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The Munar Kerbal


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Mun Journal: Day 1.

I am reading a book. The Dunian; Bring Him Home. It is really cool, and I decided to speak for the efforts to get to Duna. Two people showed up- Bill Kerman, and Mark L. Kerman. I personally sent Wernher Von Kerman a letter about the concernes, and here is how it went. Yeah, I am not good at literature.

Deark Vornher Vahn Kormon, (Is that how you spell your name?)

I would like to discuss efferts of gitting to Duna. We need to spend less time in Low-Kerbin-Orbit and moor time in Duna. Or on Duna. Why are we still on the Moon!? Oh, that is right. We are slow. I need you to get us to Duna, pretty please. I am trying out for the Kerbin Astronaut Corps, (KAC) and really would like to ride a rocket of yours.


Johannes Kerman

I guess he wasn't very happy. here is what he wrote.

Dear Johannes Kerman,

I see your request is invalid. First off, learn to spell my name before sending a letter. Second, we are trying our best efforts to get to Duna, and that is starting with 30 percent budget on Low-Kerbin-Orbit, and 60 Percent budget on Munar Bases, the 'Base' for Dunian bases. I am working my hardest, 1 hour of sleep everyday. Everything else is eating snacks, using the toilet and making rockets. So shut up.


Wernher Von Kerman

P.S. I do not love you, and I hope you don't love me. I have a wife.

So now as I am reading this book, The Dunian, I realize that I am on a much more hostile world. No atmosphere, just grey rocks.

You see, this is the Ara program. It works like this- A Jool V launches a Hab to an area on the Mun. Then an MAV. (Mun Acent Vehicle) and then a communications and photographer probe. And then another Jool V launches a 3-Person command pod with a decent lander, which lands on the Mun. One person stays in the command pod around the Mun, and comes back to the surface of Kerbin, alive. The other two decend to the surface and stay there for a couple months or whatever. Well, Ara 7 was the first straight up landing. Nothing went as expected, they found that life support systems failed in the hab, and they instantly aborted. Here is a picture snapped of Ara 7 Landing Site.


Launch of the Jool V went nominal. We sat back and followed precedures, and slung ourselves to the Mun. You see, last time was a test. This time was a no-joke get to work modular base. Wernher Von Kerman took over the project. The new base consist of a sleek MK1 Rover, a Rover-truck alike thing, and a whole modular base. Also, an MAV is there to take us back to orbit and dock with our ship, Kerbora 8, Pretty cool, eh? Anyways, now it is time to sleep. We will rest for two hours, and go again for landing. All three of us will decend, while the CM remains in orbit.



Edited by John The Physicist
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Mun Journal: Day 1 Log 2

Mark L. Kerman and I inside the capsule, just as we got into space.


The stage 2, and the LAS decoupled. I swear, if the rocket blows up that thing isn't saving us.


Mark L. in front of a half Kerbin.


The lander broke away from the CM and we piled into it. Away!


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Mun Journal: Day 2

The Mun. For decades, we have dreamed of touching the surface, and now it is possible. IT IS POSSIBLE! Sorry, I got overhyped. I snapped a picture from orbit.


Anywhom, we orbited fine and maneuvered towards the ground. We landed about a few hundred meters from the hab, and Jessica Kerman called the rover to pick us up.


Things went pretty nominal from there on out. We boarded the Ara 8 Habitat and I am writing this on a couch in our room. Ara 9 Will come soon, and then a greenhouse will be shipped to connect with the rest of the base. I guess Jessica got annoyed, and she left to the cupola.

But before that, I have to command Muna 1/2 remotely from the hab, where it will break in two. One half will touchdown about 95 k/m from Ara 8, and transmit data. The rover is meant to go to it, analyze the data, then come back. With people. Fun, but it doesn't include me! I am chillaxen for now, kicking back in the hab. Kerbin is too mainstream for me, and now I am a hipster.


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Mun Journal: Day 3

The greenhouse is on its way, along with another hab, an inflatable one seperate from the rest. Ara 9 will be staying in there, and it will be ~200 meters from Ara 8 Hab, in Mokin Crater. I spent the rest of yesterday controlling Muna 1-2, where it landed and then signal was lost. Great! Billions of dollars in the trash. Anyways, that got me sad and Wernher Von Kerman sent me an email.

