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The Jool V - Life Sized Apollo Replica

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Bubbadevlin Presents;

The Jool V


I would like to present my largest craft to date, in parts, mass and size. I designed this craft to be a real sized, a proportional Saturn V rocket for the Apollo program. It is so large, that the first stage is propelled my 25, yes 25 Mammoth 3m engines. That means that i actually had to be a bit cheaty in the design, as the VAB was not tall enough. The rocket also includes a detailed LEM module capable of landing on the Mun.

For those wondering, to make such a large craft, I did not use a VAB extender mod, I simply did shift - click when in offset mode. This allowed me to slide the entire craft up and down in the VAB.


900 parts - 1fps on launch.. :mad:

110m tall

10m diameter for 1st and 2nd stages

6m diameter for 3rd stage

3m diameter command module

Mass of 3350 tons

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Optimal Flight Plan To Orbit

1)Throttle up, activate SAS and RCS, and hit space.

2)Do not turn on the entire first stage, it will just lead to instability.

3)On staging the 2nd stage, turn to 45~ and stay. The burn will finish with about a 100km apoapsis.

4)Use the 3rd stage to circularize, by this point the rocket will be fairly stable, and you should be able to just use it like any other rocket form here on out.

NOTE: DO NOT flip the command module around until you decouple the 3rd stage, or it will wobble out of control. I wish i could be more realistic, but blame freaking KSP docking ports.

Acton Groups

1 - Abort

2 - Decouple Abort Tower (DON'T FORGET!)

3 - Toggle Ladder

Have Fun and enjoy the craft!


Edited by Bubbadevlin
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