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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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I will ask again, even going in launch plane then engage why does it not shut autowarp down

Since it seems text won't be enough here is a video.

is using MJ "Launch to plane of target". I select the target, set launch to plan and engage the AP.

Then I

with MJ. The constant roll is not MJ but the boosters moving out of alignment, you ll see it better a bit later in the video.

And since you replied while the video was uploading : I just tried to revert 7 times and it launched at 0.0 each time.

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I will ask again, even going in launch plane then engage why does it not shut autowarp down

Perhaps we should also mention ... MJ will timewarp to shortly before the launch-time it calculates. When it reverts to 1x time do you press space to stage and engage the engines or just watch as the deadline passes, MJ calculates the next launch time and accelerates time-warp again to reach it?

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Perhaps we should also mention ... MJ will timewarp to shortly before the launch-time it calculates. When it reverts to 1x time do you press space to stage and engage the engines or just watch as the deadline passes, MJ calculates the next launch time and accelerates time-warp again to reach it?

I know how it is SUPPOSED to behave. I ALWAYS let mechjeb handle it all. Last night it just kept warping nonstop past each window. Today after multiple reverts mechjeb started launching the above pre window.

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Serbian can you explain WHY in MY copy of KSP mechjeb is doing the things it's doing? OBVIOUSLY it's behaving for YOU but for me, it's decidedly not behaving and exhibiting all things I have mentioned? I know why that rocket flew apart btw, over powered SRBs combined with inadequate strutting. But NONE of this speaks to why, mechjeb did the following:

1. Premature launches either hours or seconds (varies by try) prior to window.

2. Stays stuck in Autowarp thru MULTIPLE LAUNCH WINDOWS

3. Starts glitching for ME after multiple reverts

4. Is not glitching for you

look have access to my persistent save what am I missing? Is my save borked or is my copy of mechjeb borked or is mechjeb borked? THAT is what all this boils down to. What is and WHERE is the issue in all this.

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How did the "Launch into plane of target", followed by "Rendezvous guidance" and "Docking guidance" method go? Since there's no comment about it, I'm assuming your issue is now solved?

Once manhandled into orbit the thing performed as expected. It's not resolved yet, it has something to do with being on pad

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The "Launch to Rendezvous" option will make MechJeb try to get a close encounter as soon as possible. But because the way a polar orbit is different than an equatorial orbit, if you use that MJ option, MJ won't care about getting on the same plane as the target. MJ is just trying to have a close encounter, but it doesn't care what happens next. So, this option is best used only when, at all times during the launch, your craft is aligned with the target's plane angle. In short, that means Equatorial orbits.

Put another way, Launch to Rendezvous and Launch into Plane do not share functionality at all. It's either one or the other. And it's always been that way.

For what I understood of your album, your issue is that MJ is launching your craft on a totally different plane angle. In order to fix that, choose the "Launch into plane of target", instead of "Launch to Rendezvous". This will set the craft on the same plane as the target, but most likely, won't rendezvous with it.

(Because to do so in one single burn, the target would have to be at one exact spot on that orbit at the same time as your craft is crossing that target's plane during the launch. And that synchronism is pretty rare to happen; again, due to how a polar orbit is different than an equatorial orbit.)

So, after you've launched your craft and it is on a stable orbit, on the same plane as the target, you'll have to set a second autopilot burn, now using the "Rendezvous guidance" feature on MJ. This should make a few burns and set both crafts pretty close to each other.

And finally, use a "Docking guidance" functionality if that's what you're trying to achieve.

To expand on that with my own technique, I'd launch the second craft into a lower orbit (and into the same plane) an probably Match Planes. Then do a Hohmann's transfer. Then Fine Tune. Then Match Velocities With Target.

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Serbian can you explain WHY in MY copy of KSP mechjeb is doing the things it's doing? OBVIOUSLY it's behaving for YOU but for me, it's decidedly not behaving and exhibiting all things I have mentioned? I know why that rocket flew apart btw, over powered SRBs combined with inadequate strutting. But NONE of this speaks to why, mechjeb did the following:

1. Premature launches either hours or seconds (varies by try) prior to window.

2. Stays stuck in Autowarp thru MULTIPLE LAUNCH WINDOWS

3. Starts glitching for ME after multiple reverts

4. Is not glitching for you

look have access to my persistent save what am I missing? Is my save borked or is my copy of mechjeb borked or is mechjeb borked? THAT is what all this boils down to. What is and WHERE is the issue in all this.

Ok, one more before sleeping.

It may be that some of MJ fail on slower CPU, but I can't debug this myself. So unless a coder with a slow CPU has the problem and want to look into it I can't help.

I would move KSP/Steal out of "C:\Program Files (x86)" too. It can cause problem, but it's more a "mod don't work at all" problem so I doubt it's your case.

I can't help more. As you saw it work fine for me and I can't debug anything that works for me.

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Updated to .90 and everything went pretty smooth untill ....go figure, my ISS wont load. All other ships are loading fine . Its lying to me saying the mechjeb part is missing and wont load the vessel. It says "vessel failed to load, missing mechjebkso.cfg . So what I did is used the mechjeb version for .25 and it loaded my vessel ! :) But unfortunatley that leads me to conclude that either my vessels has a permanent dependancy on the old mechjeb or is not fully copmpatible with .90 Is there going to be a update?

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It would be useful if the "Advanced Transfer to Another Planet" (porkchop version) could be told to limit the horizontal scale of the porkchop plot to the next 30/60/90/180 days.

I've not found a way to easily zoom in on the left edge of the plot. It's always 2-3 weeks in the future when I'm looking for a transfer window that leaves in the next 72 hours.

