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[Writing] Kerbal Space Journal: The first industry magazine following KSP


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Does it have to be completely legitimate? I\'m asking because I have a pretty decent idea for an article. 'The Effects of Muon Radiation on Rocket Engines'.

I like that idea, write a proposal and I\'ll help you make it fit into the hardcore scifi I\'m aiming for. I\'ll think of some real physics that guide you.

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By when are our articles due for the first release?

Also, I\'d suggest making a separate thread for the actual magazine itself, as it is quite cluttered here.

Is the 28th of June at 12am GMT good? I want to give enough time to get all the organization in order too. I want to release the first issue by the end of the month. I like your idea for a new thread.

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RP name: John Kerk

Organization: Apogee Science Incorporated

Bio: A middle-aged Kerbal almost entirely obsessed with all forms of atomic particles. He is one of the lead researchers in the Munhattan Project, the team in charge of researching the mysterious Munoliths that dot Kerbin and the Mun.

Article Type: Analysis

Article Summary: An analysis of the effects the Muon Radiation produced by the Munoliths has on rocket engines.

I can post a rough draft of the article if you like.

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Sounds like you know more about this then me. Do you have the time to help out, this project is bigger then I thought it would be. It\'s going to be a huge commitment to pull this off, but the end result with be an epic PDF full of Kerbalness. What do you think of scribus?

I\'m about to come into a lot of free time, actually. I thought I would be taking classes over the summer, but I registered a day late, and if I can\'t add (likely) then I\'m going to have three months to kill.

If people want to submit ads, or articles, or art (even stuff you\'ve already posted somewhere else), everyone will get a byline, and credits in the back. Since you\'re the Editor in Chief here, I\'m thinking something cool to do would be to introduce every issue with your own EIC column on the first page, like they do in Popular Mechanics and Newsweek (and pretty much every other magazine, come to think of it).

Another helpful thing for people to do is submit news briefs. They are short columns, maybe 500 words, about news stories that have happened in the Kerbal world that are worth reporting on, but which we aren\'t devoting space to. They should be written in a somewhat formal style, although that does not stop you from making the topic ridiculous/hilarious.

Then you can PM me all the submissions, pitch me your ideas for the cover and the order of article placement, and I\'ll take care of the rest.

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KSP Forums and/or Roleplaying Name: Alchemist.

Organization in KSP: PowerTech.

Your KSP imaginary Biography: Despite newer participated in military operations, PowerTech keeps most information about its employees confidential, most of them are known only by they codenames. There are rumours that the Chief Engineer got nickname Alchemist for some rather unusual inventions... Other than that there\'s almost nothing known about this young guy in solar glasses... or is this a cybernetic mask with built-in scanners and computer?

Summary: Story of satellite and solar panel technology. (Kerbalized story of plugin development ;D)

Facing the power of the stars...

As you know, the first attempts to create solar panels started approximately in the moment the Space Program begun. But most of them were just sticking out of the craft even at launch and doing nothing good. Until recently everything changed...

We were working on some exclusive parts according to some old blueprints (without half of specifications it\'s not so easy) when the news come that we\'re allowed to modify internal systems, not just make new hulls for standard modules. Dozens of ideas appeared but we needed something to start with, something to test the new features...

Someone accidentally dropped a folder titled 'SatLayer launch vehicle series'. The launch vehicles didn\'t matter, but the payload...

'StellarCom CommSat...'

'That never points where it should!'

'We still need to make some altitude control systems, let\'s install them there!'

'And requires a decoupler...'

'And we have some experts in pyrotechnics!'

'Maybe let\'s make normal solar panels?'

'That turn to the Sun?'

'Oh, yes! let\'s go and configure these servomotors!'

'That will be completely new satellite!'

'That\'s even better! Do we have any spare parts for the prototypes?'