Dear Johannes Kerman,

The failure of Muna 1 lander and Muna 2 rover might not be the last hope for it. It is one 80.6 Kilometers from Ara 8 Hab, and we think we know what happened. Muna 2 flipped. When this occured, the antenna was broken rendering communication useless, therefore you and/or your crewmates need to travel in MRV (Munar Roving Vehicle, if you didn't know) and collect the probe.


Dr. Von Kerman

Wow. No hate, just procedures. Well, here is a map I made that shows just how frieken far I have to go from the Hab, in a small cramped rover just for a multi-billion dollar project. Sheesh.


Also, Muna 3 was launched before Muna 1-2 probe, but was slower and arrived slower. It sits at a 6000 Meter circumunar orbit, which is EXTREMELY close to the surface. When it flies over, I can literlly see the solar panels and the probe. Barely, and if I didn't know what it looked like, I wouldn't guess they were solar panels, but whatever. It is good enough. Here is a painting I made of the probe, I boardered it and slid it under my bed. The crator in the picture is Mokin Crater, just under the solar panel.


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Mun Journal: Day 4

Ok, so today I decided to take the rover for a little spin. The MAV is on the edge of Mokin Crater, 1035 meters from the Hab. So I decided to go there and come back and see how well I handeled. Then it jerked, and I flipped. I flipped a while, and impacted the ground breaking apart my front two wheels.


Luckily, nothing major happened, and Jessica Kerman could repair the wheels. I was 400 meters from the MAV.

Then it turned night. Kerbol dipped below the horizen and everything grew dark. I had two batteries, but they were emergency use only. If my solar panels were busted while going the 80,000 meters to Muna 2, then I could use the batteries to get back. So here is an auto-stand picture of me in front of the MAV.


Well, I am going back into the rover. "Better bring that thing back here quickly, or else the Mun dust will get inside the broken wheels. If that happens, we are screwed and I might not be able to fix them." Jessica explained through the intercom. "Yep," I replied. Alarms buzzed and a yellow alert (micro-meteorite storm) warning went off.

"Johannes! Be advised, micro-meteorite shower detected. I'd go into the command room behind the drivers seat in the rover, because it has smaller windows." Mark alerted. "Uh, ok?" I answered unsure. I slipped through the hatch to the command module behind the driver seat, as he instructed. Then, noises started being made. It almost sounded like hail- but it definentaly wasn't an orange alert or worse, a red. Orange was meteorites a centimeter or larger in diameter, and red is 100 centimeters or larger in diameter. These were sand sized- nothing to worry about. But the solar panels definently wont take this well.

"Solar panel breach" the automated system announced. I sighed, these were holes about the size of a penny in the solar panel. Nothing we couldn't handle.

I stretched back, well, I am stretching back. Time to get some rest.

- - - Updated - - -

By the way, my game save got corrupted so I remade it and repositioned the MAV, and remade the rover. That is why Days 3 and 4 are different looking than 1 and 2, specifically the picture-from-orbit I showed.

Edited by John The Physicist
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Mun Journal: Day 6

Well, today was more exiting. I recieved a KerbMail from Jebediah Kerman himself, the first man in space! Wow, I want to be like him.

Dear Johannes Kerman,

Great job on your work with Ara 8, the Hab, and the rover. From here on out, I am now CapCom because Jeremy Kerman was injured when they were testing if the rover could make it up the side of the crater.

Well, when you come back home I am buying you a beer. Hey, in fact, I'm going to ask Wernher Von Kerman to slip in some secrets about the Dundra missions! Here you go.

Best Regards,


Wow! It was morning and I was awake before the others, so I decided to take a peek.

Dundra 1: Mission Brief and Program Objectives

-Land a Kerbal safely on Duna by Dundra 3. Prepare the vehicles, reuse hab science and Munar MAV.

-Achieve data samples and rock samples, returning them to Kerbin for anylyzation.

-Get better images than this...


See? I didn't even know this existed! I wrote Jeb back.

