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[1.0.4] Take the VTOL pilot skill challenge and earn a badge!

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So I also called mine the Kestrel. Not copying honest!

However, it's very much a gatecrasher... a Division I gatecrasher, but a gatecrasher none-the-less because a) it runs on infinite fuel (presently - although the rules don't specify that you can't...) And B) would need some rejigging of the engines to make it truly compliant with the "no clipping" rules. Admin helipad blew up when I landed on it. The craft survived the landing though. I've yet to land anything on that helipad without it destroying that building.

Still. It's a bird of prey-ish. And needs much more work. But it tops out at around 80m/s so I'm in no rush to do this legitimately.... Because with fuel it'll be even slower.


Should have called it the Buzzard :sticktongue:

That thing is awesome tho. You need to give it actuated talons so it can grab young kerbs off their loungers on the roof of the astronaut complex. :D

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So I also called mine the Kestrel. Not copying honest!

However, it's very much a gatecrasher... a Division I gatecrasher, but a gatecrasher none-the-less because a) it runs on infinite fuel (presently - although the rules don't specify that you can't...) And B) would need some rejigging of the engines to make it truly compliant with the "no clipping" rules. Admin helipad blew up when I landed on it. The craft survived the landing though. I've yet to land anything on that helipad without it destroying that building.

Still. It's a bird of prey-ish. And needs much more work. But it tops out at around 80m/s so I'm in no rush to do this legitimately.... Because with fuel it'll be even slower.


Very interesting creation/piece of art you have there. You definitely caught me off guard with the infinite fuel thing, I will have to go and specify that and also, I need to make a specific rule regarding heat. I'll just say whatever the default difficulty settings are in sand box mode are the only settings allowed. Unfortunately the F3 screen shows damage, even though it was at least 1 planck frame (lol) after you apparently landed on the admin pad, and for that reason I won't quite list it yet - but still, thanks for sharing and I look forward to any revisions.

edit: oh, and it was also over 20 minutes, that exceeds the time limit, but with a tad of work and a little more finesse I'd think that you can make it. Does anyone know if the admin building has a weight limit and what it would be specifically? If known, I'll add that information in the challenge guidelines to prevent headaches. I acknowledge, however, that you possibly didn't mean it as a serious entry.

Edited by MunGazer
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Should have called it the Buzzard :sticktongue:

That thing is awesome tho. You need to give it actuated talons so it can grab young kerbs off their loungers on the roof of the astronaut complex. :D

I've spent enough time trying to pick up Kerbs with the Klaws... Not yet managed it. Wondering if it can be done without "control from here"... Need to do some test with bigger objects.

Very interesting creation/piece of art you have there. You definitely caught me off guard with the infinite fuel thing, I will have to go and specify that and also, I need to make a specific rule regarding heat. I'll just say whatever the default difficulty settings are in sand box mode are the only settings allowed. Unfortunately the F3 screen shows damage, even though it was at least 1 planck frame (lol) after you apparently landed on the admin pad, and for that reason I won't quite list it yet - but still, thanks for sharing and I look forward to any revisions.

Yes the F3 screen shows damage because the building collapsed. It was the collapse of the building that caused the damage to the Kestrel. The fact that I landed on the admin building twice might be what caused the collapse. I got my positioning wrong so landed off to the side and touched down without about 8 m/s. Craft absorbs like usual, then touch the pad at around 2-3 m/s. And blammo.

Anyhoos, it was always going to be a Gatecrasher because the VTOL engines are clipped onto the same octo strut. But just to show that it can be done without conventional landing gear! You have to nail your landings otherwise it falls over like a drunk student looking for a kebab.

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I've spent enough time trying to pick up Kerbs with the Klaws... Not yet managed it. Wondering if it can be done without "control from here"... Need to do some test with bigger objects.

Yes the F3 screen shows damage because the building collapsed. It was the collapse of the building that caused the damage to the Kestrel. The fact that I landed on the admin building twice might be what caused the collapse. I got my positioning wrong so landed off to the side and touched down without about 8 m/s. Craft absorbs like usual, then touch the pad at around 2-3 m/s. And blammo.

