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Well I am probably going to vist Duna first or Eve. But I have a feeling that Eve may be harder, because of some videos and posts. But I haven't tried yet, so I may send a probe to the planet first and see how it goes from there! Also I found out that there are hidden easter eggs on a lot of planets! So I will see if I can find all of them!

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