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Updated to .90 and everything went pretty smooth untill ....go figure, my ISS wont load. All other ships are loading fine . Its lying to me saying the mechjeb part is missing and wont load the vessel. It says "vessel failed to load, missing mechjebkso.cfg . So what I did is used the mechjeb version for .25 and it loaded my vessel ! :) But unfortunatley that leads me to conclude that either my vessels has a permanent dependancy on the old mechjeb or is not fully copmpatible with .90 Is there going to be a update?

You were missing a part. mechjebkso is the KSO part from this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-25-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v4-09

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Differential throttle? Oh yeah. Can MechJeb handle the stock Learstar shuttle now?

One of the first things I did after installing .90 was to launch that, no mods at all. I just turned on SAS and let it go straight up until it began to get unstable. Cut throttle, dumped the booster and was going to let it crash... "I wonder if I can land this thing myself..." TERRAIN *woop-woop* *PULL UP!* Too bad KSP doesn't have water/shockwave interaction effects. Just missed slamming into the ocean then was able to gain altitude enough to land it on the plain outside KSC. :)

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i would like to ask again: does anyone have ANY idea what is causing my issues with mechjeb? the long run down of everything, including output logs and a copy of the persistent save is available here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-90-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-4-2/page853 it is post number 8526. I deleted the craft from kerbalx. the output logs/persistent however are still valid.

I am getting mechjeb to function right for periods, then, it goes psycho on me as listed in the rundown at that link. I have 0 clue what is going on. I am tired of this issue. I just want to play this game and be happy, but, this issue is not a happy one. For the record, I am not a programmer, so, explaining things to me by showing me lines of code may as well be speaking to me in chinese or arabic for all the good it will do. Look, I will boil my question down to the following:

1. Is my copy of MechJeb some how borked? <assuming this sorta thing shows up in the output logs or save file>

2. Is my PERSISTENT save borked? <assuming that can be determined by mucking about in it>

3. Is it some combo of the two?

4. Did downloading MechJeb 2.4.2 twice on accident do something to the first download <the one I actually installed, also, my lack of knowledge of code may make coders laugh at this question, and good on you if it does, im at a loss here>

5. please help <give sad sad sad sad puppy dog eyes>

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@Higgs: Sorry, I did all I could in my knowledge to help you. Try creating a new sandbox save for testing purposes and see if the problem persists. If that doesn't help, I'm all out of ideas.

@Sarbian: Once more, I'm hiding my face under the sand out of shame, but I'd like to report another possible bug.

I've noticed this one some time ago, maybe since .24. But for some reason, I never remembered to post it here.

Do you happen to know if the Landing Predictions feature is somehow not precise when using it to non-atmospheric bodies?

It works like a charm on atmosphere, but I've always experienced offset landing predictions when there's a lack of atmosphere.

Pics, it did happen:

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Thank you very much, once again! :)

@You!: I hate to be that guy and be doing this, so I promise this won't be repeated:

Bumping my open question, a few pages back: Do you use the MechJeb POD? For what do you use it? Thanks!

Edited by Kowgan
fixed imgur not showing up under spoiler.
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@kowgan it has happened in a new save. like i said, i think something is hiding in the code of either mechjeb or my persistent or both but, i lack the skills and knowledge to find it, which is why i keep coming back here :(

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How about an example craft on which differential throttle works? It doesn't work on the stock Learstar. I tried angling the two engines on the shuttle and setting their throttle limits up from 34 to 100. I also tried removing one of the engines and leaving the remaining one angled just to see if it would not fail.

Then I tried this, launched with the added tank empty.

15931497319_597ff9b0ce_z.jpgModified_Learstar by g_alan_e, on Flickr

The single engine on the shuttle is angled towards the centerline, but still differential throttle doesn't work. MechJeb did manage to fly it to orbit anyway, which it can't do with that craft in the configuration provided with the game. There was some off-axis pitching a few times but nothing the RCS mono and vernor thrusters couldn't handle. While there was enough air, it managed using aero controls. It did have a bit of trouble rolling, likely would have flown better if it could be set to roll 180 so the thrust of the shuttle engine would work against wing lift and gravity.

Does differential throttle not work if there are solid fuel rockets on the craft? Could they be ignored by the option or used as the "reference thrust" around which liquid fuel engines get adjusted?

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How about an example craft on which differential throttle works? It doesn't work on the stock Learstar. I tried angling the two engines on the shuttle and setting their throttle limits up from 34 to 100. I also tried removing one of the engines and leaving the remaining one angled just to see if it would not fail.

Then I tried this, launched with the added tank empty.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7513/15931497319_597ff9b0ce_z.jpgModified_Learstar by g_alan_e, on Flickr

The single engine on the shuttle is angled towards the centerline, but still differential throttle doesn't work. MechJeb did manage to fly it to orbit anyway, which it can't do with that craft in the configuration provided with the game. There was some off-axis pitching a few times but nothing the RCS mono and vernor thrusters couldn't handle. While there was enough air, it managed using aero controls. It did have a bit of trouble rolling, likely would have flown better if it could be set to roll 180 so the thrust of the shuttle engine would work against wing lift and gravity.

Does differential throttle not work if there are solid fuel rockets on the craft? Could they be ignored by the option or used as the "reference thrust" around which liquid fuel engines get adjusted?

Basically it needs at least 3 liquid fueled engines that are not aligned, I used this to test it:


craft file

It works with solid rockets as long as the main throttle is high enough to produce enough torque, and changing the throttle limit won't do anything since it works by calculating new values depending on the commanded torque.

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