First servomotor tests were done on the pad with some boxes and cardboard sheets. Multiple times the prototypes disintegrated and did many other strange things, but in the end we got them working as we need (and a huge list of requirements for the things they are installed on). While we were working on dynamic configuration problem to allow placing and configuring any numbers of servomotors, there was necessary to test the attitude controls.So for the prototypes parts were taken from what we had: panel sections cut from the commsat, preconfigured unfinished servomotors, hull with paper coating, antenna... the engineers said it was from the commsat, but somehow it looked more like a copper laundry tub...


After several test flights there finally came the final version of the satellite and the multi-purpose servomotor system. However a very tricky part was ensuring that the satellites keep pointing right even without contact with mission control - somehow the autopilots tended to deactivate when not being tracked by the control systems.

In meantime the other side of the project has been started. Inspired by request from one of the part manufacturers, the servomotors and control systems of satellite\'s solar panels were released separately. That version had no adapter for any power-demanding systems yet.

The next step was ensuring compatibility with other new systems. The first was satellite communications system - the problem was that its recognition system couldn\'t handle satellite parts so that we had to make the new recognition system for them. Then there was a life support system that give the new birth to the panels - they finally got proper power systems. And a bit later that system was optimized to easily handle any power system and also received an adapter for the most popular one. Meanwhile we got contract with one of the manufacturers, and their satellites and panel made our technology especially popular. And that\'s not all - the development of the panels and satellites continues!


That\'s how PowerTech became one of the major solar panel developers, starting just with a satellite for testing new technologies.


PowerTech Chief Engineer

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KSP Forums and/or Roleplaying Name: Cardgame

Organization in KSP: If this is required to be something legit in the Fan Fiction section, then N/A, otherwise, [CG Ventures]

Your KSP imaginary Biography: The only child of one of the wealthiest families on Kerbin, Cardgame spends most of his time inventing random and zany spacecraft and spacecraft components of all descriptions as the whim strikes him.

Type of Article: Interview

R: Reporter

C: Cardgame


R: First, could you describe what exactly the Inverse is?

C: Sure! It\'s an average spaceplane with all of its wings, landing gear, et cetera, installed backwards!

R: Why did you create such a thing?

C: Well, I figured if there\'s a true test for a pilot\'s abilities it would be flying a backwards plane.

R: So did you find any superb pilots?

C: Unfortunately not. Three of them applied for flight testing, but none ever reported back with results. I fear they have all perished, unable to tame the Inverse.

R: But that\'s horrible! Your aircraft is a death wish then!

C: Not at all! It\'s a challenge to all of Kerbalkind, and someday, someone will answer the call.

R: Is there actually any incentive to do so?

C: Well, yes, now that you\'ve mentioned it. Anyone who can keep the Inverse above 1,000 meters for over two minutes of sustained, powered flight shall win the plane itself, the license to produce more, and a cash prize of 50,000 kerbits.

R: All right! This has been __________ reporting from the headquarters of CG Ventures! If there are any brave pilots out there, you know where to go!

Images that could be included:


Let me know if this is appropriate or too much self-centered ;P

Furthermore, I really admire what you\'re trying to do here.

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KSP Forums and/or Roleplaying Name: Cardgame

Organization in KSP: If this is required to be something legit in the Fan Fiction section, then N/A, otherwise, [CG Ventures]

Your KSP imaginary Biography: The only child of one of the wealthiest families on Kerbin, Cardgame spends most of his time inventing random and zany spacecraft and spacecraft components of all descriptions as the whim strikes him.

Type of Article: Interview

Let me know if this is appropriate or too much self-centered ;P

Not at all. In this fantastic world of tomorrow we are allowed to invent journalists from thin air, and there is nothing stopping said creations from wanting to interview you. ;)

Furthermore, I really admire what you\'re trying to do here.

Gracias, senor. It is an excellent thing and no mistake.

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I thought I\'d submit a little thing I made for the front cover.


And yes, that is Robert Downey Jr. (in this photo as Tony Stark) kerbalized into Nova Silisko. I thought it was apt, seeing as they\'re both genii (in the movie, at least), and I suspect both of them of at least having plans for a large robotic suit.

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I thought I\'d submit a little thing I made for the front cover.


