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THE single most aggravating thing in KSP for me is...


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  Scarecrow88 said:
Wobbly rocket syndrome. Surely if they are advanced enough to build rockets they have the ability to make joints that don't flex like an overcooked noodle.

Actually, the technology does exist in KSP to prevent rocket wobblies.

It's called the temporal inertial stabilizer. Specifically, turn on 5X Time Warp for a second. Causes your ship to instantly stop wobbling.

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♪ The first thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The second thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is too much lag and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The third thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The fourth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The fifth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The sixth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The seventh thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is click-thru in the VAB, wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The eighth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is no delta-V readout, click-thru in the VAB, wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The ninth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is repetitive contracts, no delta-V readout, click-thru in the VAB, wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The tenth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is boring planetary surfaces, repetitively redundant contracts, no delta-V readout, click-thru in the VAB, wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The eleventh thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is save destroying Kraken, boring planetary surfaces, repetitively redundant contracts, no delta-V readout, click-thru in the VAB, wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

♪ The twelfth thing in KSP that's such a pain to me, is out-of-memory errors, save destroying Kraken, boring planetary surfaces, repetitively redundant contracts, no delta-V readout, click-thru in the VAB, wonky maneuver nodes, forgetting my antennae, time-based mechanics, crashing all the time, too much lag, and part placement in the tech tree... ♫

Edited by Sidereus
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  Stoney3K said:
My current pet peeve:

RAPIERS which do not have alternators, and running out of EC right when you need it at 40 kilometers up.

The reason for that is that they use electric charge. You can't create electric charge with electric charge...

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  CliftonM said:
The reason for that is that they use electric charge.

name = MultiModeEngine
primaryEngineID = AirBreathing
secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle
name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = AirBreathing
powerEffectName = power_open
//runningEffectName = running_open
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.33
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 105
heatProduction = 60
useEngineResponseTime = True
engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.2
engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.35
useVelocityCurve = False
spoolEffectName = running_open
engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
engineSpoolTime = 2.0
EngineType = Turbine
name = LiquidFuel
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
ratio = 1
DrawGauge = True
name = IntakeAir
ignoreForIsp = True
ratio = 6
key = 0 3200 0 0
// Jet params
atmChangeFlow = True
useVelCurve = True
useAtmCurve = True
// no mach limit
key = 0 1 0 0.08333334
key = 0.2 0.98 0.42074 0.42074
key = 0.7 1.8 2.290406 2.290406
key = 1.4 4.00 3.887193 3.887193
key = 3.75 8.5 0 0
key = 4.5 7.3 -2.831749 -2.831749
key = 5.5 3 -5.260566 -5.260566
key = 6 0 -0.02420209 0
// higher thrust at altitude than even TRJ
key = 0 0 0 0
key = 0.018 0.09 7.914787 7.914787
key = 0.08 0.3 1.051923 1.051923
key = 0.35 0.5 0.3927226 0.3927226
key = 1 1 1.055097 0
name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = ClosedCycle
runningEffectName = running_closed
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 180
heatProduction = 133
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
EngineType = LiquidFuel
name = LiquidFuel
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
ratio = 0.9
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
ratio = 1.1
key = 0 305
key = 1 275
key = 9 0.001
name = ModuleAnimateHeat
ThermalAnim = HeatAnimationEmissiveRapier
name = ModuleGimbal
gimbalTransformName = obj_gimbal
gimbalRange = 3
name = ModuleTestSubject
environments = 15
useStaging = True
useEvent = True
name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
fxMax = 0.5
maxDistance = 20
falloff = 2
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 2
fxMax = 0.6
maxDistance = 30
falloff = 1.6
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform

Nothing in the part cfg says it uses EC.

Oh, also, this is a stock bug with MultiModeEngine only applying ModuleAlternator to the first ModuleEnginesFX PartModule and not any others.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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  RocketBlam said:
Hmm, I've never had this happen to me.

It doesn't even need to be a base, I was just riffing off the guy I quoted's example. Its any antenna, after any transmission. It loses the right-click "extend" capability, though it's still useable when you transmit through the experiment results window.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:

Nothing in the part cfg says it uses EC.

Oh, also, this is a stock bug with MultiModeEngine only applying ModuleAlternator to the first ModuleEnginesFX PartModule and not any others.