Dear Jebediah Kerman,

Thank you for this information. It will not slip into the wrong hands, friend. I appriciate your concerns and thoughtful words,

Best Regards,

Johannes Kerman

Then Jessica woke up. Capcom radioed in. "Capcom Pilot, are we go for LRV-3?" He had asked. I yawned. "Yeah, so procedures again?" Jebediah explained the whole thing, that we would travel 1.3 kilometers, up the edge of the crater to the top. And when I say we, I mean Jessica and I.

-Mission control being bosses.


- - - Updated - - -

Mun Journal: Day 6 (Log entry 2)

God I hate rovers. I absolutely hate them. You know, training on Kerbin was better, but every slight move on the Mun sends to flipping out of control. First thing we did was fix the tires.


Then we were off. I was about half way, and it jerked again in a small dip in the ground. We capsized and landed on our wheels, breaking one. Then we depressurized the capsules, put on the suits, Jessica used one of the five patch kits on the rover and fixed it. Off again!

Everything else pretty much went good up to the destination. We went up a 45 degree slope!


Then we came down. Well, we backed down. It wasn't easy, and about halfway to the hab we flipped, yet again. This time the antenna got bent, and 2 wheels broke. Goodness! Depressurized, suited up, fixed, fixed, unbent, and back in. Pressurize, unsuit, and back to the hab.

Also, our ADS landed today. The Asteroid Detection System, so we could prepare better. It is also a better transmitter.


I am finished with work for the day, I feel tired. Goodbye.


- - - Updated - - -

Mun Journal: Day 6 (Log Entry 3)

Oh come on! I was just about asleep, and EECom woke me up. I moaned. EECOm, Mellisa, sounded... sad? Like she had a cold. "Are you OK?" I assured.

"Wernher Von Kerman is dead." I gasped. Instantly, I jolted up from my bunk, smacking my head on the bunk. "WHAT!?" I yelled.

"He died thirty minutes ago, his Kerbreatic Cancer... it was worsening. We all knew this- but today, he had a sezuire and died of Cardiac Arrest." I put my hand on my face. "The new rocket team are brothers Bob and Bill." I buried my face. "I can't believe it." Mark explained. Jessica was crying. "He was my..." *sniff sniff* "Uncle..." I looked at her. "He was?!" I was suprised for a second. "Well, as much as an uncle. He was my fathers best friend..." I sighed. I thought I could be famous for a minute.

~Thirty minutes later.

Ara 8 stood still, yellow alarm went off. I didn't bother. Capcom buzzed in. "Yo, guys, my brothers say that y'all are coming home. Soon. Ara is being postponed and we are going to celebrate... er... whatever you call it Dr. Von Kerman's funeral." I gasped and got furious. I wanted to be part of the mission- but now I have to go? We have to go? Lord.

Edited by John The Physicist
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Kerbal Space Center, Ara 8 Day 7

"We are here now to recognize those who gave their lives for the sake of science, and among these men..." Jebediah nervously shuffled through his cards.

"Shah-Tee Kerman?" Someone in the audience spoke up. "It is SHUH-tee," Jebediah made 'big deal' face. Jeb finally got the cards in order. "Mark L. Kerman," He sighed, a tear forming. Krying could be heard on the truck everybody sat on. "Ara Eight commander, Jessica Kerman, her bravery far exceeded anyone thus far,"


Jeb turned and let in a deep breath.

"Johannes Kerman, for his bravery and exceeding piloting in Ara 8 eight" Everyone kried more.

"And nevertheless, not the least of us all, by far the greatest, rest in peace Wernher Von Kerman.

- - - Updated - - -

Mun Journal: Day 7

We screwed up. We screwed up big time. I am writing this upside down inside a cracked hab, and this might as well be my last log. Here is how it went down.

We woke up, replaced a battery in the ADS. When- a red warning came. And if you don't remember, red warning means your 'bout to die if you don't get out in about five seconds. So I jumped in the hab to get the data, and they started up the rover. That is when it hit. A meteorite no bigger than a pebble, slammed into the docking port at 3,000 meters per second, breaking it into pieces. This ruptured the rest, creating a chain reaction popping all the docking ports. And then the air came out, everything flew away about fifty meters. I luckily had my EVA suit on, but I awoke with my face to the cracked glass of the hab, and an MAV taking off. Thanks, guys. I wiggled, but then I heard air escaping somewhere, and a loud vibration occured throughout the ground.