And yes, that is Robert Downey Jr. (in this photo as Tony Stark) kerbalized into Nova Silisko. I thought it was apt, seeing as they\'re both genii (in the movie, at least), and I suspect both of them of at least having plans for a large robotic suit.

Overall, I like it, the layout is good, and the Downey shoop is awesome (you even got down to the roots, lol), but the colors you\'ve chosen for the very bottom yellow bar make the writing, which is in white/transparent, really hard to read without straining. I think if you changed the white text to some other color and took out the glow effects, it would be good to go.

What do you think DrBurst? Anything to add?

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  • 2 weeks later...

KSP Forums and/or Roleplaying Name: Alexander. A

Organization in KSP: Student at the University of Kalgary, and part-time columnist for the Kerbal Space Journal

Your KSP imaginary Biography: Alex is the new kid on the block, so to speak. He\'s usually very quiet and soft spoken, keeping to himself when possible. An intellectual, and perhaps somewhat of a savant, he likes kicking back with a good book and a hot cup of tea. This guy\'s got high hopes for himself, though, and always strives to be the very best.

Type of Article : Fake book review

Approximate Length: ~200 words. Not very long, but just cram it into a column somewhere. They always had these close to the back, amidst the ads and such, right?

Space for All?

A New Era in Space Exploration

Alex. A. - Times are a changing, aren\'t they? Following in the footsteps of the great Kerbal space program, startups and universities everywhere are turning their aspirations to the stars. The program itself is increasingly contracting private corporations, like C7 Industries, to supply parts and even resupply our orbital installations. No better time, then, to read Bill Kerman\'s new book; Space for All.

Test pilot, kerbonaut, and author, Bill\'s already got a handful of best-sellers under his belt, among them Sailors of the Ebon Sea and To the Stars. I highly recommend these, and you should read them if you haven\'t already, but that\'s not what we\'re here for today. Space for All is an enlightening treatise on the ever-changing world of space exploration, and provides a unique firsthand view of what it\'s like to work amidst the hustle and bustle of the KSA. In it, he writes about training for the upcoming commercial flights, supervising the final assembly of the StarSpark orbiters, and of course, describing the new and exciting prospects of private spaceflight. Look for it at a bookstore near you. I came in expecting a winner, and I was right. This isn\'t one to miss.

Rating: *****

Summarize Your Article Idea in less then 5 sentences:

Review of 'Space for All? A New Era in Space Exploration', about the kerbals\' budding attempts at private spaceflight. The book provides a brief history of various private spaceflight, and details their possible implications.

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My article:

KSP Forums and/or Roleplaying Name: Jake Olinare

Organization in KSP: SpaceK Labs, Incorporated

Your KSP imaginary Biography: Jake Olinare is a press relations executive at SpaceK, after working as a reporter for a newspaper from Avienne.

Type of Article (E.I. Opinion, analysis, interview, Fake Book Review of a Fake Book in KSP, ect.): Highlights from the NARS2012 convention.

Approximate Length (max. 2000 words, 500-700 words is awesome): Exactly 483.

Summarize Your Article Idea in less then 5 sentences: Article is about the new developments in fighter technology, including some of the newest interceptor designs from SpaceK, and looking back into history and forward into space.


Greetings from the National Aircraft and Rocketry Show! It\'s been a really amazing convention, and a lot of competing companies have shown up! Groups like SpaceK Inc. and Svartfalk Heavy Industries have unveiled their newest designs. The one that intrigues me most is SpaceK\'s new interceptor, the Eagle. It is a medium range light interceptor, and boy does it go! They took it up in the air to show everyone yesterday, and they even got permission to go supersonic! I\'m glad they did, because at only 2,000 meters, the aircraft was at Mach 1! They took it up the cruising altitude and flew over again at top speed, reaching Mach 2.8! Boy, it was great! Extremely maneuverable, and pretty too. I wondered to myself after looking at it, how did we get here?