Anyhoos, it was always going to be a Gatecrasher because the VTOL engines are clipped onto the same octo strut. But just to show that it can be done without conventional landing gear! You have to nail your landings otherwise it falls over like a drunk student looking for a kebab.

Understood about the damage. Regarding engines clipping into structural components or fuel tanks, that's ok and is allowed by the rules. The only thing I don't want to see is engines clipping into each other. If they're on a stock bicoupler and just barely touching on the tippy tip tips that should be ok.

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Speed run, I suppose.

Ok. And, sorry, but I also forgot to ask you the craft name?

This is because of Section C., part 9. Also, I forgot at first but it can't qualify as a speed run unless there's a video for it (read main introduction). So until that point it'll just be a basic cert.

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Single engine "VTOL" with 11 parts total. Does this count? :wink:


Yes, that would count as a basic certification. Speed runs require a video (see main intro). I just need to know what division you're aiming for and the name of the craft (see Section C. Part 9).

That being said, cool craft! Very minimalist and it reminds me of one of the elongated tie fighters from star wars.

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This challenge is really difficult when it gets to the hangar. The hangar screws up your camera and then you bump into the roof and blow up.

How do you get the camera to not screw up?

The camera method that I typically use has apparently allowed me to circumvent such issues, which is the locked external view. That's what I used in my demonstration video, coincidentally. Press the "V" button to cycle the camera to "locked" mode and in a position that is relatively close to your craft and aligned with it from behind as much as possible without obstructing your view to the point that you can't function. Once it is locked, press and hold right mouse button and mouse around to get a good chase view of the craft. For me, having the camera fixed to the craft's frame of reference makes flying tremendously easier because of the visual feedback I get from the environment in a way that telegraphs my orientation much more intuitively.

As far as the actual flying part of the hangar task, if you're having any difficulty there, the best advice I can give is to keep a close eye on the prograde marker in your nav ball. It does a lot to give you a better idea of your local vector, letting you know if you're about to climb or drop too quickly. If you'd like me to put together a quick video tutorial on the hangar fly through part of the challenge, let me know and I'll put one together in the next couple of days.

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The camera method that I typically use has apparently allowed me to circumvent such issues, which is the locked external view. That's what I used in my demonstration video, coincidentally. Press the "V" button to cycle the camera to "locked" mode and in a position that is relatively close to your craft and aligned with it from behind as much as possible without obstructing your view to the point that you can't function. Once it is locked, press and hold right mouse button and mouse around to get a good chase view of the craft.

Ok, thanks!

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Ok. And, sorry, but I also forgot to ask you the craft name?

This is because of Section C., part 9. Also, I forgot at first but it can't qualify as a speed run unless there's a video for it (read main introduction). So until that point it'll just be a basic cert.

Oh, right, that's fine. I called it the VTOL Pilot Challenge 3, but I think "Hummingbird" is a far better name.

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Working on an entry, have run into a few dead ends, such as this fellow the "flying bedpost";


Super responsive and easy to fly, but the use of rockets means it guzzles fuel and can't even make it to the island runway. Tough challenge you have here.

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Ok, here´s my entry

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All parts stock and stock physics, so a Division 1 entry. No speedrun. Craft name Dragonfly-V

The values on the F3 screen are not useful at all. I included it, but if forgot to take it before switching back to KSC :( I didn´t recover the craft, so i switched back and made a screenshot, but the game did reset the values... (The time should be accurate, though...)

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Working on an entry, have run into a few dead ends, such as this fellow the "flying bedpost";


Super responsive and easy to fly, but the use of rockets means it guzzles fuel and can't even make it to the island runway. Tough challenge you have here.