"Pilot LMS! I repeat, Pilot LMS! Do you copy?" I tried to move but I was stuck. Finally though, I wrenched myself away and piled out the door. My torso had a small cut, where a little air came out. Great. I used Kerbrilla Glue to seal the cut. First mission- fix the broken hab.

- - - Updated - - -

Mun Journal: Day 7

I normally don't do this, but I am in an urgent situation and this might be my last. I currently trying to treat extreme burns inside of the rover, which is getting no signal. It doesn't have Com-to-KSC, it has to go through the Hab. Which is destroyed, along with the MAV and Johannes. So I have a plan, a plan to reconstruct the hab. First, I will need to fix the rover, and then use the winch on the rover to flip any capsized hab modules.

The modules generate power, have (hopefully) functioning wheels, and can move so that isn't a problem. One problem is the damage, though. These are not Kerbello-Grade things, these are thin, and not meant for damage. The modules might have holes and tears in them, which CAN be fixed but it won't be easy. Mark is dead, that is for sure. The MAV went uncontrolled and impacted the surface of the Mun. I don't care, but the Dunian isn't real Kerbal. You can't survive by making donuts.

So I have put bandages on my wounds and I am heading to the hab in the rover.

Edited by John The Physicist
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Mun Journal: Day 1

Everything is all screwed up. The heater stopped, and the sun fell. It is freezing, and the MET got reset, so now we're back on day 1. So...

Mun Journal: Day 8

There we go, system override. Anyways, because the Mun's light gravity, I could get the hab back on its wheels/landing legs. I never knew how light they were. So then I got inside and patched the window with an electric screw driver, by putting a new window in. Then I had to melt the sides so it was air tight. You think KSC would make this easier, but no. Now I am chilling, and I used the rest of my electric charge maneuvering the hab. I attempted to dock to the node with the cupola, but it flipped it over.


The MAV crashed, and so that means Jessica and Mark are most likely dead, leaving me; a pilot. Now pilots are great, but they are not very useful in this scenario. OK, I do have good common sense, but I just am not an engineer. Or a scientist. That means I am going to have to restore contant with the KSC by fixing the ADS and the Hab.

I gave up with the node, and then just docked the hab to the only part that isn't flipped; the command and tunnel. I am freezing, and I think I might die. All of the electric charge is gone, solar panels don't work because it is night.


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Mun Journal: Day 12

Four days of just sitting. I have no snacks, and the generators just now kicking in. I took Mark's and Jessica's blankets from their beds and huddled up into a ball with all the loose materials I could find. The temperature in the hab right now is -80. Holly crap. I think I might seriously die. Now I am getting drowsy, almost... dizzy?


Mun Journal: Day 9

I finally have enough flexebillity to move without hurting my burnt thigh. Well, now it is time for work. First thing I did was fix the tires, and now there aren't any patch kits left. The rover glass was also broken, in the drivers area. So I fixed that. I activated the two emergency batteries because the solar panels are working too slow to power the full life support systems.

So here is the plan: Drive to the Ara 8 Hab, restore communications with KSC, and then get rescued. Not much. I got to go do my 1 kilometer drive.

Mun Journal: Day 10

Nevermind. I started driving and the wheels sputtered and locked, and the life support systems shut down. Too much to run, I guess? I have a plan, though. I will hook the emergency batteries to the wheels and the primary batteries, plus solar panels to the life support systems. Remember- this rover is meant to be used for six hours. The life support is only in case of emergencies, where then it last three days. So, I have got to get to work.

Mun Journal: Day 10 (Log 2)

Well, it didn't work exactly how I wanted it to. I wired the batteries, and something happened.


I started up the rover, a loud pop happened, and the lights turned out. The heater, life support and water reclaimer also switched off. Wow! That worked.

Edited by John The Physicist
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KSC, Day 12

A newly hired Kerbal Scientist ran down the hall of mission control looking for Gene Kerman. "Gene! Dr. Gene sir!" He yelled. Finally, the lone Kerbal approached the main mission control area where Gene was furiously working. The lone Kerbal panted and took a sip of his double-strawed coffee.