Well, after some research, you see that aircraft really took off (no pun intended) about 60 years ago. The world war made everyone look for a tactical advantage, and most militaries found it in the air. They developed ground attack aircraft, and then fighters to counter the enemies ground attack planes. Eventually, we started going faster and faster, to out-run and out-turn the enemy. Well, propellers reached their limits, and a new variety of engine was developed. It was modeled after the new liquid-fueled rocket engines, but with less power and less fuel consumption. Well, we managed to reduce the fuel consumption for 40 years, all the while increasing the power. Now, we are going faster than sound! Planes have found uses far beyond the military, reaching 400 miles per hour in the air for passenger transport faster than before, and even as taxis.

Speaking of which, you all should\'ve seen the Supersonic Passenger Prototype (or SPP) that Keyante Aerospace unveiled. Mach 1.4 while carrying upwards of 160 passengers! It seems as if the world is becoming flat! You can get around the globe in fifteen hours now, while landing for fuel only three times. Used to be that it took thirty hours of flight, two nights in airport hotels, and over ten stops. We\'re running out of places to go with planes! The only place we have left to go with planes is space, and that\'s not too far away, with Kergin Galactic soon flying 20 passengers at a time into space for upwards of 10 minutes, and then reentering and landing like a glider, that just happens to also be carrying a rocket motor. Spaceplanes like these aren\'t new, with the K-15 'winged missile' that flew twenty years ago. Launched from a bomber, flew up into space on a sub-orbital trajectory, and glided back in. Some may say Kergin Galactic is copying, but sometimes you need more than one. Private space is getting closer, thanks to planes and their history. I can\'t wait for NARS2013! What will we have then? Private VTOL craft? Private space planes? Who knows?

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Cash Cash Cash! 4 Your Bones! Too many bones?? Not enough cash?? Call Cash Bone! Ribs! Skulls! Spines! Even certain tiny ear bones! The leg bone\'s connected to the CASH BONE!


Premium unopened SRB for sale. Contact me at 7074 956 012.


Job offer available. Platoon is looking for a qualified programmer to help develop our new game, Kerman Cosmos Programme.


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My Article-

The possibilities of other worlds. By Johnson Tomly (Not my real name)

I have been studying our world, the mun and minmus for some time. It takes me out on many hours in the night with a telescope observing them. While they may not by appearance support my idea of other worlds, I have asked that EVA\'s be taken to pick up samples. Of course, the space suits are just wax paper and cardboard, so spacewalking, is not a good idea at the moment, while we work on our new model of space suits. But within every rock, is the chemical properties of certain rocks on Kerbin. I have found in my studies, that the most abundant rock here on kerbin, is made of tightly compacted together pieces of glass, or to put it simply, it is just sand, that is crushed into a rock. To support my theory of other worlds, the rocks on the mun, must remain different material, which would make proof, that if other worlds exist, they too would have different materials than that of Kerbin. Although, it is difficult to identify stars as other worlds from Kerbin, even though we have those amazingly large telescopes that we can\'t seem to work with, it was only recently, while Jebediah Kerman was on the Dark side of the Mun, when he saw the minmus. It was not reported till a few years ago, and is now colonized with thousands of Kerbal astronauts. With recent developments on the Minmus, I believe astronomical outposts, with small to medium telescopes within them, could help us discover the new worlds and there muns. And whatever you do, please don\'t laugh at me. I truly believe that there are other worlds out there.

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I\'m about to light this candle. I could use your NovaSilisko interview Radion, and Dr. Burst, you\'re the editor in chief so you should probably write a column of some sort introducing the magazine, to go on the second page.

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Silisko\'s New Direction

Nova Silisko, a God among kerbs. The CEO of Silisko Industries, Nova Silisko recently announced that he would be joining the Kerbal Space Program as Content Designer, equitable to his current position at Silisko Industries.

Silisko, responsible for things such as the Silisko Industries Rocket Parts pack supplied to the program, the BACE construction modules, Probodobodyne, and others, has also had some direct handlings with the program. When asked about the landing module he supplied to KSP and how it was developed, he responded -

Originally it was an industrial-strength metal detector manufactured by Tribatsu Corporation, but that company went under. I purchased all 86,500 metal detectors and refitted them with an equally industrial-strength electric motor. That model is likely going to be phased out in time, in favor of more advanced and compact models.

