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FAR Fighter Challenge BD Armoury AI: 2!!

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You cut the video before one of the planes hit the ground. however I would say that it was highly probably that the Hawk Moth would win as it was still flying and not gliding. I'd call it a Hawk Moth kill, and suggest in future you keep the vid rolling until it's unambiguous about who is the winner.

Some observations about your camera work. Much of the video was unclear or nearly unwatchable. Particularly at the beginning. Turn off camera shake as mentioned above. In Settings->Gameplay Turn Camera Wobble (External Views) sliders to 0.0

Pull back from the planes. With the aircraft taking up so much of the screen all it looks like is a plane with the camera spinning around it against an indistinct background. Give some more room on screen for perspective of the fight.

For the most part follow the defending plane and keep the camera moving to keep the attacker clearly in view. When there isn't a clear defender you're on your own :)

For the most part a good match and a good vid. I'm by no means an expert cameraman so feel free to tell me to take a flying leap, but I think this advice might make for a more exciting vid.

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In the case of an indecisive combat, the side that 'retires' first should lose. Defining retirement is the complicated part. I see 2 main options:

  • The plane that ran out of fuel first is considered to have retired, since it would have been forced to do so to RTB and land safely, or...
  • The plane that lands/crashes first is considered to have retired, since either it's destroyed, or it effectively has RTB'd.

In this case, the video cuts out before the round is really decided - both planes are still airborne and neither has suffered any damage (at least none I can see in the video). The fuel situation is the only distinction, but the outcome of that situation hasn't been resolved.

I think u just need to arbitrate a ruling and stick with it. There's never been a game yet that didn't have rules arbitrated by someone :)

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Example of "it's not over until it's over":


I've seen shootdowns by bingo craft, and I've seen craft land on terrain without damage - so I think the only ambiguous results are *both* landed *and stopped* in a recoverable state, both crashed simultaneously, or a mid-air collision with mutual destruction - in all three cases I'd just rerun it. You could say that the first one to contact terrain and not recover to flying again ( just in case something manages to bounce off the ground ) whether it's destroyed or not is the loser though, that's pretty much a definition of out of air combat. Clear rules won't generally need arbitrating, edge cases like simultaneous FIT or landing are astronomically rare.

No idea why that craft of mine is underperforming like that, would not have entered in that state :(

Experiment with PA SAS tuning has shown that BDA is doing something to SAS by itself, so that's a no-go.

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Given the lack of anything going on I ran the Hawk Moth / D-9 fight myself, you'll just have to trust me that I didn't cherry pick fights. Compositing fights at the moment, will take a few hours to compose & upload I suspect.

Hawk Moth behaved much better today, wierdly - I reuploaded it to DB just in case there was an old version ( should be same link ). Newer craft revisions look a little different, it's definitely the same model.

Video looks like it's coming out at 1.6GB encoded ( all three fights at once ) so that is going to take me forever to upload.

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Hawk Moth vs D-9, all three rounds:

I'd really recommend popping it out full screen, I sat back off the aircraft a little. Fraps decided it wanted to capture my mouse cursor for some reason, that's always been off.

Might have been a bit shorter if I could only build a stable gun platform! the first fight is a pretty damn good dogfight though. The unscripted victory roll at the end of the last fight couldn't have been better timed either.

This is future Moth: some severe software & a few airframe issues at the moment ( has a habit of trying to go in all three directions at once & ripping itself apart, and randomly stalling wing panels ) but might be a better challenge.


Good to have options though: don't think I can make this any smaller:


And this ... um... well.


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  Van Disaster said:
Hawk Moth vs D-9, all three rounds:

I'd really recommend popping it out full screen, I sat back off the aircraft a little. Fraps decided it wanted to capture my mouse cursor for some reason, that's always been off.

Might have been a bit shorter if I could only build a stable gun platform! the first fight is a pretty damn good dogfight though. The unscripted victory roll at the end of the last fight couldn't have been better timed either.

This is future Moth: some severe software & a few airframe issues at the moment ( has a habit of trying to go in all three directions at once & ripping itself apart, and randomly stalling wing panels ) but might be a better challenge.


Good to have options though: don't think I can make this any smaller:


And this ... um... well.


I love that the first fight went WAY above 2.1KM alt. 10km fight that then went back down to 1k.

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Yeah, that was a good old scrap.

