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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
You could always change the 'unlockTechs = ' to 'start', that would work. I wasn't aware of any changes that would make your code not work (though I guess the best person to ask would be sarbian).. odd.

Actually it was the new Part cfg's that had the unlock code in them. I deleted the code and left just what I have in all the command pods and all works. strange

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I just started playing KSP again after a bit of a hiatus, and I updated MechJeb after realizing my version no longer worked. I downloaded the most recent version from Jenkins, Build #257. I put the MechJeb2 folder in the GameData folder and I tried putting the files directly in the folders they are supposed to go in. Yet, whenever I opened the game, I never saw an interface for MechJeb even after placing the AR202 on a craft. If I right-click on the AR202 I get the options to "control from here" or to rename the vessel, so I think at least some part of the mod is working. I just don't have an interface.

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  MarCylinder said:
I just started playing KSP again after a bit of a hiatus, and I updated MechJeb after realizing my version no longer worked. I downloaded the most recent version from Jenkins, Build #257. I put the MechJeb2 folder in the GameData folder and I tried putting the files directly in the folders they are supposed to go in. Yet, whenever I opened the game, I never saw an interface for MechJeb even after placing the AR202 on a craft. If I right-click on the AR202 I get the options to "control from here" or to rename the vessel, so I think at least some part of the mod is working. I just don't have an interface.

All mods all go into GameData folder. The toolbar is Blizzy's Toolbar. It's not *required* but many mods have come to rely on it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863-0-23-5-Toolbar-1-7-1-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar

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  Galane said:
All mods all go into GameData folder. The toolbar is Blizzy's Toolbar. It's not *required* but many mods have come to rely on it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863-0-23-5-Toolbar-1-7-1-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar

I tried with both Mechjeb and the toolbar in the GameData folder and I still do not get an interface.

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I've been having an odd problem where Mechjeb doesn't start a burn before a node comes up. It usually starts firing at t-minus 1/2 burn time, but recently it has been firing only at t-minus 0. This isn't an unworkable problem, but it throws orbits off by quite a bit and makes docking dangerous. Is there a setting somewhere that I've accidentally switched?

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  Galane said:
You have to put the AR102 or the Eye Pod on your rocket or plane - or use module manager and a cfg file to patch MechJeb into the control pods.

I'm aware, I have tried both the AR102 and the Eye Pod. Neither worked.

  Starwaster said:
career mode?

I haven't tried career mode, no. This was in sandbox. I mean, it would be cool if it worked in career mode, but I'd prefer it worked in both.

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  mrbibs350 said:
I've been having an odd problem where Mechjeb doesn't start a burn before a node comes up. It usually starts firing at t-minus 1/2 burn time, but recently it has been firing only at t-minus 0. This isn't an unworkable problem, but it throws orbits off by quite a bit and makes docking dangerous. Is there a setting somewhere that I've accidentally switched?

I would do a fresh install of Mech Jeb using the latest dev build and then see if your problem persists.

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I seem to have multiple problems with MechJeb or I'm doing something wrong. I get really weird planetary transfers (high delta-v, multiyear, or just misses). They almost never match up with the Kerbal Alarm Clock transfer windows or even when I just eyeball the phase angle. I thought it was just because I was doing really long burns so I used mainsails to lower my twr - same problem. I noticed when I do a course correction (say to 50km off the planet) I get a great looking trajectory but if I go to edit it with the node editor if I change it even .01, say retrograde, the trajectory jumps way off. Fine change it back -.01 and the trajectory is still way off. In fact it takes a big change in the node editor to get it even close to that 50km trajectory it showed at first. This seems buggy to me since it's giving two different values for the same trajectory. It also makes sense why I've been having really weird long distance transfers that require multiple corrections. Anyone else have this problem? I'm kind of new at this and may be making a simple mistake. Here's screenshots of the node editor (notice the 1st and 3rd pic have the exact same values but totally different trajectories). http://imgur.com/a/MtUyH#0

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Put together an Anatid Robotics logo to slap on the side of the limited edition EWBCL to be released soon since I couldn't think of any other corporate sponsors:


You guys ok with that? PM me if not. It's easy to remove. It's the same one on the KSO Mechjeb box.