"Who are you?" Gene looked up, asking. "I... am... *breathe* Kirch Kerman." Gene grew angry. "Yeah? Kirch, what do you want? Can't you see I am busy?" Gene replied. Kirch Kerman sat next to him and gave him a folder. "I think they might still be alive." Gene inspected the two images.



"Yeah? So what?" Gene asked doubtfully. "The Hab moved twenty meters!" Kirch exlaimed. "That means someone did it, and they are still alive!" Gene Kerman shook his head. "No. These probe cores- which means it could've moved itself. And it has wheels, so... I think you are wrong." Gene went back to his plans to launch something... Kirch peered over. Project Moh."Gene, the wheels were not down. The landing legs were down, demobilizing it. A probe core wouldn't do that, and also, it was flipped over. Now it is not." Kirch battled. Gene looked angry, even angrier. "Listen, Kirch, they are dead. The reaction wheels tipped it or something- I don't know! They're dead though. Now get out!"

- - - Updated - - -

KSC, Day 13

Kirch sat at his desk in the tracking station just scratching his head. Why would Gene Kerman, the head of mission control, not want to save the crew of Ara 8?

Finally, Kirch stood up and viewed some more pictures of Mokin Crater. He couldn't believe his eyes. Moh I was to launched this day, containing Von Kerman's ashes to be sent suborbital, then reenter. Fun. Kirch jogged out of the room, and boarded a moving fuel truck, before jumping off at KSC Mission Control. Again, Kirch approached Gene Kerman. "You again. We are about to launch, shoo." Gene told Kirch, demandingly.

“No- Gene! Postpone the flight, they are alive! The rover even moved from the MAV, after being fixed, and then drove one and a half kilometers!†Kirch shouted. People from around the room gave awkward stares. “Gene, why are you denying this!?†Kirch slapped down a stack of photos, giving proof that the Ara 8 crew was still alive.

“Save it for later. Talk after the launch, cause then I am off work.â€Â




Moh 1 worked. The ashes reentered and burnt to tiny atoms, and would never be seen again. Kirch leaned backwards and started devising a plan to communicate with Ara 8... Ara 9. You suck, Gene. Kirch thought as he was working. Moh 2 was the first launch of a space station- a centrifuge. 2 Crew members, ____ and ______. That would still launch before Ara 9 could.

Once Ara 9 could get there, the greenhouse could also be there. Then, supplies would be sufficient, and the six could live there until further growth. Sounds good, but… Moh 2. The communication systems from Ara 8 are definitely destroyed, and the closest way is…

Muna 2. Johannes is going to go for Muna 2, Kirch thought.

Moh 2 went perfect, circular orbit of 250 kilometers. Congrats for not helping, Bob and Bill Kerman.


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Mun Journal: Day 13

Holly Kerbal toes! She's alive! I was sleeping when I heard a knock at the door. At first I thought I was crazy, and I awoke to her helmet at the porthole in the door. I instantly threw on my EVA suit and instantly the heat came on... Ahhhh... heat. "Cabin depressurize" the auto systems announced. Jessica ran in and closed to door, turning on the pressurizer.

Jessica threw off her helmet and instantly got chilled. "Oh gosh, what temperature is it in here?" She fell down and shrivled up. "Well, the hab kind of flipped apart and it broke the heater. I have a pile of stuff if you want to hide in that..."

Mun Journal: Day 14

Today is the big day. We have prepped the rover,now we are going to go to Muna II. I won’t be writing a log until we get then, andvice versa until we get back, because I need all the time I can to get there.This will take a long… long time. And a lot of flipping and fixing. But hey,then we can tell KSC that we’re alive!


Mun Journal: Day 38

Yeah this is horrible. We just arrived, and currently Jessica is fixing the rover. It was flipped alright- and it is tiny. Almost smaller than I am. She’s ripping it in half now… just waiting for KSC.



[Flight Com][KSC] This is Eugene Kerman. Reading, get off Kirch. Also, do [Command Input: CAPS OFF] for no caps lock.


[Flight Com][Muna 2][image] OUR CAMERA GOT SOLAR FLARED


[Flight Com][Muna 2] No problem. Supplies will be sent out shortly, Kerbin is dipping below.

[Alert][Muna 2] LOS

Mun Journal: Day 61

We are back and holly crap there is a lot of stuff here. But I am back home. Home sweet home, as much as the Mun can be home. Not a cramped rover.