Cool. Yeah, the challenge lends well to crafts that are weighted a bit more toward the conventional aircraft end with VTOL capability, as opposed to being ideal for crafts that excel tremendously at easy vertical take offs and landings while sacrificing speed, range, and efficiency with respect to their operational radius. The VTOL spectrum is quite a broad one. I figured if it was simply a matter of just taking off and landing on a small spot, it would have been a little too easy. Although that is one aspect of VTOL piloting and design, having the craft be efficient at covering ground horizontally as well as being able to transition between modes was something that I wanted people to focus on, if not at least figure out how to work around, in this challenge. The flexibility required to perform the tasks, I had hoped, would also bring more sophisticated designs with a broader range of capabilities; think of it as an area 51 for VTOL prototypes. Maybe people, including myself, can get lots of ideas from it.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, here´s my entry


All parts stock and stock physics, so a Division 1 entry. No speedrun. Craft name Dragonfly-V

The values on the F3 screen are not useful at all. I included it, but if forgot to take it before switching back to KSC :( I didn´t recover the craft, so i switched back and made a screenshot, but the game did reset the values... (The time should be accurate, though...)

Alright, well done :). No worries about the F3 issues, your case is obviously not loaded with anything suspicious.

Edit: And just to let you guys know, regarding my schedule and when I can acknowledge entries, I work Monday through Friday 2pm to 11pm central standard time (north america). I should be able to make checks on the challenge daily on average outside of those hours.

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Just to prove that I don't always creatively interpret rules... Here's 100% compliant Division I Stock [basic] entry.

We'll call her the Butterfly Effect. Although I realise I am missing a through the hangar screenshot for one way... I went through it at 170m/s and didn't have the chance to "stop" and take a screenshot (I'm on a Mac so I need to do Fn + F1). But, on the second hangar I went much slower... I did fly through it without landing.

Now that she's done the challenge I can go clipping crazy and make her a bit sleeker and what not....

Edit: Download link is available from KerbalX


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Just to prove that I don't always creatively interpret rules... Here's 100% compliant Division I Stock [basic] entry.

We'll call her the Butterfly Effect. Although I realise I am missing a through the hangar screenshot for one way... I went through it at 170m/s and didn't have the chance to "stop" and take a screenshot (I'm on a Mac so I need to do Fn + F1). But, on the second hangar I went much slower... I did fly through it without landing.

Now that she's done the challenge I can go clipping crazy and make her a bit sleeker and what not....



Entry acknowledged :). Cool craft, I see you like the wildlife inspired themes. Regarding the hangar shot, I'll let it slide since at least I can see you were booking it toward that hangar and close to it. I'll list the entry once I'm home.

- - - Updated - - -

Very creative challenge! I tried many times and failed. I did get to the helipad and flew through one of the hangars though (in one go)! Maybe when I gather more patience I will try this difficult challenge again. :)

Thanks. Based on some of the feedback I'm getting, it seems there are enough people that would like to do the challenge but are getting stuck mostly on the hangars. So I've decided as soon as I have time (maybe tonight) I'll put together an instructional video on basic VTOL design and, more importantly, the techniques used to complete the challenge with minimal frustration. I'll put the link to it in the original post once it's done.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't have the piloting skills for this challenge, but I was able to build a craft that worked very well; posted here for everyone's fyi;


I like your style, your craft seem to have the pattern of being compact and yet loaded with functionality. The IR swivels and the mini parasite thrusters rock!

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Yes, that would count as a basic certification. Speed runs require a video (see main intro). I just need to know what division you're aiming for and the name of the craft (see Section C. Part 9).

That being said, cool craft! Very minimalist and it reminds me of one of the elongated tie fighters from star wars.

Division 1, name "piefighter" :)

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I noticed u didn't specifically rule out the use of chutes for landing. Deliberate? VTOL landing is by far the hardest part IMHO.

I'm glad you brought that up, it's just not something that occurred to me that people would do for this challenge and I didn't think of it. Although chutes might be a great solution in some instances for other scenarios, I feel that it circumvents the scope of a true VTOL craft in the context of this challenge.

I'll be sure to do a good portion on VTOL landing in my upcoming tutorial video.

- - - Updated - - -

Division 1, name "piefighter" :)

Entry acknowledged, I'll list it once I'm home and I'll assume it's for a basic cert unless you specify otherwise.

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