You are free to use it if you'd like :D

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Here's a strange thought, and I don't know if it's been brought up before, but...

Would it possible to unlock full MJ functionality, even if it hasn't been unlocked in career mode or the MechJeb part isn't on a craft, if the actual Jebediah Kerman is aboard a vessel?

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  ShadowDragon8685 said:
Here's a strange thought, and I don't know if it's been brought up before, but...

Would it possible to unlock full MJ functionality, even if it hasn't been unlocked in career mode or the MechJeb part isn't on a craft, if the actual Jebediah Kerman is aboard a vessel?

Sure. Just check every crew and if their name is Jebediah Kerman add the module dynamically with the appropriate unlocks. has to be in the plugin, cant be a config.

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Here's an odd problem. Third stage (of a lot of stages, mostly in the lander) doesn't all decouple at once. Log file https://anonfiles.com/file/35cdd4a00d9b0779b2c482856b06f11e

I have four tanks go first, then four side mounted boosters, then five inline. That stage uses four of the Kerbodyne decouplers and one Rockomax. They all eventually trigger but it's a pretty hairy time until all five go and the next five engines activate.

During this flight, one shed the cowling then sat there for a while before it came loose and activated the upper engine.

Prior to this flight, I had the four Kerbodyne decouplers for dropping the tanks upside down so they'd go with the tanks. Works great with other inlines but on this rocket they wouldn't trigger, nor would the seperatrons with them - but once the tanks were empty the decouplers would destruct one by one and the tanks would just drop and sit on top of the lower tanks. So last night I flipped them right side up and MechJeb still wouldn't trigger them but in this flight they worked properly. I was hoping the same for the other problem stage but nope, still has the problem.

I have fuel pipes looped out and back* from the smaller center tank (with a mainsail) to the outer four Kerbodyne tanks and engines. Never had a problem with such arrangements to make a parallel stage of disparate tanks and engines all run out of fuel together so they can all be dropped together.

Anyway, there's the log, started from empty, for interested persons to study.

*Not around a full circle. I did that not long after I first started with KSP and the result was the fuel and oxidizer did not drain evenly.

I could modify the rocket, remove the lander, so it'd only need the last release of Stretchy SRB/Tanks and ReStock Reloaded. Then hopefully the glitch stays so others can see if it does it.

OK, here we go. Flipped the outermost Kerbodyne decouplers upside down and sho'nuff, MechJeb will not trigger them. Also, the third stage doesn't go right either. http://pastebin.com/m7h4CUsN

The test flight was quite entertaining. The destructing decouplers took out two of the side boosters, which reduced the thrust to the point where when the surviving pair dropped, they destroyed two of the inner engines, which left it with even less thrust. So now the rocket is flying sideways. The next stage's exploding failure took out two engines on one side so I got a nice Catharine Wheel fireworks display all the way down to the ocean. :)

Mods required, just ReStock Reloaded, Stretchy SRB and MechJeb with a Module Manager patch or put the AR202 or eye pod on.

Edited by Galane
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  Galane said:

I have fuel pipes looped out and back* from the smaller center tank (with a mainsail) to the outer four Kerbodyne tanks and engines. Never had a problem with such arrangements to make a parallel stage of disparate tanks and engines all run out of fuel together so they can all be dropped together.

Anyway, there's the log, started from empty, for interested persons to study.

*Not around a full circle. I did that not long after I first started with KSP and the result was the fuel and oxidizer did not drain evenly.

I could modify the rocket, remove the lander, so it'd only need the last release of Stretchy SRB/Tanks and ReStock Reloaded. Then hopefully the glitch stays so others can see if it does it.

