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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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The minimal dV ascent has a drag effect equal to gravity effect (9.8 m/s2 on kerbin) as much of the time as is viable. This means that as vessels vary in drag, they must vary in speed at altitude.

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How to I upgrade to 2.0.7 from 1.9.8? I added the 2.0.8 files, but nothing seems to be working.

Mechjeb 2 is still in development, and as such installs separately. Different plugin, different part (that's right, singular.) Nothing from Mechjeb 1 is overwritten or changed, so you can run them side-by-side.

In order to use Mechjeb 2, you must use the Mechjeb 2 AR202 unit. If you installed overtop of 1.9.8 You'll still have all the other parts, including a second AR202 case, but the old parts will continue to use Mechjeb 1. The Mechjeb 2 AR202 is smaller than the Mechjeb 1 AR202. 75% of the size, if I recall right.

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I'm having a problem with MechJeb, I tried both the 1.9.8 and 2.0.7 versions but it doesn't add the in game options. I'm probably doing something wrong with installing it i think. I have KSP on steam but would that cause the problem?

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I'm having a problem with MechJeb, I tried both the 1.9.8 and 2.0.7 versions but it doesn't add the in game options. I'm probably doing something wrong with installing it i think. I have KSP on steam but would that cause the problem?

Not as long as you put everything in the right places. You need to put a mechjeb-enabled part on your ship in order to use any of the options. You'll get a pop-out menu on the left side with checkboxes to turn the various panes on or off. They're all off by default.

Mechjeb 1 has a couple of unmanned pods, and some probe cores both radial(In 'Command and Control') and inline(In 'command pods'). Mechjeb 2 has a single radial probe core. 1.9.8 and 2.0.x share no parts or files, and thus can be installed side by side...though I suspect mixing them on the same craft is probably less than advisable.

Edited by Tiron
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Yeah, don't mix and match parts. If you still want to use the old pods, pretty sure you can just replace the old MechJeb module in all the part.cfg files with the new one in the AR202 case.

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So I downloaded mechjeb and installed it by copying ....
Same problem. Seems really random. Nothing showing in the debugger.
I only get this problem if I ALT+TAB out while it's in the middle of the loading process.

Lol Its back on page 115. If you ALT-TAB out of KSP while it is loading parts this happens.


Stop KSP. Delete MJ2 PluginData folder. Restart KSP. WATCH ALL YOUR PARTS LOAD or pick at your navel - I dunno play and dream of 0.20's improved part loading system. :D

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Lol Its back on page 115. If you ALT-TAB out of KSP while it is loading parts this happens.

That's why I mentioned it. Didn't want to imply it was the only cause (though it probably is :))

I play in windowed mode now anyway, got tired of switching back and forth.

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Also, would like to point out that MechJeb still wants to schedule an incorrect transfer burn to other planets when you try to schedule the maneuver inside your transfer window. It enters the correct dV, but usually schedules it immediately, which obviously doesn't work.

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Hey, I read back a few pages but couldn't find if this issue had been brought up yet. Would it be possible to have a toggle to disable landing gear deployment during auto-land? I've been bringing some pretty convoluted payloads down to my Mun base recently, often encased in shipping rigs, and when all the landing legs deploy at once things get... Messy :( I'd like the option to manually deploy only those landing legs that I need.

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Hey, I read back a few pages but couldn't find if this issue had been brought up yet. Would it be possible to have a toggle to disable landing gear deployment during auto-land? I've been bringing some pretty convoluted payloads down to my Mun base recently, often encased in shipping rigs, and when all the landing legs deploy at once things get... Messy :( I'd like the option to manually deploy only those landing legs that I need.

I'm not positive about this but I think while your ship is still in the VAB you can edit the action groups and remove the payloads landing gear from the default landing gear deployment group. I don't know for sure if that will prevent mechjeb from deploying them but its worth checking.

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It's been explained a dozen times already. To convert MechJeb 1 parts or pods to MechJeb 2, in the cfg file:

1) Replace the line module = MuMechJebXXX with either module = Part or module = CommandPod.

2) Add the following lines to the MODULE section:



name = MechJebCore


Note: If you don't do Step 1, then you can keep MechJeb1 while having MechJeb2.

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Not as long as you put everything in the right places. You need to put a mechjeb-enabled part on your ship in order to use any of the options. You'll get a pop-out menu on the left side with checkboxes to turn the various panes on or off. They're all off by default.

Mechjeb 1 has a couple of unmanned pods, and some probe cores both radial(In 'Command and Control') and inline(In 'command pods'). Mechjeb 2 has a single radial probe core. 1.9.8 and 2.0.x share no parts or files, and thus can be installed side by side...though I suspect mixing them on the same craft is probably less than advisable.

Ok, thanks for the help. I think i forgot to add a mechjeb part on the rocket :P

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Not as long as you put everything in the right places. You need to put a mechjeb-enabled part on your ship in order to use any of the options. You'll get a pop-out menu on the left side with checkboxes to turn the various panes on or off. They're all off by default.

Mechjeb 1 has a couple of unmanned pods, and some probe cores both radial(In 'Command and Control') and inline(In 'command pods'). Mechjeb 2 has a single radial probe core. 1.9.8 and 2.0.x share no parts or files, and thus can be installed side by side...though I suspect mixing them on the same craft is probably less than advisable.

I had both on a ship for a while, didn't seem to cause any problems. The main ship had one of the old mechjeb pods, and it was carrying a bunch of small probes that had the new AR202 case attached. Before the probes were separated, I had both mechjeb type tabs on the right of the screen, one on top of the other. Clicking one then the other opened both menus, also on top of each other. It was easy enough to close the one I didn't need. Once a probe was on it's own, it used the mechjeb 2 interface and the main ship still had both. Once all the probes were gone, the main ship only had the original mechjeb interface. They didn't seem to conflict with each other except for the main menus being on top of each other. I've since upgraded the old parts to the new system so it doesn't matter anymore.

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Not sure if anyone has addressed this yet, but I'm having trouble with getting MechJeb 2 to recognize jet engines on my first stage of a rocket.

If I were to let the fuel run out for my jet engines, the ascent autopilot won't engage the next stage. So I have to manually start the launch with the space key, and separate the jet engines when they run out of air.

Any thoughts of a workaround? Sorry if this has already been addressed.

Here's my craft...

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Any way to change the landing target selection marker color? Right now when I try to pick a landing site, I usually cannot read the N/S coordinate, as it's white text on a yellow background so bright that the text is effectively invisible.

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It's been explained a dozen times already....

Quick question: Why does the newer AR202 case have a different module name? Specifically "MechJebAR202 ?" Something I noticed when digging through the .cfg files.

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Okay I'll be the first so some other person doesn't get in trouble. 0.20 Is Out When Will MJ 2.0.7 Be Updated To Work With The New File System ... *Gives mean Face* PROGRAM FASTER...

There that should keep the generally impatient people satisfied :P

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Quick question: Why does the newer AR202 case have a different module name? Specifically "MechJebAR202 ?" Something I noticed when digging through the .cfg files.

It has its own special module to control the lights on the case (you'll notice they change depending on which module is in operation -- very noticable when you have multiple MechJeb-enabled vehicles docked at a station).

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2.0.8 released!

MechJeb2 is compatible with the new GameData folder, so just extract the zip directly under GameData and everything should work just fine.

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