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Game Feedback and Bug Reports

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Hello, KSP community and greetings from the Orbiter Forums.

At first I want the say thank you for creating this excellent, I have had a lot of fun with it. I have mostly completed the game in a Career mode, until I encountered a game killer bug. All of my contacts disappeared from a mission control likely due to upgrade of mission control. My latest working save game is so far back that I am not going to replay the lost time. There are also a lot of problems with object/focus selection when multiple objects are in a group or picking a target vessel when two vessels are close to each-other. Here's a screen shot from picking a maneuver node which also activates peri/apoapis data. It's a shame that otherwise a great game has so many Monday problems with relatively simple things.



- The game is not saved when pressing enter in a save game dialog. Enter is equal to "Cancel" not to "Save".

- Target/Anti-target "Auto-pilot" is usually not available in SAS if the relative velocity is close to zero. This behavior is understandable with Pro/Retro-grade modes but not with Target/Anti-Target.

- Unable to add maneuvers in some situations. I had three vessels launched to Eve at the same time near equal trajectories, only one of them was able to set a maneuver-node for a final approach correction about 30-40 days before entry to Eve's SOI.

- Line of nodes isn't displayed if vessel's orbit is hyperbolic.

- Clicking time-warp control also clicks/selects objects behind the GUI element.

- SAS will often stop working when running out of electricity, even if the power comes back on-line the SAS is jammed in Stability Assist mode, (Pro-grade, etc..) modes are not working. Game restart is required to regain SAS functionality.

- SAS will often over-shoot the target direction by 90 degrees and the initial direction is not anywhere near correct.

- A Lab-Module can get about 1k-2k points of science from one surface sample. (1:1 ratio between data and science might be better)

- Time acceleration limitations are insane on Gilly and Bop. Do allow higher accelerations on lower altitudes.

- Time acceleration isn't automatically reduced properly. For an example when returning to Kerbin from the Mun and the periapis is inside the atmosphere. The vessel just explodes if the time acceleration is too high and it's not manually reduced.

- Vessels landed on Pol are bugged, often appear floating when entering visual range and then just explode. Sometimes vessels in flight explode like hitting a surface even if the visual surface is still far below.

- Space tourists who want to land on Eve are severally under paying.

- In XP scores: Plant flag on Eve = 13, Plant flag on Gilly = 15, Plant flag on Laythe = 20, Eve is way too low valued.

- There seems to be quite lot a trajectory instabilities for an example if a vessel is orbiting the Sun and it's making a fly-by of the Jool and the periapis is located somewhere near the Tylo. Then, I decide to change the periapis closer to the Jool, so, I'll add a maneuver and start increasing a dV, I'll watch the periapis to move closer and then -Zap-, the trajectory disappears and it indicates that the trajectory doesn't go anywhere near the Jool anymore.

- Radiators appears to be totally useless. Haven't found any use for them. Only thing that seems to be heating is the vessel during re-entry and aero-braking.

Feature Requests:

- Ability to transfer kerbals by clicking the portrait in a lower-right corner. Also, it could highlight the module where the kerbal is located when hovering mouse over the portrait.

- Add an arrows to ADI ball to point in Pro-grade and Target directions like the Maneuver direction has.

- Might be good idea to handle a data as a resource like a fuel so that it could be transferred between Lab-Modules. Allowing to have a multiple lab modules in a vessel and transfer the data from a vessel to an other.

- Ability to display the line of nodes for a local equator. Could be displayed by default when no-target is selected.

- Ability to select Target in addition to Focus in Tracking Station and display relative inclination and line of nodes.

- Ability to rename and change object class in tracking station.

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There is a lot of great feedback here, but would like to address the game killer first. Typically when Mission Control clears out like that, it's because there's an error popping up in the log. If you can recreate the bug, then go into the KSP_Data directory where your game is installed, you will typically find output_log.txt. If you upload this somewhere for me to read, I should be able to diagnose what is happening here. A list of any addons that you might be using would also assist in diagnosing the issue. From the screenshots I can just see Kerbal Engineer Redux.