OK, here we go. Flipped the outermost Kerbodyne decouplers upside down and sho'nuff, MechJeb will not trigger them. Also, the third stage doesn't go right either. http://pastebin.com/m7h4CUsN

The test flight was quite entertaining. The destructing decouplers took out two of the side boosters, which reduced the thrust to the point where when the surviving pair dropped, they destroyed two of the inner engines, which left it with even less thrust. So now the rocket is flying sideways. The next stage's exploding failure took out two engines on one side so I got a nice Catharine Wheel fireworks display all the way down to the ocean. :)

Mods required, just ReStock Reloaded, Stretchy SRB and MechJeb with a Module Manager patch or put the AR202 or eye pod on.

Not sure what you mean about the feedlines but that doesn't sound good. I'll have to wait and see when I look at your craft but it sounds like you're doing something strange.

upside down decouplers? You flipped it upside down? That's also a no-no. Your controlled from part has to be in the next stage. If the decoupler is upside down then that means you're detaching your upper stage and not being in control of it. Unless I'm horribly misunderstanding what you mean.

Finally, this error:

MechJeb module MechJebModuleStagingController threw an exception in OnUpdate: System.StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.

at Part.FindPartThroughNodes (.Part tgtPart, .Part src) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
^^^^This line repeats continuously^^^^

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There is incompatibility with Interstellar engines - only DT vistas works fine. Didn't test deino engines (its chemical engine).

Rendezvous, maneuver and landing autopilot go awry with them.

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  raxo2222 said:
There is incompatibility with Interstellar engines - only DT vistas works fine. Didn't test deino engines (its chemical engine).

Rendezvous, maneuver and landing autopilot go awry with them.

It is not fully incompatible, just mildly so in certain situations like suicide landing burns. Are you using the right version of MechJeb? Just use the newer versions from the past.... 2 or so months. There's a couple dozen of them. It's best to use release 256 or 257.

Edited by BigD145
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  Starwaster said:
Not sure what you mean about the feedlines but that doesn't sound good. I'll have to wait and see when I look at your craft but it sounds like you're doing something strange.

upside down decouplers? You flipped it upside down? That's also a no-no. Your controlled from part has to be in the next stage. If the decoupler is upside down then that means you're detaching your upper stage and not being in control of it. Unless I'm horribly misunderstanding what you mean.

With a center tank and others around it, where the engines and/or tanks are different, run a line OUT from the center tank to each of the side tanks, and a line IN to the center tank from each of the side tanks. All the fuel and oxidizer drains evenly from all those tanks and runs out at the same time. Quite useful when the rocket can't have all the same engines - each attached to exactly the same fuel volume - in a stage.

That log is from a flight with all the inline decouplers right side up. The pastebinned craft file has some Kerbodyne ones upside down. (Later I'll make an all stock parts craft in similar fashion to fly in unmodded KSP to see if MechJeb still won't trigger them.)

For the upside down decouplers, that's for dropping tanks off the tops of the side mounted tanks to shed weight. Same concept as just having a tank without an engine mounted to a radial decoupler. (Except for fuel lines being unable to cross inline decouplers so either the line has to go diagonally to another tank or a small hardpoint stuck to the decoupler and two fuel lines to feed around the decoupler.)

That's always worked with any inline decoupler, with mechjeb or manual triggering, until the Kerbodyne one. They're heavy parts and it'd help a bunch to tip them off with the upper fuel tanks.

I also have used upside down decouplers to drop docking ports that were used for in orbit assembly, but those get manually triggered with space bar or by right clicking the part.

Here's one of my early uses of inline couplers upside down. The upermost orange tanks feed into the rat's nest below then when they're empty they are dropped along with the decouplers. Much safer for the rest of the rocket than having free roaming stack separators flying about and possibly getting stuck.

9657123873_3cdddd2e2d_o.pngdepot-on-pad by g_alan_e, on Flickr

Edited by Galane
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  loppnessmonsta said:
Maybe I missed it: Is there a way to move the mechjeb sidebar? I'm really, really sick of having it there. It's ALWAYS in the way, even when minimized. I'd prefer to just hide the whole thing inside Toolbar.

Open MechJeb settings and tick "Hide Menu Button" if you are using the toolbar. The menu sidebar is still fixed in the same place but the tab to open it disappears, so it will be out of your way when minimized.

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