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[1.0.4] Kerbin Pizza Delivery Challenge !

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Being a Kerbonaut is no easy task. Those brave Kerbals are facing countless risks during their missions, but one of them is feared above all : the re-entry misdirection. Mistakes during reentry can lead Kerbal Krew to land far away from KSC, with potential Kasulties/damaged craft/no energy nor radio, or, worst of all, NO SNACKS :0.0::0.0::0.0:

This is why we need a reliable kerbal way to rescue these poor starving kerbonauts.

That's why we have the Kerbin Pizza Delivery Challenge !


The Kerbin Pizza Delivery Challenge is a creativ challenge with a single and simple goal that should set free your Kreativity.

Disclaimer : All aspect of this challenge are original. Any resemblance to Kerbin Circumnavigation another challenge, running or closed, is purely coincidental.

Goal : Using the craft of your design, you must reach a target place on Kerbin, land, deliver the pizza, take-off and come back to KSP (landed).

Target : All place are welcomed as long as they are located at least 1885km away from KSC => You must travel at least 180° around Kerbin in the plane of your choice.

Pizza : Circular decouplers / re-entry heat shield / any flat & circular stock part assembly / life-support related parts / flag with a pizza on it are all eligible as pizza.


- Pizza is mandatory !

- Informativ mods are strongly advised (MechJeb, KER, SCANSat etc ...) to give an easy view of your target coordinates.

- Mods adding parts non-related to propulsion are allowed (i.e. : propulsion/fuel/lifting and control parts must be stock; KIS/KAS/Infernal Robotic/Various Kameras mods etc ... are welcomed)

- No hyperedit/CFG edit etc...

- With respect to the above-mentioned rules, the way to reach the target is up to you. Plane, SSTO, multi-stage (sub)orbital rocket, Krawlers, rovers boats ...

- A few pictures and a kool story are welcomed - should includ a view of the craft in VAB/SPH, a view in flight to the target, a view once landed at the target, a view in flight back to KSC and a view landed at KSC with mission parameters

- Planting a Pizza-flag is a nice way to materialize the delivery

People taking part to the challenge will have fun (I hope!) and be rewarded by a nice picture that I have yet to design.


Special awards :

Speedy Delivery ! - job done in less than 60 minutes. You must travel back to KSC using the same path as for the delivery (= reversing orbital vector).

YoDawg.png Yo dawg I heard you like pizza ... - deliver the pizza in a pizza-shaped craft. Master award for fine-delivery adjusting with a pizza-shaped rover in the craft.

Double-barrel shotgun - Achieve the challenge using only solid-fuel propulsion with a 2-stage only craft.

Right adress, wrong zip code ! - Before completing the challenge, land first at your target coordinates on another celestial body

Le Grand Detour - achieve a near-space Eeloo flyby during the mission

Toasty ! - loss a structural part (propulsion/wing/control) to heat during the delivery run. Achieve the mission.

Pizza-leader #1 - Achieve the whole mission in IVA

Pizza-Bombing ! - Drop a pizza at the exact antipode of KSC (0°6'9" N ; 105°25'29"), +/- 100 meters. At least one part must explode on impact (the more, the better). Please note that without land&return condition, you will not be eligible to the "speedy delivery" award.

La Maxima Grandiosa - Deliver a 1 ton or more pizza

Special reward

Late delivery - a free pizza voucher for any of you if I takes me more than a week to reccord your success in this post (damn you, business trips !)



Edited by Maukse
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Can I air-drop the Pizza? So, like, in flight, decouple the pizza capsule at the target?

Well, it's a creative way of delivery so it's of course ok !!!

Just please make sure it involves as many explosions as possible :)

And, of course, you will not be eligible for the special awards (might associate one with para-pizza-dropping though)

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No special awards? Oh well, at least I can have a reason to use Flight Manager for reusable stages.

So, I just made a special award for your interesting way of delivery. Just - target isn't free, in order to appreciate your accuracy.

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322997am, TrainEngie, good questions !

Let's clarify - circular decouplers / re-entry heat shield / [flat & circular stock part assembly] / life-support related parts / flag with a pizza on it are all eligible as pizza.

I added a new special award based on pizza weight.

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It is difficult to predict the future, but I think we are all confident that in the near future we will get our pizza delivered by space scooter...



Nice idea for the scooter !

Just, I have no idea where you did deliver the pizza : / remember that the challenge is to travel at least Kerbin perimeter (so target should be at least half kerbin perimeter away of KSC).

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Nice idea for the scooter !

Just, I have no idea where you did deliver the pizza : / remember that the challenge is to travel at least Kerbin perimeter (so target should be at least half kerbin perimeter away of KSC).

To be honest I'm not exactly sure myself. I did go into a stable orbit each way, so in theory it could have been anywhere near the equator. In which case, does it really matter? I could have done 100 orbit.
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Looking at your design, obviously you do have enough dV for orbital flight in each way.

So I guess you will be the first to achieve the challenge !

For the next entries, please give a bit more detailed screenshots (altitude, speed, mission status once landed ...)

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