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- Ability to rename and change object class in tracking station.

This may brighten your day, try clicking on the vessels name in the knowledge base, it's the on right hand side of the tracking screen.

Edited by sal_vager
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I replayed the game where the problem with contracts occurred but I had no success to reproduce the issue. It would be a good idea to take a backup copy of the log when exiting the game if there are some vital information printed in it. If there is a problem then user will usually restart the game in a hope that restart would fix the problem and the logged information is lost.

I have never had more than just two add-ons installed:

[LOG 16:51:12.400] MiniAVC -> J:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalEngineer\KerbalEngineer.version

NAME: Kerbal Engineer Redux

URL: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=6



VERSION: 1.0.18




CompatibleKspVersion: True

CompatibleKspVersionMin: True

CompatibleKspVersionMax: True

CompatibleGitHubVersion: True

[LOG 16:51:12.405] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/editorLoop01

[LOG 16:51:12.406] MiniAVC -> J:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\DockingPortAlignmentIndicator.version

NAME: Docking Port Alignment Indicator

URL: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=111

DOWNLOAD: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43901-0-90-Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator-%28Version-6-1-Updated-03-07-2015%29






CompatibleKspVersion: True

CompatibleKspVersionMin: True

CompatibleKspVersionMax: True

CompatibleGitHubVersion: True

I managed to reproduce some other issues and there are some errors shown in the logs.

Sometimes when switching from vessel to an other, graphics get bugged like in a screen shot and frame rate is very low. A quick press of "Alt+F4" will save your day but exiting to Space Center (which does not appear properly) will cause one vessel to disappear from persistent scenario or any other saved scenario.

Logs: http://users.kymp.net/p501474a/output_log.zip

Screen Shot:


The package also contains a log where a space station exploded when time acceleration was enabled. I was trying to maneuver a station docked to an asteroid to a lower orbit of Dres. I got the station to an orbit I wanted but when I hit time acceleration the station exploded. I reloaded a quick save, undocked the station from the asteroid and it exploded again. Exiting to a desktop and restarting the game fixed the problem.

There are also some problems with "BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point" if it's used as a root object or a sub-assembly is decoupled from it, then it can cause problems like vessels exploding when undocking. After explosion or destruction from an other reason some parts still behave like they are still attached to the main assembly/vessel.

The "Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2" requires some fixing. I don't know how it's designed to work, a mobile lab is a very good idea, but it just doesn't work that way. When I start the game it takes a lot of efforts to get enough science to unlock the techs those will enable a possibility to run a new type of a missions. When I get the "Mobile Processing Lab" and I sent my 1st Duna expedition (1 vessel to Duna and an other to Ike) both vessels having the Lab. I'll just need to make one landing mission on a surface, get data to the Labs and wait a launch window back to Kerbin. When I am back on Kerbin the whole tech-tree is unlocked with a science the labs produced.

It might be good idea to implement some kind of "Happiness" factor for Kerbals. Gym and some other kind of recreational module to keep the Kerbals in a good shape and spirit. Sad Kerbals would make less science and slower. Also seeing new moons and planets would increase happiness. A kerbal alone would lose happines faster. It's kinda crazy that kerbal spending 3 years alone in a one man pod is still smiling.

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- Space tourists who want to land on Eve are severally under paying.

- In XP scores: Plant flag on Eve = 13, Plant flag on Gilly = 15, Plant flag on Laythe = 20, Eve is way too low valued.

Landing on Eve is actually super easy, so I can see why the numbers might have been set up this way. The problem is that the kerbals won't be given the XP credit unless they return to Kerbin, so because of that these numbers are way off. I don't do many tourist missions, but I assume they need to be returned to Kerbin for credit too - but if you got paid on the contract just by taking them to Eve and leaving them there then the payment is probably fair.

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