Edited by John The Physicist
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Mun Journal: Day 64

Now that KSC is contacted, for a while, and we're back, they won't shutup. Sometimes I like being alone. Anyways, we have a greenhouse. Now they are saying, "Put these seeds there, and those seeds here." And it is just starting to get annoying. Like this picture that I took of me at the greenhouse.


To the left are Kerberagus and Kelery, and to the right is Krass and Klettuce. Of course, the greenhouse is reused from when Jebediah, Valentina, Bill and Bob trained with it. I had Jessica snap a picture of me inside the greenhouse.


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Mun Journal: Day 65

I broke the carbon scrubbers. This isn't good. Ok, well They were broken. I kind of fixed them now. The first thing that happened was I needed tubing for my greenhouse. What had a whole reel of extra plastic tubing? That's right, the Carbon Dioxide-Scrubber. If you didn't know, the Carbon Dioxide Scrubbers take Carbon Dioxide out of the air, because it can be posionous.

Well, I there was a whole circular tubing of plastic, about 5 mm in diameter. So I clipped it at one end, and cut at the other. I attatched the two pieces, so instead of a long reel of plastic tubing, it was now just a straight line going up from down. Jessica was reading her book, The Kerbal Love. I brought the tubing to the greenhouse to create a constant stream of water- just enough for the plants to grow but not enough to go overboard.


Another thing I wanted to do today was bury the pieces of the command pod that Mark L. died in, and put up a grave. I exited the greenhouse and took the rover to the destroyed pod sight, and grabbed my shovel. The whole ordeal took about four hours, and by then all of the pieces were buried. I shaked off my hands and threw the shovel on the back of the rover, and I was off. I parked the rover at the hab when Jessica Kerman commed in through the helmet.

"Johannes! The CO2 levels are at critical levels, I need your help!" Jessica hollared. Oh no.

I piled out and threw the panel off of the CO2 Scrubber, and flipped open the log book to parts. This thing was about three centimeters in diameter, and the size of my hand. I flipped through, thousands of parts. Aha- the Carbon Dioxide fluid accelerator tubing... oh. Sounds a lot more important now.

Mun Journal: Day 65 (Log 2)

I ran to the greenhouse and crawled in through the command airlock, sliding in through the tunnes and grabbed the plant tubing. I guess it was pretty important, because the carbon dioxide was now at three percent. I joined Jessica and told her to check the oxygenerator, because I didn't want her knowing that I broke the scrubber. Quickly, I used a clamp to seal the tubing on to each side of the tubing together. Sure enough, the CO2 levels lowed. Ta-da!

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Mun Log: Day 66

Usually Jessica Kerman does the paperwork, but apparently she's "sick". I am not even sick, but whatever. Now I am doing the KTS, Komputer Training System for spaceflight and aerodynamics. Fun.

"What is the maximum apogee for the Ara 2 command vessle?"

a) 100 Meters

B) 2,000,000,000 Meters

c) 3.6 Kilometers

d) 312.6 Kilometers

You see? Obviously not 100 meters, 2 billion meters, or 3600 meters. So D works, I think. Then I did the test and got this question wrong... what? Ara 2 was a 3.75 booster and 2.5 Command module rocket that sent up to three people into space and/or payload. Yeah, it is 100 meters.

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Mun Log: Day 67

The new MAV came today, meaning it is also the day to leave for Kerbin. Poor moonbase. Project Ara is being cancelled, and efforts to go interplanetary are arising. Woot woot! Well, it is all fun in games until I am back on Kerbin. Then I am just another worthless Kerbal trying to get a good job. Well, maybe I could do some more missions, but after this? I don't really know.


The first thing that happened was we lifted off in the MAV. We orbited at 75,000 Meters, and pushed to Kerbin out of the Mun's orbit. Once in orbit around Kerbin, we docked to the inflatable station, grabbed the reentry vehicle, which I call an RV. Then, we came home. So now, writing this, it has been 114 days since Jessica and I landed on the Mun, and we have traveled our seperate ways. But I am writing this from the astronaut complex- because I will be in the upcoming mission DUNDRA 2, not too far away. Score!!!

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