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Fuel tank open/close w/action groups; Flight recording and/or free cam

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SO yea those two things sound cool; being able to open/close fuel tanks via action groups so that you dont have to click on 10+ tanks that need to be activated for a stage

A stock flight recording option would be cool, along with a stock free cam while flying

A new "building" upgrade that lets you carve out a valley in the mountains along the runway 90 approach; this would be helpful for space planes returning with Wheezly engines, which work best at low altitudes. The mountains can make a hazardous obstacle for such crafts that are not dead on with their re-entry

ASIDE from clouds, which I know know are not to be mentioned :sealed: It would be cool to have actual weather, such as rain and maybe even storms! I can imagine having to get a rocket up in a timely fashion to, say, intersect an out-of-fuel ship on an escape trajectory after failing to catch an orbit or attain reentry; but you have a storm with heavy winds outside with pelting rain going on for who know how long!? So you put Bruce Willis the cockpit and--hope lol

Being able to place struts in space! Using landing gear angled in to support cargo in the cargo bay from falling through the mesh has not worked for me, especially on re entry. Using struts fixes the problem wonderfully! but it would be nice to have that feature stock. I have to use KIS/KAS to use it, and that's really the only feature I use from that mod, at risk of providing new sources of bugs

The inside of command pods being visible through the windows looking in from the outside would be cool!

Edited by fireblade274
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Quite a few suggestions!

For the "opening fuel tanks" and such, I might be a little confused. What is this used for?

Stock recording thingamajiggers would be nice, for sure, but honestly I (being a FRAPS user myself) would prefer that recording software is left to purchase and use in the third party. Besides, KSP development has always been about improving the game, this would work better as a mod if nothing else.

Those mountains aren't really a problem. If you come in too short on the approach, it's a simple matter to fix flight plans to come in a little more accurately. There is quite a few klicks between the runway and the mountains. Plus, there's a nice valley that runs in a craggly path through them that would serve the purpose you need, and is always fun for a crazy pilot such as moi.

Weather would be interesting to add, but would ramp up the difficulty tenfold. I'd recommend looking for other weather discussions and adding your thoughts there.

Struts in space are cool, but there are mods for that, and for securing things in cargo bays, docking ports are your friends.

The last one would be pretty cool, I want a Gemini 6/7 rendezvous that I can see Kerbals from IVA view in the other ship as well!

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The hot keys used for opening fuel tanks would be used for craft that need to open/close fuel draw from more then one tank at the same time, as opposed to having to manually right click on each one, and toggle the fuel draw button. I have a Multiple stage spaceplane that drops oxy and liquid fuel tanks in 2 stages, and i close the liquid fuel parts off at the beginning of the flight so the turbojets don't draw liquid fuel from them. It would be more convenient if i could open/close them all at once

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Hm, interesting. I actually haven't heard of a system where the fuel is manually controlled from certain tanks in spaceplanes... But then again, I'm not a spaceplane person. Maybe such a fellow will be along shortly to weigh in. Personally, though, I haven't even heard of this situation so I feel it a bit pointless to add.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Regex's TankLock and TweakableFuelPumps (part of TweakableEverything) are two of them I know of.

And thanks! It is what you think it is, I think I'll keep it :D

It's good to have mods as an alternative but these simple additions need to be stock. Squad needs to pay some attention to the action groups system (though according to DevNotes it sounds like they might be already).

Another the OP might find useful that shouldn't need to exist is my own ToggleFuelCells and Claw has some action group fixes in his Stock Bug Fixes and Stock Plus.

Any on/off button on the tweakable menu in flight needs to have an equivalent action group IMO.

(ToggleFuelCells is no rights reserved. They can literally take the code module in the zip file, drop it into their project and modify some config module names. It's only 5 lines of real code anyway)

Edited by Alshain
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