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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Ok, I need help with this. I've installed MechJeb several different ways (on a clean KSP install, with other mods, manually installing, using mod admin) and every time I can't find the MechJeb controls. Neither in sandbox or career does the on screen box/buttons appear on the pad. Is there something else to install, or keys to press to bring it up? I've only been playing KSP for a couple days so I wouldn't be surprised if I've missed a simple step somewhere.

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I have a big problem too! After installing the latest Toolbar plugin all windows disappeared (Scansat, TAC Fuel Balancer, Mechjeb and more). First i think it was because of the toolbar. After several ways of cleaning i decided to reinstall my Windows 8 because my computer need it anyway.

Now with a absolutely clean harddisc i installed KSP again and Mechjeb too but the Mechjeb menu is still disappeared! I tested a lot of things to get it work but nothing helped... The parts are there but no menu.

I found some lines in the output log which are curious:

Failed to load assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll:

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll" is denied.

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Hope somebody can help and sorry for my english!

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@ Treveli and Stingray

You might check to be sure that an anti-virus program isn't blocking MechJeb from running. I've heard that can happen sometimes. :)

Just an idea.

Got any links to info about that? My antivirus isn't giving any alerts about MechJeb or KSP.

Sarbian: Which part? When I had MechJeb installed on a clean KSP install the only parts I saw were stock.

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System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll" is denied.

Something in your system blocks the dll from loading. If your AV does not complain it may be an antimalware or something else.

I would try to move the game outside C:\Program Files (x86)\ too ( c:\games or something like that)

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Which part? When I had MechJeb installed on a clean KSP install the only parts I saw were stock.

If you're not seeing the parts (one under 'pods', one under 'control') then it's probably not installed correctly. From the distribution zipfile, the MechJeb2 folder should be extracted to the [path]/Kerbal Space Program/GameData directory. That's assuming you're running in Sandbox mode - under the career gameplay option you would need to progress to the point where parts are unlocked.

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Ok, that part. Found it now that I knew it was there. Got it, Jeb's working now.

Suggestion: Put that you need the part in the first page usage instructions and the wiki. I looked at both and didn't see a part mentioned.

Maybe I'm just blind. :confused:

Edited by Treveli
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Something in your system blocks the dll from loading. If your AV does not complain it may be an antimalware or something else.

I would try to move the game outside C:\Program Files (x86)\ too ( c:\games or something like that)

I just dont get it, it worked! Thank you very much! Its unbelievable i have maked exeptions at my AV and that havent helped, i deleted the exeptions and just copied the whole folder to C:/Games and now is everything working! I really really hate Windows 8 ;-) Thanks a lot!

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I noticed something weird about the rendezvous autopilot.

I set it to rendezvous with a target that was about 30km behind my ship and slightly lower in orbit, I was in a 145 km orbit, while it was in about a 140 km orbit, both already on the same plane. Mechjeb raised my orbit up to increase my phasing rate and catch up with the target on the next orbit. I'm no expert on orbital mechanics, but wouldn't it have been more efficient to lower my orbit to allow the target to catch up with me?

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I noticed something weird about the rendezvous autopilot.

I set it to rendezvous with a target that was about 30km behind my ship and slightly lower in orbit, I was in a 145 km orbit, while it was in about a 140 km orbit, both already on the same plane. Mechjeb raised my orbit up to increase my phasing rate and catch up with the target on the next orbit. I'm no expert on orbital mechanics, but wouldn't it have been more efficient to lower my orbit to allow the target to catch up with me?

No. If you're in a higher orbit it's catching up to you. (it has less distance to travel for one thing)

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I noticed something weird about the rendezvous autopilot.

I set it to rendezvous with a target that was about 30km behind my ship and slightly lower in orbit, I was in a 145 km orbit, while it was in about a 140 km orbit, both already on the same plane. Mechjeb raised my orbit up to increase my phasing rate and catch up with the target on the next orbit. I'm no expert on orbital mechanics, but wouldn't it have been more efficient to lower my orbit to allow the target to catch up with me?

the problem with the rendezvous autopilot in general is that it will spend hundreds in delta V instead of just time warping for a little while, or only changing one side of the orbit. You are much better off just using a plane change, and then Holman transfer to the target, and then fine tune the approach.

The rendezvous autopilot is really a piece of junk in its current state.

If your orbit is below (smaller) than your targets, don't use the autopilot, just transfer. If its higher then you can use it, at your own loss in efficiency.

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So...I know r4m0n doesn't really diagnose this mod anymore..but I was hoping to get some sort of community opinion on this. Does the "SAS" for mechjeb seem to be a little weak for anyone? it doesn't hold roll orientation anymore, and it only gets close to the desired orientation. It seems to be sluggish, weak, and slow. Anyone else experience this?

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So...I know r4m0n doesn't really diagnose this mod anymore..but I was hoping to get some sort of community opinion on this. Does the "SAS" for mechjeb seem to be a little weak for anyone? it doesn't hold roll orientation anymore, and it only gets close to the desired orientation. It seems to be sluggish, weak, and slow. Anyone else experience this?

Yep. I always have to line up where I want to go manually, and I just use mechjeb to hold it there.

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So...I know r4m0n doesn't really diagnose this mod anymore..but I was hoping to get some sort of community opinion on this. Does the "SAS" for mechjeb seem to be a little weak for anyone? it doesn't hold roll orientation anymore, and it only gets close to the desired orientation. It seems to be sluggish, weak, and slow. Anyone else experience this?

Are you using the latest dev build of the dll?

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Just to be sure : when you say you have the last version you are talking about the dev version, and not the official release ?

Do your ship have a lot more (or less) control authority for yaw/pitch than roll ?

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Just to be sure : when you say you have the last version you are talking about the dev version, and not the official release ?

Do your ship have a lot more (or less) control authority for yaw/pitch than roll ?

To confirm, I am using the latest dev build. Roll authority seems to be sluggish. The ascent autopilot only sporadically enforces roll inputs (which may be more due to the shuttle just settling than mechjeb actually doing something), and Smart A.S.S. does not enforce them at all (I will confirm this later). Even force roll is spineless (for lack of a better word). I can say that the latest non-dev version is better with control authority, but lacks some of the features of the latest dev version. It's a dilemma!

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