name = MultiModeEngine
primaryEngineID = AirBreathing
secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle
name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = AirBreathing
powerEffectName = power_open
//runningEffectName = running_open
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.33
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 105
heatProduction = 60
useEngineResponseTime = True
engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.2
engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.35
useVelocityCurve = False
spoolEffectName = running_open
engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
engineSpoolTime = 2.0
EngineType = Turbine
name = LiquidFuel
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
ratio = 1
DrawGauge = True
name = IntakeAir
ignoreForIsp = True
ratio = 6
key = 0 3200 0 0
// Jet params
atmChangeFlow = True
useVelCurve = True
useAtmCurve = True
// no mach limit
key = 0 1 0 0.08333334
key = 0.2 0.98 0.42074 0.42074
key = 0.7 1.8 2.290406 2.290406
key = 1.4 4.00 3.887193 3.887193
key = 3.75 8.5 0 0
key = 4.5 7.3 -2.831749 -2.831749
key = 5.5 3 -5.260566 -5.260566
key = 6 0 -0.02420209 0
// higher thrust at altitude than even TRJ
key = 0 0 0 0
key = 0.018 0.09 7.914787 7.914787
key = 0.08 0.3 1.051923 1.051923
key = 0.35 0.5 0.3927226 0.3927226
key = 1 1 1.055097 0
name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = ClosedCycle
runningEffectName = running_closed
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 180
heatProduction = 133
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
EngineType = LiquidFuel
name = LiquidFuel
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
ratio = 0.9
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
ratio = 1.1
key = 0 305
key = 1 275
key = 9 0.001
name = ModuleAnimateHeat
ThermalAnim = HeatAnimationEmissiveRapier
name = ModuleGimbal
gimbalTransformName = obj_gimbal
gimbalRange = 3
name = ModuleTestSubject
environments = 15
useStaging = True
useEvent = True
name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
fxMax = 0.5
maxDistance = 20
falloff = 2
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 2
fxMax = 0.6
maxDistance = 30
falloff = 1.6
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform

Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking of the dawn. I always mix those two up...

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Long time lurker/watcher/admirer/hobby player.

I am finished with "Noodle rockets".

Anything to do with fairings? Forget it. Nothing I try keeps the rocket even remotely stable after a touch at a gravity turn. Damn things flex into destruction.

If it can't fit inside a cargo bay and be strutted like a straight jacket... it doesn't fly. :(

Still... the explosive disintegration are pretty. :P

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  Peebothuhlu said:
Long time lurker/watcher/admirer/hobby player.

I am finished with "Noodle rockets".

Anything to do with fairings? Forget it. Nothing I try keeps the rocket even remotely stable after a touch at a gravity turn. Damn things flex into destruction.

If it can't fit inside a cargo bay and be strutted like a straight jacket... it doesn't fly. :(

Still... the explosive disintegration are pretty. :P

Can you show us a typical noodle rocket? Maybe we can give you some advice on how to unnoodle your vessels

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  xendelaar said:
Can you show us a typical noodle rocket? Maybe we can give you some advice on how to unnoodle your vessels

Well, I downloaded this wondrous piece of work,


And, it pretty much noodles when I try to start the gravity turn.

'Home' built rockets are much the same. To the effect that I basically just build an updated version of this system,

But add 'poles' vertically upwards off the radial 'thrust plate' to act as a stabilizing scaffold system to prevent any wobble between decouplers.

I must admit to being a bit unskilled at taking screen shots of my problems, it's just something which has really only become noticeable to me when trying to launch 'Standard' builds down loaded. Most of my monsters are terribly over powered and over braced....

Will look through my ships and see if I've a good, current design to take a snap-shot of and present a picture.

I have found, with experimenting, that anything inside a cargo bay strutted to the walls and with a nice aerodynamic point on the top flies quite well. No shaking, no shimmying, all solid to orbit.

Sorry for being rather vague, I'm thinking. :(

Thank you for the reply/question. *Bows*

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  Peebothuhlu said:
Well, I downloaded this wondrous piece of work,


And, it pretty much noodles when I try to start the gravity turn.

Thank you for the reply/question. *Bows*

Hey, I know this is off topic, but I flew the armadillo. What an overpowered monster! I love it! In my case it didn't fly like a noodle at all! It was steady as a rock. What's your ascent profile like? Mine was something like this:

-Turn on SAS

-Lift off

-Straight up until you reach a velocity of ~100 m/s

-Slowly pitch to the right, gaining speed until 260 m/s

-reduce acceleration so that you don't pass 300 m/s before you reach an altitude of 10km, while you keep pitching to the right

-When you reach 14 km, you should be flying at an angle of approximately 45 degrees

-Switch to full throttle and slowly level out to 0 degrees until you reach an apoapsis of 80 km




I haven't got the foggiest why this machine would fly like a wet noodle. It's not that long. Sorry I can't help you out. :S

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  worir4 said:
Pressing quicksave when you meant to press quickload. Y NO HOLD TO QUICK SAVE????;.;

Or pressing quickload when you mean to quicksave. Or pressing quickload when your last quicksave was an ungodly amount of time ago.


Let's not forget pressing "Tracking Station" in the menus instead of pressing "Revert Flight".

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  xendelaar said:
Hey, I know this is off topic, but I flew the armadillo. What an overpowered monster! I love it! In my case it didn't fly like a noodle at all! It was steady as a rock. What's your ascent profile like? Mine was something like this:

-Turn on SAS

-Lift off

-Straight up until you reach a velocity of ~100 m/s

-Slowly pitch to the right, gaining speed until 260 m/s

-reduce acceleration so that you don't pass 300 m/s before you reach an altitude of 10km, while you keep pitching to the right

-When you reach 14 km, you should be flying at an angle of approximately 45 degrees

-Switch to full throttle and slowly level out to 0 degrees until you reach an apoapsis of 80 km




I haven't got the foggiest why this machine would fly like a wet noodle. It's not that long. Sorry I can't help you out. :S

Hmm... okay.. maybe the SAS is 'fighting' the RCS input?

Thank'e for the information on ascent profiles. Indeed, it is a beautiful machine to simply explore its construction in the VAB. :D

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