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Just a few checklists that go into a successful mission...

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So, if anyone wants to see how I get ready for my missions, I decided I\'d post my EVA mission checklists here in one ZIP archive. I\'m pretty sure I\'m the only person who actually goes to lengths to write up checklists before missions, but for me, it really helps, since sometimes -- when I don\'t make them -- I\'ll get all the way into orbit and then realize I brought RCS tanks but no thrusters... FAIL.

Because this flight has to go perfectly the first time, I went to great pains to write up about 6 separate checklists, but I included only four in this zip archive. They aren\'t that long, and I didn\'t include the reentry checklist, as I am still writing it up.

Anyway, I recommend people to take this route on the more important missions they plan to launch. These kinds of things ensure that you don\'t screw up in the VAB and have to learn the hard way by aborting the mission after already arriving in orbit and missing out on your first Mun or spacewalk.


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I tend to numbercrunch at times, but my checklists are usually.

Launch, if does not blow on pad ofcourse...

Fly, into the ground or out of the atmosphere.

Land, and most likely kill a few kerbals...




Anyways, those are quite well made...

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Ok. Here we go!

I will be using MechJeb for this.

First EVA:

1. Build Rocket

2. Launch

3. Get Into 200 KM orbit

4. 5 Min EVA

5. Return

First Mun EVA:

1. Build Rocket

2. Launch

3. Get into 200 KM Orbit

4. Head for Mun

5. Get into orbit around the Mun

6. Land

7. 1 hour EVA

8. Put base down

9. Live on the Mun FOREVER!!

First Minmus EVA:

1. Build Rocket

2. Launch

3. Get into a 200 KM orbit

4. Head for Minmus

5. Get into a 20 KM orbit around Minmus

6. Land

7. 1-2 Hour EVA

8. Put base down

9. Live on Minmus FOREVER!!! (With a chance of getting back.)

Pretty simple plan :D.

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Ok. Here we go!

1. Build Rocket

2. Launch With Mechjeb

3. Get into 200 KM Orbit

4. Head for Mun

5. Get into orbit around the Mun

6. Land

7. EVA

8. Return

Pretty simple plan :D.

Yes, but then you don\'t have a calculated series of experiments and ideas that you\'ll be able to carry out. My mission order is as follows:

1.) Attached EVA to practice mobility while moving between fixed handles on spacecraft body.

2.) Free-floating test of the MMU. Drift 5 meters from craft and test pitch, yaw and roll axes.

3.) Free floating advanced test of the MMU. Maneuver around the ship at various distances, getting the hang of fine controlling during untethered spacewalks.

4.) Lunar surface 10 minute EVA and return/

5.) Lunar Surface 2 hour EVA and return

6.) Lunar Surface EVA series on one mission. Three EVAs planned which will span over two real-life days at the game. These will be to collect samples and perform a lot of advanced science.

7.) Minmus landing and EVA.

8.) Advanced series of Minmus EVA and sample returns.

All of these will have detailed flight plans and checklists so that I get the best performance out of my missions.

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Yes, but then you don\'t have a calculated series of experiments and ideas that you\'ll be able to carry out. My mission order is as follows:

1.) Attached EVA to practice mobility while moving between fixed handles on spacecraft body.

2.) Free-floating test of the MMU. Drift 5 meters from craft and test pitch, yaw and roll axes.

3.) Free floating advanced test of the MMU. Maneuver around the ship at various distances, getting the hang of fine controlling during untethered spacewalks.

4.) Lunar surface 10 minute EVA and return/

5.) Lunar Surface 2 hour EVA and return

6.) Lunar Surface EVA series on one mission. Three EVAs planned which will span over two real-life days at the game. These will be to collect samples and perform a lot of advanced science.

7.) Minmus landing and EVA.

8.) Advanced series of Minmus EVA and sample returns.

All of these will have detailed flight plans and checklists so that I get the best performance out of my missions.

:o I must change my plan then!

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