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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  olex said:
I found it can be used to hover on engine thrust very nicely. Use the "keep vert" option, set the desired vertical speed to 0, and you can fly around by pitching and yawing your ship, the Translatron will adjust throttle to keep you in the air at whatever angle.

Just remember to turn off Kill H/S or it will mess up with bigger tilts / speeds.

  kahlzun said:

By the way, it looks like somethings screwing up the TWR when in space..



Surface TWR 0.62

Currect TWR 13098.70

It counts in the orbit center entity's gravity, so 1 TWR means ALWAYS that you can't ascend but at best hold your height, cause your weight equals your thrust under that gravity.

Didn't make sense at first to me to but this way it's actually pretty good cause you know when you don't have to try to get up or have to do it carefully.

  elpucko said:
Why are longitudes still reversed in 1.9.2 ? (+90 = west , -90 = east)

It is maybe trivial, but still in error and confusing.. have to think opposite.

Magnetic east has always been 90 (right), and west is 270 (-90, left), and math quadrants are : > x(pos) | ^ y(pos) | < x(neg) | v y(neg) , so?

+90=west maybe could be true if ur like into right to left reading case :P, but is still mathematically incorrect.

Plz fix that.



Derp, misread this, I think I had that reversed once somewhere too, but never found it again, so where do you have that? Land at Target? That works fine for me.

Edited by BloodyRain2k
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  elpucko said:
Why are longitudes still reversed in 1.9.2 ? (+90 = west , -90 = east)

It is maybe trivial, but still in error and confusing.. have to think opposite.

Magnetic east has always been 90 (right), and west is 270 (-90, left), and math quadrants are : > x(pos) | ^ y(pos) | < x(neg) | v y(neg) , so?

+90=west maybe could be true if ur like into right to left reading case :P, but is still mathematically incorrect.

Plz fix that.



Where are you reading them reversed? I don't remember anywhere where 90 = west.

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  NannerManCan said:
Does anyone have a problem with the ascent autopilot? So I wanted to change my orbit altittude to 120 km instead of 100 but it only was letting me put numbers in front. I couldn't delete anything.

Encountered the same bug some time ago, deleting the mechjeb.cfg in the plugindata folder fixed it for me. Couldnt find an easier solution.


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  NannerManCan said:
Does anyone have a problem with the ascent autopilot? So I wanted to change my orbit altittude to 120 km instead of 100 but it only was letting me put numbers in front. I couldn't delete anything.

It's a random Unity GUI glitch, closing/opening windows or exiting the flight scene and coming back usually fix it.

And MechJeb 1.9.3 has just been released! Here is the full changelist.

Shard has also joined the project, and is adding new features and squishing bugs.

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Is there any plan to add intra-planetary transfer automation from launch at some point? One of the biggest issues I'm having is not only lining up the phase angle and injection, but then also having to waste energy establishing and reaching a solar orbit before being able to initiate the transfer which usually doesn't work because of minute errors on my part in the initial injection into the solar orbit. One of the things I'd like to do is recreate Mars missions (Duna missions) which, like the MSL, were direct injection launches with the Centaur placing the probe on a direct transfer, no orbit was ever actually established around Earth or Mars. Just point-to-point.

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  LanLeonhart said:
My Rendezvous module screen is missing, anyone know how to get it back in the center of the screen?

Make sure the screen isn't hidden behind another screen, that can happen.

You can restore all the default settings (including window positions) by deleting the config file located at: <ksp install folder>\PluginData\mumechlib\MechJeb.cfg

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I have been having some trouble with the planetary transfer. I get into orbit around the sun, and I hit the button to transfer to Duna. It begins to time accelerate at X10,000 it should be doing it at X100,000 due to how slow it is. Then after we get to the point were it begins to transfer, it suddenly stops time acceleration, which breaks parts off of the ship. It would be best if it were to suddenly time accelerate down to X5, then wait a few seconds, then go back to X1 speed. Doing so should stop that bug that is in the game. It has happened to me when I wasn't using MechJeb, so it is a problem for the game, not the mod.

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Awesome! Worked like a charm! I landed on Eve with no problem (on a tiny island to test accuracy). It went full warp without blowing up while slowing.

