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[Art] A earth-like planet.


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In Paint.NET?


But that \'planet\' is actually the Moon with a lot of color effects :P which is why I didn\'t consider using that as my planet for our little contest. And it\'s also something I made a while ago. I wanted to make something new for our little duel, I didn\'t think it would be fair to just pull up stuff I did in the past.

I believe I inverted a black/white image of the Moon, then threw color overlays above it.

I made the sunrise thingy though and how glowy the atmosphere is. I have no idea how I made it look so nice lol

It\'s an image of the Moon, but my goal was to make it look like a foreign planet.

I could send you the .PDN file if you\'d like. I always keep all of my PDN files

Also the true size of the image is massive. I think it\'s 3000x3000. It makes for a stellar background image :P

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Hrm, I think I could do something like this. I\'d have to figure out how to apply a flat map of the globe to a sphere, and then add a flat plane in the background with the Hubble Deep Field images... sounds like a fun challenge!

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There\'s a plugin for PDN that applies flat images to 3D models.

I made this one a while back to by simply taking a flat satellite image of the earth and using that plugin


It\'s really fun to make it spin.

:o !

I forgot I was making a .apng of it spinning! Pretty sure I deleted it though...

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Why can you all draw on a computer?

I started using PDN at least 3 years ago.

I sucked when I started. Really, really sucked. But that didn\'t bother me. I didn\'t start using it to be amazing or the best, I just played with it because I had fun editing photos.

You just build up a library of tricks and know-how after years of doing this. That\'s all there really is to it.

Well actually there is a matter of patience...

I\'ve spent hours manually erasing backgrounds away to get a person cropped out. PDN lacks tools to make that easy, but I still find it fun.

The next version of PDN should be out this year actually. I\'m hoping it\'s really good. I read a lot of nice details about it, what little there are available.

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Their forums do have nice tutorials here and there, and many good plugins.

The community on the forums isn\'t very welcoming though.

It\'s hard to explain, but newcomers never feel welcome and constantly attacked.

That includes myself, having joined the forums after 2 years of PDN use.

The mods are very strict, and everyone else kinda falls in line with the mods.

Reading is very useful, posting can result with a bad taste in your mouth.

I would read some tutorials. I posted a few myself on there, some drop dead simple, but effective nonetheless

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