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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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omg 163 pages lol okies that like way to many for me to try and read thru.

i haves a question. i am using your most current version of your addon. I am also a rookie when it comes to KSP and piloting.

i use a keyboard for all my maneuverings plus your addon. works great up untill we get to the docking with my core space station.

I know im new to docking and stuff, have watched youtube videos on docking. but for some reason i just cant dock. even using this addon i still cant.

and its becoming very frustrating for me.

I have a rocket now that can get into orbit with enough fuel. i have a station. i used the auto docking, and it just flyies by the docking port i have selected. am i like missing something??

please help!!!!!!! cause i cant dock manualy!! i tried many ties.. made some nice fire works when i tried. but the loss of kerbil life was massive when the parts came down from orbit.

Cant Dock ( using .20 KSP and Mechjeb v2.0.8 )

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  togfox said:
Does your craft have rcs for sideways movement? Difficult to dock without that.

yes it does

The space station


The space Ship


I am also updating pictures as i use the addon. to show what i am doing


Edited by Hatsune_Neko
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Yesterday i tried to dock my tanker to mothership in orbit. Rendezvous autopilot did some strange maneuvers on the way. At least 3 circularisation and Hohmann transits, and finally calculated final approach in...68 years :sticktongue: Granted, it was highly elliptical orbit - 70x340 km, but after switching crafts and circularising at 83 km i got the same result. WTH? It was a clear rendezvous, because after disengaging autopilot i manually docked in the same orbit without any troubles. Does anyone else get this oddities? It was not present in 2.0.7.

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  Scotius said:
Yesterday i tried to dock my tanker to mothership in orbit. Rendezvous autopilot did some strange maneuvers on the way. At least 3 circularisation and Hohmann transits, and finally calculated final approach in...68 years :sticktongue: Granted, it was highly elliptical orbit - 70x340 km, but after switching crafts and circularising at 83 km i got the same result. WTH? It was a clear rendezvous, because after disengaging autopilot i manually docked in the same orbit without any troubles. Does anyone else get this oddities? It was not present in 2.0.7.

Known bug... there's a dev build .dll linked somewhere a few posts above above that fixes it.

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  Scotius said:
Yesterday i tried to dock my tanker to mothership in orbit. Rendezvous autopilot did some strange maneuvers on the way. At least 3 circularisation and Hohmann transits, and finally calculated final approach in...68 years :sticktongue: Granted, it was highly elliptical orbit - 70x340 km, but after switching crafts and circularising at 83 km i got the same result. WTH? It was a clear rendezvous, because after disengaging autopilot i manually docked in the same orbit without any troubles. Does anyone else get this oddities? It was not present in 2.0.7.

Yes, there is a dev build to fix this, or you can use radezvous planned and manuever planner. Its the same, you click align orbit > execute > hohman transfer > execute > match speed > execute ... you do more clicking but it's still automated.

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  Hatsune_Neko said:

Dude, problem can be that you have RCS on different diameter parts. then its problem to dock even for autopilot, because it has to correct like crazy for every movement. also i havent seen your dockingport which you then select as "control from here" because if that one is 45° rotated to RCS, then again its much more complicated for mechjeb to compensate.

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still having a real bad engine sputter at the end of the gravity turn, usually rips my orbital stage apart, not so much a problem with smaller engines, but anything large with a mainsail attached gets shredded, only way ive been able to by pass it is to ditch the stage before the sputter and coast until AP

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I tried to install this plugin on my KSP (v0.20, Windows 7) and I'm having issues. The parts show up and I can put them on my ship, but I never get the tabs on my UI. This shows up in the debug log:

MechJeb caught exception in core OnLoad: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.<LoadComputerModules>m__19 (System.Reflection.Assembly ass) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectManyIterator>c__Iterator14`3[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type,<>__AnonType0`2[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type]].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[<>__AnonType0`2[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type]].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectIterator>c__Iterator10`2[<>__AnonType0`2[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type],System.Type].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Type].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Type]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.LoadComputerModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnLoad (.ConfigNode sfsNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Any suggestions?

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  HoY said:
it doesn't seem to be something they are going to change :(

That is kinda sad yes, they make the amazing mechjeb but they cant move a button :S the only way to get rid of the button is to make no use of mechjeb..

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The latest dev build moves the tab so it doesn't conflict with those other buttons. Still not moveable, but at least it no longer conflicts with the game UI.

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  elkar said:
Dude, problem can be that you have RCS on different diameter parts. then its problem to dock even for autopilot, because it has to correct like crazy for every movement. also i havent seen your dockingport which you then select as "control from here" because if that one is 45° rotated to RCS, then again its much more complicated for mechjeb to compensate.


didnt know that

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  dimovski said:
And the staging icons...anyway, dont know if this was mentioned before, but Ive read somewhere that in 0.20 plugins can be made so they arent dependent on parts with their MODULE, anyone guide me how to do this? would be much better then having to add mechjeb to every single command pod every single patch.

I made a plugin for cases like that that adds modules to parts based on simple criteria, eg "CommandPod" or "CrewCapacity>0", you could try that for adding MJ to all commandpods.


Just put that under "KSP\GameData" and run the game once, it'll create it's config then under "KSP\GameData\PluginData\ModuleAttacher" where you just add "MechJebCore:CommandPod" to the end of the file.

You can ignore the two "demo" lines, if it can't find what it should add nothing happens.

  Simplicity said:
Just a question, has anyone noticed any problems using the autoland part?

I can target KSC with no problem and it does everything like in a text book (so it should it a computer) :P - however, when it's doing the final burn before landing on Kerbin at around 70m things go haywire, it starts moving form side to side almost as if it trying to correct something, and I end up losing engines or part of my landing gear when it finally hits the ground..

using smartASS I can go up and down and land with no problems at all...

That's mostlikely a problem with the Translatrons KillHS being derpy sometimes, I already gave them a fix for it that makes it in most cases more reliable.

  Innuce said:
Would be nice to have a feature in MechJeb Ascent Autopilot to jettison a stage (jet or rocket) at a predetermined altitude, even if there's fuel left in the stage. Or in the case of Jets, perhaps at a predetermined level of air intake?

You could try out my Stageable Actions plugin for that, it'd allow you to let it stage (or fire an action group) at a set altitude.


There was also a mod that did the same as far as I could tell but without the need for a part (I just did it cause it was simpler, at that time) so if you can find it on SpacePort try that too and see if it's better.

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  BloodyRain2k said:
That's mostlikely a problem with the Translatrons KillHS being derpy sometimes, I already gave them a fix for it that makes it in most cases more reliable.

Many thanks for that, it was driving me crazy.. :) -

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Well I installed the latest dev build from yesterday and gave it a little bit of a play... (Mainly only tried the Rendezvous autopilot and the docking autopilot..

Rendezvous autopilot - 10/10 - perfect, first run I told it to get no closer than 200m, and it stopped at 198.8m, second time I told it to stop at 100m, it stopped at 90m.

I put the first part of my station in orbit at 300m, and then my second ship I put at 100m then told mech jeb to do it's thing.. - it didn't try to do a new orbit or anything, just set itself up and away it went.

docking autopilot - 9/10 - nearly perfect. - Docked first time, no problems at all, the reason for the 9/10, is that even tho the docking goes without a hitch, it is miss-aligned once it is docked. (While this may not be a big deal for some, for those of us who like everything lined up this is a big deal.)

Anyway, overall, a great job guys :) :)..

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