I'll run up to the D-10 later, from trial fights the next two are probably going to be rather short. My version of the K-22 still pulls itself apart, so it's not really fair to run that against anything. After that I don't think there's any more official challengers right now.

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I'll upload a challenger later today, small, agile and deadly ;)

I've tested it against some of both the old and the new crafts and it performs satisfactory, but i noticed some strange behaviour as the center of weight (or lift) of the craft moved after taking it out on its first flight and into the hangar again, without me doing anything to it. And that the combination of the two structural wingparts (i think it's the swept and wing type B) making up a delta-wing, and the delta-wing itself has different center of lift... hm.

Good fights, BTW, and gratz to the throne.

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Sigh: epic ( if somewhat derpy ) battle between Hodo's craft & mine, finished by *both* running out of fuel & crashing, so now I have to rerun it. Big pity. Hodo your plane works better with one engine :P

Just a clarification how I'm interpreting events:

* If in doubt, rerun the round

* If both craft are out of combat before one crashes, it's a draw and a rerun.

In this case both were out of fuel and gliding before one crashed ( and there wasn't much in it there either ), so a rerun it was. Video of the three actual combat rounds uploading atm, probably ~2 hrs.

There should really be a list of links to fight vids in the OP.

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  Van Disaster said:
Sigh: epic ( if somewhat derpy ) battle between Hodo's craft & mine, finished by *both* running out of fuel & crashing, so now I have to rerun it. Big pity. Hodo your plane works better with one engine :P

Just a clarification how I'm interpreting events:

* If in doubt, rerun the round

* If both craft are out of combat before one crashes, it's a draw and a rerun.

In this case both were out of fuel and gliding before one crashed ( and there wasn't much in it there either ), so a rerun it was. Video of the three actual combat rounds uploading atm, probably ~2 hrs.

There should really be a list of links to fight vids in the OP.

The funny thing is I figured it had plenty of fuel for a 10min fight. I guess I should rework my math... I would love to see it though just to see the fun of that fight.

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OK, here's the Hawk Moth vs F-154 fight. Hopefully no delay in the HD streams today.

The draw was round 2 originally, looks like it shook up the Hawk Moth given the improved performance after that. Wierd how that goes, seen it happen before. The reversal in round 1 is hilarious.

  Hodo said:
The funny thing is I figured it had plenty of fuel for a 10min fight. I guess I should rework my math... I would love to see it though just to see the fun of that fight.

The fight was 15 mins! your craft spent much of it on one engine, not sure if that helped or not given it was running it flat out most of the time. The Moth is pretty fuel efficient which is why I slightly short fuel it. It's absolutely atrocious at shooting though, haha. 15 mins fights take half the day to upload - I might one day, but not for now.

I exported the Skua / D-9 fight from twitch to save it, I'll give the link if we get a video list going sometime.

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  Van Disaster said:
OK, here's the Hawk Moth vs F-154 fight. Hopefully no delay in the HD streams today.

The draw was round 2 originally, looks like it shook up the Hawk Moth given the improved performance after that. Wierd how that goes, seen it happen before. The reversal in round 1 is hilarious.

The fight was 15 mins! your craft spent much of it on one engine, not sure if that helped or not given it was running it flat out most of the time. The Moth is pretty fuel efficient which is why I slightly short fuel it. It's absolutely atrocious at shooting though, haha. 15 mins fights take half the day to upload - I might one day, but not for now.


I love that fight, I was actually surprised at how well my fighter did. I am glad it did as well as it did, being the first forward swept wing in the bunch.

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It's about to come to a very full stop in the next fight :P

Spaceplaneaddict: can you start a challenger list in the OP? stick gridghost's craft at the top, my list is just for the previous thread. Also mark F-154 in my craft's victory list, it needs it's moments of glory... perhaps start a list of fight videos too rather than having to dig them out of the threads, I still have no idea where half the fights from the old thread are.

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How can I add spoilers?

- - - Updated - - -

By the way, I am temporarily DQing the D-10. The Missile Rails exploded due to over heating. Fix, and I will re-run combat.

EDIT: Preflight checklist for K-22:

-Replaced one chaff for one flare.

Thats it.

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Yeah there is, just rclick the link & save-as. Or load it in the browser & just save it.

If you're running my Moth make sure you re-dl that too, just to be sure it's the right version. It *should* be the same one you have from when I first submitted, but I'm not sure DB flushed my uploads properly at some point in the past. The one on DB is the one I've been running in fights, anyway.

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