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Tornado 5

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So lets give this another go since my older post was a bit rubbish (bad pictures). Anyway enough about that lets get to buisness. I desided i wanted to create my own version of the tornado after my ok looking ok looking replika of the tornado 2.5 from Sonic-X that would look more modern and new but still blend in with style of the other bi-planes of the Tornado family. I have just fallen in love with it design and especially that how it flyes (not to brag myself), pretty much the perfect aerobatic aircraft :D. I also made a Transformed version of the aircraft since i felt it was a must, but turns out that the transformed version of the tornado is prettymuch uncontrollable, but it looks pretty good.

NOTE:The flag that is pasted in the aircrafts is not made by me but by nintendrawer of Deviantart, and i love it :D. (and yes i am a huge tails fan)

Link to the picture from witch the flag was made from: http://nintendrawer.deviantart.com/art/tails-sheet-151285410

So here are some picks of the aircrafts.

The Tornado 5




Here is the transformed version. Didnt bother to take it to a flight because of how impossible it is to fly, plus it doesnt have landing gears.



And finally here for a bonus we have the tornado 2.5.



Here are links for the craft files excluding the transformed version

NOTE: mods used: B9 aerospacepack, Firespitter, KAX

https://www.dropbox.com/s/g69kx3k7lkf7vr2/Tornado%205%20%28flagless%29.craft?dl=0 (Flagless version)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/t166nk07zpiw1ws/Tornado%202_5%20%28flagless%29.craft?dl=0 (flagless version)

And there it is my good people, the Tornado 5. I hope you enjoyed it :).

Also if you want you can also check out my X-Tornado i made.


Edited by kapteenipirk
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Very cool! Have some rep as it seems you don't have any already. :P

PS: You know you can insert the images manually into your forum post, so the images actually show up in the post rather than a URL link. When you're creating a post, there's a button on the right of the toolbar above the text box that looks like a photoframe of a tree - click it and paste the Imgur "Direct Link" URL in the provided box, and voila! The image itself will appear on the post. Hope this helps!

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