I went into Kerbol orbit, retro burned until my orbit was between Moho and Eve, then circlized (spelling), then I hit the trans to Eve button. It took a little while because Mechjeb is a perfectionst...LOL. I'm happy with it.

Now I have to learn what the new buttons do.

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The autopilot doesn't seem to like transferring back to Kerbin from Duna. It just keeps orbiting and never decides to fire. I'm also having problems with the lander on Duna that I wasn't before. Previously it could land with plenty of time to spare, but now it's slowing down its burn and crashing into the surface.

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Extra-Kerbin autolandings have issues. I think mechjeb is not using the correct altitude, so it burns (VERY!) late.

Also, orbit's TRANS module is not capable of inward transitions, only outbound. You'll sit in Duna orbit forever and it'll never start a transfer. (The same will happen if you want to go Kerbin->Eve...)

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Ok, I'm having a bit of a problem here, I'm on the latest version for MechJeb - 1.9.3 - and it seems completely incapable of landing anything on Duna.

I enter exact lat/long coordinates into the landing computer, and MechJeb comes in way too fast, it seems stuck on one step "decelerating", even though it won't use the engines at all. It smashes my ship into the ground, usually a few hundred meters east of my intended landing site, at a few hundred meters per second.

This is getting really frustrating - is wasting a lot of my time.

Anyone else experience this?

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  quarthinos said:
Extra-Kerbin autolandings have issues. I think mechjeb is not using the correct altitude, so it burns (VERY!) late.

I also had this problem auto-landing on Mun. I thought that it was because only 1 in 5 engines of the stage were firing (the others ran out of fuel), and mechjeb's autopilot wasn't using the right thrust number.

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With this new update MechJeb is completely incapable of maneuvering any ship. At first I thought it was my ship, but then I flew a stock ship and encountered the same issue. It wanted to do a inclination of 315 with every flight, no matter what I set. Most times it fails to even get into orbit.


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  segaprophet said:
Ok, I'm having a bit of a problem here, I'm on the latest version for MechJeb - 1.9.3 - and it seems completely incapable of landing anything on Duna.

I enter exact lat/long coordinates into the landing computer, and MechJeb comes in way too fast, it seems stuck on one step "decelerating", even though it won't use the engines at all. It smashes my ship into the ground, usually a few hundred meters east of my intended landing site, at a few hundred meters per second.

This is getting really frustrating - is wasting a lot of my time.

Anyone else experience this?

The same problem

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I think part of the problem is that your inclination is incorrectly formatted. Orbital inclinations range from 0 - 180 and -180 - 0. Thus a "315" inclination would be -45. If you want a launch heading of 315, then you would have an inclination of 135. For some odd reason, some references list inclinations of 0 - 270 and -90 - 0, but that's an odd way to work the figures and requires you to remember more. Remember, with inclination East is 0 degrees (the equatorial plane), so any orbit going south from the equator is negative (-) and any orbit going north from the equator is positive (+).

I've been launching multiple flights with MechJeb 1.9.3 with no issues on inclination or orbit acquisition. In fact, this version seems to be a bit smoother on the control, even though I'd really like to see the proposed modifications from a few days ago implemented in the next major revision as it seems to handle rockets with aero surfaces and heavy thrust vectoring much more smoothly.

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  segaprophet said:
Ok, I'm having a bit of a problem here, I'm on the latest version for MechJeb - 1.9.3 - and it seems completely incapable of landing anything on Duna.

I enter exact lat/long coordinates into the landing computer, and MechJeb comes in way too fast, it seems stuck on one step "decelerating", even though it won't use the engines at all. It smashes my ship into the ground, usually a few hundred meters east of my intended landing site, at a few hundred meters per second.

This is getting really frustrating - is wasting a lot of my time.

Anyone else experience this?

Just a few hundred other people that already reported it to death.

  kyle.mk.howard said:
With this new update MechJeb is completely incapable of maneuvering any ship. At first I thought it was my ship, but then I flew a stock ship and encountered the same issue. It wanted to do a inclination of 315 with every flight, no matter what I set. Most times it fails to even get into orbit.


Most of the stock ships aren't even capable of flight, with or without MJ... Mine works fine so you either messed your ship up or the installation.

Also it would be cool if it'd be possible to use retrograde also on the surface so it points away from your moving direction and Keep Vert, that'd be an alternative to the land button xD

Edited by BloodyRain2k
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