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CNES tribute to KSP


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A friend send me this link and I was amazed.


CNES offers a traineeship: The applicant will have to build a reusable lifter, a solar powered electric tug or nuclear electric powered ship. The applicant will have to simulate some mission with those ships and make some films for CNES communication service.

It's very pleasant to see that Space related institutes use KSP as a reference. I hope we will see more of these tributes and even more, cooperations to have more mods :D

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Link is incomprehensible. Gobbledygook

Link takes you to a foreign-language site (CNES, French space agency). It's not incomprehensible to those who speak that language (French), nor if you use a browser (like Chrome) with a translate function.

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Link is incomprehensible. Gobbledygook

Have you at least read the OP ? It translates what's written in French on the link.

CNES offers a traineeship: The applicant will have to build a reusable lifter, a solar powered electric tug or nuclear electric powered ship. The applicant will have to simulate some mission with those ships and make some films for CNES communication service.

Anyway, should I've been closer to Paris, I would have considered looking at it ! Seriously, playing KSP as a job, isn't it great ? :D

Edit: Ninja'd by OP

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Tried clicking the "Switch to English" button, and got this:

"There is no translation for this content, you have been redirected to the English home page"

Edit: Copying and pasting in Google Translate yields the following:

"Modelling of space systems in Kerbal Space Program - 2016PA2-15"

"Modeling space systems studied by CNES in the software / game Kerbal Space Program . The intern will model systems such as Kerbal a reusable launch vehicle , towing a solar -electric or nuclear -electric ship. It will simulate the tasks achievable with such systems and draw films used by communication CNES"

"Specialties and desired skills : general engineering or computer school , 2nd year"

So basically, you get to play on KSP at this job? Awesome!

Edited by Slam_Jones
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If internships work in France like they do here then it is likely an unpaid position. Looks good on a resume, though.

Some are paid, some aren't. But the paid ones... The pay is usually very low, and as an intern you often get to be the slave that does all the annoying tasks.

Playing KSP for 3 months-probably not very well paid to way the least

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@Red Iron Crown

Unfortunately in France, internship are not the most important in a resume ... Studies are the most important (And centers of interests aer nearly useless)

But a +8 Week internship MUST be payed at 3.60€ per hour in France

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We've already seen SpaceX hack into Scott Manley's PC and swap out his live KSP session with video of the re-usable first stage trying to land on a barge. I'm not saying it's Scott's fault that the crash was IDENTICAL to what actually happened. I'm sure it's just coincidence. Yep. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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