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Artificial Gravity In KSP

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A new part that when activated through right clicking opens a gui setting its rotation speed and auto torque saying how fast it rotates and its made of carbon fiber which for it costs $1000 per ton.

Its a procedural part with setting as thickness, length, center width(how wide the center hole is), it has 50 electric charge per ton and the torque of 2 Advanced Large S.A.S.'s per ton, this part is men't for advanced space travel.

It needs a lot of physics changes to Kerbals and rovers to work like allowing them to walk and stay on it in time warp.

This is the only part that can rotate in timewarp automatically, it uses 1 electric charge per second each ton to rotate at full power.

Sense this part is so big, you would be able to move rockets outside which adds 5% on to the whole rocket cost.

The part has settings for if the center should have super strong reinforced glass protecting it making an air lock and what material the inside part is made of like grass or water also it should have animals in K.S.P. I know it said it was not or shelved but it would allow lots of more things in it.

The part is super complex and in career it is the last thing to unlock, It can have certain parts on the inside lowered and raised for maybe like grass hills and it has a sea level thickness level setting so if you lower the land it could have lakes.

This part would be very fun to have in the game and be very useful for long waits and space stations, the sea level is a separate object in unity and has super complex coding with could be used for the normal Kerben and other liquid oceans/lakes, if the material is grass each pod has a setting for seeds which Kerbals can plant which also comes with new types of powerful lights men't for lighting up the whole place. The part has 85 crash resistance.

The Water could float around if the gravity is lower than 0.05G, turning into multiple entities/objects with distorted models each for 2 pieces for each 1 ton of water, The glass can also be stained and each Kerbal has a right click function called plant seed which only works on that part. On land of Kerben or other planets with plants it would say "This place already has plants and has no need for more.",(Mainly so it doesn't have lag issues).

I hope to see this added sense I needed it a lot for my space stations and other people might want it too for their's.

Sorry for the bad order I am not that good at grammar.

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