The model being phased out is quite a revelation, seeing as the recent development leaks coming from various sources have pointed to a new landing leg part that may make its way into the next launches.

In the interview, Silisko also revealed just how he came to acquire his contract with the Kerbal Space Program -

Well, it wasn\'t really 'offered'. I sent in an application, and it was accepted. Needless to say, though, I was pretty ecstatic went it went through.

When asked about his greatest inspiration, he not only displayed inspiration from the Director of the Kerbal Space Program, HarvesteR, but also revealed himself to be a follower of the largest religious organization on Kerbin, the Cult of the Probe -

Probably the great HarvesteR himself, and of course the Holy Probe. :probe:

Becoming an operator at the Kerbal Space Program means that it is likely he will not have time to operate Silisko Industries much further. When asked about the future of the program, Silisko simply replied -

I dunno, really. I\'ll keep the SI products up but they probably won\'t be updated too much. Some of the things may be incorporated into the new project but don\'t hold your breath - I\'m not a person known for being fond of his previous work.

He stated that in reference to the Silisko Industries Donut Research & Spacecraft Development Corporation, the defunct wing of Silisko Industries that was later purchased by the NovaPunch Group, LLC.

Many people expect certain things from Nova now that he is a major contributor to the KSP Team. When asked over this, he stated slyly -

Expect anything.

- James Villanovo,

Avian Aerospace and Manufacturing Association


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Ah, dang missed the cutoff. I was planning on doing something like:

Injured in a spacecraft accident? We can help!

Law Offices of Kerman, Kerman, & Kerman, LLC

There\'s always a straggler :D

Don\'t worry, I\'ve already got a lawyer ad image cooked up, and it\'s pretty similar to that.

I\'m in the process of untangling this whole thing, proofreading all the articles and whatnot, so if you have a finished ad image or something else that\'s ready to go, I\'ll just toss it in here and I\'ll find a place for it.

I\'ll put another post on here later in the day to let people know that this is the REAL cutoff, and that will come when I get to the last part, which is the table of contents and the actual page numbers for everything, which are still as of this moment in limbo.

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Okay, cutoff has just occurred. Any stuff after this point will go into the next issue.

Speaking of the next issue, I\'ve learned a great deal these past 24 hours, and we should discuss some changes before forging ahead with the next issue.

The first is submissions. It would make it a LOT easier on me if people who wanted content put in would stick to a rubric and fill out all aspects:

RP Name:



Title of piece:

Article text:

Pictures to be attached: (To give you an idea, I am working with 1680x1050 Height/Width. Pretty much my monitor flipped sideways. Don\'t give me any huge screens. Also if you have a preference as to where the image goes, please specify.)

This will cut down greatly on copying and pasting so I can get right to formatting.

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After a day and a half straight of hand setting pages in paint.net, all eleven pages are done, and not too shabby if I do say so myself.

I will post the finished PDF here as soon as I find a good freeware program that understand the concept 'separate files, separate pages'. For now I am stepping out, and will complete this when I get back to my house.

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edit: Better mirror here

Cover had to be saved as a .bmp, cause it kept crashing paint.net for some unfathomable reason, so the set is odd numbered, and it\'s in a zip file because .cbz (comic)

files don\'t read filenames in the proper order, and that\'s the only way I\'d be able to turn it into a two page flip book anyway. So here\'s the next best thing. Just use your

image viewer, and the front and back pages are cut from the rest. If it looks like shite, that\'s because you\'re not zoomed in to the proper distance (100%). It\'s an odd size for

a monitor, but it\'s the way I like my newspapers: tall and wide.

Cardgame, I hope you\'re not terribly offended that I used your art for the cover. I put you at the head of the attribs. list in case you\'re wondering. If anyone has any problems with the hosting, I\'ll put up some better mirrors tomorrow.

Spark a cigar, gents, we have ourselves a 'magazine'.


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